The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 828 Don't Think This Is Forget It

Chapter 828 Don't Think This Is Forget It

Lan Xueyun was startled by Yun Xi's cold and stern tone and words, she couldn't help but take a step back.

"'s not that serious, it's just a game."

"One game? You can sell your teammates in one game, isn't it fun? The third-line actors in the game are not as low as you!"

Yun Xi stood up abruptly, stood for a while, then sat back down, raised her legs and tapped her lips, with icicles hidden in her eyes.

"Do you feel that GE is sorry for you? I'm sorry, you don't deserve us to be sorry. You want to quit GE, right? Go back and read the contract carefully, and pay the liquidated damages at night."

"Or, you can ask your new team to pay you liquidated damages."

Brother Thumb immediately shook his head when he received Yun Xi's gaze.

"No, no, don't get me wrong, I won't compete with GE, no, I'm picking up trash."

Lan Xueyun panicked instantly, she walked over to grab Thumbling's sleeve, her brain seemed to be working a little bit, but she never expected that Team Five would not want him.

"Captain, you told me to act just now, and you told me to betray you! You have to admit it!"

Thumbs shook his arms in disgust.

"Who asked you to act?! I'm a professional. How could I do such a dirty thing?! Stay away from me, are you trying to blackmail me?!"

Lan Xueyun was thrown away by him, and she backed up, while Team Five quietly moved the bench away from her.

Who dares to want this woman?
A person who dares to sell even his teammates!

Lan Xueyun didn't expect this to happen. She is the only female team member. She plays very well. She can completely contain Team Five's Hua Mulan. She...she...

There are some problems with Lan Xueyun's worldview.

Since she joined GE, all her friends and parents who play games have praised her to the sky, and every day they praise her as "the light of hope for KPL women's e-sports".

She joined GE, which is famous for its handsome men. In the past, Mr. Yun was favored as a group favorite. She, a girl, would definitely be favored by Mr. Yun in the past. That is not the group favorite among group pets.

But who knows that's not the case at all.

No one cared about her at all, and she was the last to know that the club had moved. She had to beg the foreigner who was too lazy to take care of her to come here by car.

Otherwise, she will be abandoned, right?

It's obviously GE's fault, what's wrong with her revenge?
Why did everyone say she was wrong, but instead she became someone no one wanted?

Yun Xi tilted her head and looked at Lan Xueyun one more time.

She didn't expect Lan Xueyun to be so stupid or insane enough to play her teammate in a match with someone else, and then she still felt that there was nothing wrong with it.

If things go on like this, can she pour gasoline in their villa and burn them all to death?
What made Lan Xueyun feel that everyone in GE owed her?

Yun Xi was too lazy to guess, and she didn't bother to take care of it, but Lan Xueyun broke the contract by herself, and she had to bear the consequences herself.

Lan Xueyun neither advanced nor retreated, Gong Yiheng moved his wrists and sat back on the chair, his handsome face was full of impatience.

"If it wasn't for not beating women, she would be a pig now."

Edward glanced at him, then at Yunxi, drinking water silently.

Jinmo poured another glass of water for Yunxi, without even looking at Lan Xueyun, as indifferent as if this person didn't exist.

"Lan Xueyun, go back to settle your affairs at night. GE is not a bathroom, you come first and leave as you like, and you don't need to clean up anything left behind."

"I ask you to compensate for the things you did, the losses caused, the money I spent to silence the news, and the things you stole from the club."

(End of this chapter)

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