The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 821 Travel across the mountains and rivers for thousands of miles wantonly in 9 states and 5

Chapter 821 Traveling through the mountains and rivers for thousands of miles to indulge in the five mountains of Kyushu!

Yun Xi turned her head away, stood up full of question marks, and let Jin Mo stand beside her, wrapping her clothes around her chest.

Although Yunxi claims to be a man, his bones are much thinner than Jinmo's.

Jinmo's clothes hung down long, almost like a skirt, Yunxi seemed to feel uncomfortable being held in his arms, Jinmo tied her clothes and went back to her original position to sit down.

A circle of people around the round table are watching the two of them flirting, ambiguous, looking at each other's minds, trying to figure out their basic love.

Yunxi grabbed her clothes before thinking of the reason why Jinmo helped her tie her clothes. If she came to her aunt, the pants would definitely be... Jinmo's clothes are black...

She sat down without making a sound, and Jinmo's coat hung in front of her knees, covering her lower body.

Mo Zhe couldn't help but snorted coldly, his lips were curled up, and there was a sour taste in his eyes, "Little cutie, you are so serious, drink more hot water when your stomach hurts, what's the use of Mo's clothes?"

Yunxi smiled and picked up the water glass at hand and was about to talk, but Jinmo took the glass away from her hand and replaced it with a hot one, and said lightly at the same time.

"My body temperature is on the clothes."

Yunxi: ...

The words of this big pig's hoof are getting more and more... emmm!

Yun Xi's hand holding the water glass trembled, and suddenly wanted to pour out the hot water in the glass with a smile!

He doesn't want the face of the captain, but she wants the face of a straight man, okay?
The corners of Jinmo's lips twitched slightly, and he looked at her sideways, "My body temperature is a little higher than normal, which can help you warm up. I wear clothes to prevent you from having a stroke and catching a cold. What are you thinking?"

Yun Xi withdrew her hand that was about to splash water, and smiled.

"I was thinking, the game is about to start, captain, what are you going to play."

Jinmo came back to his senses, and realized that the only hero he missed was not chosen.

The Five team selected Bian Que as the mid laner, Hua Mulan and Guan Yu played side lanes to support, Guiguzi supported, and Marco Polo played in the jungle.

And they use the Jiang Ziya system here, Jiang Ziya + Dian Wei + Cheng Yaojin + Gan Jiang Mo Xie, the only difference is the jungler he chooses.

Brother Thumb has become serious. He is the jungler of the Five team and also a carry player. He has always regarded Jinmo as an imaginary rival. In every game, Jinmo's facial micro-expressions are the most studied.

In the last KPL autumn competition, the Five team easily won GE, but this time GE is even more loose, and it must be easier to win.

It's just that the eagle has to do his best to attack the rabbit, not to mention that he has pressed the money this time?
He smiled and showed a mouthful of gold teeth, "What will Team Jin choose? We haven't banned Gongsunli, how about Team Jin and us having an exciting Gongsunli vs. Ma Ke?"

The current junglers are just a few heroes, Marco Polo, Li Yuanfang, Gongsunli, Su Lie, etc. After all, this is the era of free junglers.

The free agent jungle can let the assistant follow, the mobility is strong and the development is fast.

Brother Thumb and the others specially released Gongsunli and sent other junglers to the Ban position, just to force Jinmo to choose Gongsunli.

With five seconds left before the selection time, Jinmo glanced at the hero pool, and calmly chose a hero who was about to fall into ashes——

Han Xin!

Bai Longyin!
Travel through the mountains and rivers for thousands of miles, wanton Kyushu and the Five Sacred Mountains!
The hero Han Xin has not appeared on the field for a long time, and few people will practice Han Xin.

The B/P link is over and the game begins!
Thumbling straightened his back and leaned lazily on the back of the chair, and slowly poured himself a glass of water, saying helplessly.

"Team Jin, even if you decide to lose, you don't have to make fun of Han Xin, do you?"

(End of this chapter)

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