Chapter 825 Infighting
Lan Xueyun's Dian Wei has been going head-to-head with Five's Hua Mulan, but the heads-up is actually impossible. Jinmo's Han Xin comes to harass her from time to time, so she is still developing steadily.

But Lan Xueyun seemed to hold her breath in her heart.

She's on the road, why is the jungler coming over to join in the fun? !

Hua Mulan's head, she wants it!

She glanced at the Canyon of Kings, a wave of team battles broke out in the bottom lane, Guan Yu of Team Five had already circled behind, a bunch of people crowded together, no one could come to support Hua Mulan.

Hua Mulan was bloodied by Han Xin, and this is a good time.

good chance!
Lan Xueyun's palms were hot and sweaty, causing the phone to slip, but her eyes were shining brightly.

It's now!

Thumbs up, it's now!

Dian Wei charged forward fearlessly, Hua Mulan retreated into the tower, Dian Wei carried the tower full of blood and vowed to take the head of Mulan's sister!
At the same time, just as agreed upon, the jungler Marco Polo appeared out of nowhere, and Biubiu's laser beam shot out, Lan Xueyun was dumbfounded.

She is dead.

Died under Team Five's defense tower, it seemed a little bit funny.

Marco Polo and Mulan did it on purpose...they did it on purpose!
How come no one came to rescue her?

Obviously, as long as someone comes to support, she can take down Hua Mulan, and she can also take down Marco Polo's head, so she can take away the two C positions on the opposite side at the same time.

Why no one came to help?
Yun Xi was playing a team, Guan Yu of the Five team went around and hacked away, and took away MIKI, and then Guan Yu ran away with Bian Que under the cover of Guiguzi.

Another characteristic of the Five team is that they never love to fight, they are very rogue in fights, they run as soon as they say they want to, and they are never attached to killing people.

Yun Xi narrowed her eyes, Bian Que's poison was still hanging on her body, and the blood was dripping off layer by layer.

She goes back to the city first.

Jinmo's Han Xin held a dragon spear in his hand, jumped forward to pick Guiguzi's head, and plunged into the wild area of ​​the Five team. Guan Yu and Bian Que continued to run without looking back.

Gong Yiheng's Cheng Yaojin was particularly ready to move, ready to move, after everyone ran away, brother Cheng Yaojin, who was wearing the skin of love and justice, dismantled the tower.

A small expert in dismantling towers.

They were in an orderly manner, and Lan Xueyun was trembling alone.

She's a girl, she's dead, no one came to see and ask a question?When Mr. Yun was beaten to death just now, Team Jin even patted his head.

Sure enough, GE is simply...

Lan Xueyun sneered, Dian Wei came back to life, coldly brushed past Mo Xie, who was also standing in the spring, and threw himself into the battlefield.

Then Dian Wei started selling like crazy.

In fact, since Jinmo started playing professionally, he has never seen such a vicious sell-off in a game... It's like a shame.

Lan Xueyun's eyes were firm, she looked directly into Jinmo's eyes, and twitched the corners of her lips.

"Team, don't worry, I'll leave GE by myself after the game, you don't need to ask me."

I'm having a hard time, so don't bother you.

If you hate me, I will hate you to death.

Team Five is a group of money-making teams without professional beliefs, and they don't think there is anything wrong with what Lan Xueyun did, they just know that they are going to win.

Originally, Jiang Ziya's system was the early stage lineup, plus Cheng Yaojin and Dian Wei's early development of line fighters, but due to Lan Xueyun's malicious troubles, the game time was lengthened.

The Five team also developed, and GE's early advantage gradually disappeared.

Brother Thumb's mood immediately improved, and he gave Lan Xueyun a thumbs up.

"You are such a good girl. Come to Five after you leave GE. With you, I think it will be very interesting for us to play against GE in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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