The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 826 Beware of Li Bai and Han Xin

Chapter 826 Beware of Li Bai and Han Xin

The GE team must be annoyed by this Lan Xueyun, and they want to kill her when they see her.

People are not precise machines, and playing games with emotions will definitely affect them, and the emotion of "anger" will affect judgment.

GE already has a Jinmo who is like a machine, and there is another Mr. Yun who is as focused on dual-tasking as him and has a terrible operation. It seems that the qualifiers may not be able to trap them.

So, if you meet them in KPL, let's write an article from their psychology.

Anyway, it doesn't cost much to raise an idler.

Even after spending money, let her spit it out.

Brother Thumb happily smiled, and for the last time in a team fight, he was forced to Yunxi's crystal.

Standing in front of the crystal are only the blood strips, Mo Xie, the bloodshot dragging his wife, and Han Xin, who is holding a dragon gun. Bian Que on the opposite side is killed, Guan Yu is bitten off by Cheng Yaojin, leaving Hua Mulan with blood, Gui Guzi and Ma Ke.

Lan Xueyun leaned comfortably on the back of the chair, and took her hands off the phone.

She knew that it was a risk for her to do so, and she had completely offended GE, but so what?
She is barefoot and she is not afraid of their shoes. GE has been so shameless that he has canceled her Weibo, does not expose her existence, and maliciously excludes her. She is doing this as self-defense, isn't it? !

It's GE's fault that she doesn't fit in at all!

Thumb is also ready to take his hands off the phone.

Three against two, oh, General Mo Xie's Resurrection A is on CD, it should be three against one.

It was Han Xin who hit.

Brother Thumb smiled brightly, and his golden teeth were shining brightly.

"Okay, team, the game is over..."

The game is not over yet!
Mo Xie, Yun Xi's go-getter, retreated quickly with a trace of blood, Han Xin did not retreat but advanced, his second and third skills cut to the disabled Marco Polo, and Yun Xi followed closely to output and harvest the heads.

After jumping, Han Xin stood behind Hua Mulan, cut to death Guiguzi who was already dying, and then retreated instead of advancing, and ran towards the unsuspecting Five's crystal.

A new wave of soldiers appeared from the crystal, and Yunxi recovered a bar of health and left the spring, standing on the edge of danger to test.

Between Yun Xi and Han Xin, Hua Mulan chooses Mo Xie, who will kill Yun Xi first!
With the blue buff on Han Xin's head, she may not be able to catch up, but as long as Mo Xie is dead, Hua Mulan is confident that she can wait until her soldiers come to push the tower!
Yunxi walked out of the crystal, a trace of blood was very tempting.

On the opposite side is the half-blooded Mulan.

The minions of the Five team came from the bottom lane and the middle lane, and the minions in the middle lane rushed towards the crystal of the Five team.

Han Xin's Dragon Spear makes a dragon chant, rushing to the enemy's crystal!

Gong Yiheng couldn't help becoming nervous when he saw it, and shouted.

"Cheer up, captain! Han Xin singled out the crystal! Brat, stop Hua Mulan!!"

When the soldiers attacked, Yunxi's general, Mo Xie, naturally entered the crystal shrimp. There was still a smile on her lips, and there was no trace of nervousness on her face, but her operations were extremely sensitive.

Gan Jiang Moxie is a standard fort mage, but she played it like an assassin.

Yun Xi's voice was not loud, it rang in everyone's eyes.

"we won."

Brother Thumb did not expect the situation to develop like this, he looked nervously at the high ground of Yun Xi's house, and said harshly.

"Impossible! I'm going to be resurrected soon! You're going to die too! We're sure to win!!"

When the voice fell, the system heard the sound of killing!
"Hua Mulan killed General Mo Xie!!"

Then the sound of crystal shattering sounded——

Everyone's screens are still on a picture——

Han Xin with the silver-armored dragon spear stood in front of the crystal that was blown into crumbs, raised his dragon spear, and smiled defiantly.

Travel through the mountains and rivers for thousands of miles, wanton Kyushu and the Five Sacred Mountains!
Jin Mo said lightly.

"Get ready, the next KPL, be careful of Li Bai and Han Xin."

He will send Li Bai and Han Xin to the BAN position.

(End of this chapter)

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