The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 829 Blood Collapse...

Chapter 829 Blood Collapse...

Jinmo's tone was very polite, he didn't bother to scold Lan Xueyun at all, but it made people imagine what kind of money it was.

Lan Xueyun secretly sold the decorations in the club, and secretly took photos...

Her lips quivered.

"I...I can't afford it, I'm sorry...I...I really can't afford it."

Only when money and reality are involved can a lunatic be calm.

She just realized, is she going to jail?
She seems to have done some things, testing on the edge of the law.

Jinmo turned his head, folded his hands on his knees, his whole body was as indifferent as a handsome statue.

Lan Xueyun looked at Jinmo expectantly, and Jinmo's lips parted slightly.

"You can't afford to..."

"What does it have to do with me?"

Lan Xueyun's face instantly turned blue-gray.

Yun Xi couldn't hold back, she burst out laughing, Jin Mo rubbed her head, and looked at Yun Xi's thigh... the root with undetectable eyes.

Yun Xi coughed lightly, pretending nothing happened.


At the last moment of the game just now, the blood beneath her has already collapsed...


The fight was so exciting, and my aunt was also very excited, so she streamed down excitedly.

Yun Xi was embarrassed, very embarrassed.

She looks calm on the outside but flustered on the inside. The more she panicked, the more she drank water, and the more she drank water, the more she wanted to go to the toilet.

After drinking the second glass of water, the little fairy Yunxi wanted to go to the toilet.

Then the problem is coming...

Does she go to the men's room or the women's room? ?

Yunxi never went to the bathroom outside because she rarely drank water, but today, the auntie was prone to urgent urination, and she had a stomachache and drank more hot water.

So Yunxi has to face the biggest problem in life——!
Does she want to go to the men's room or the women's room——!
Only minors do multiple choice questions, Yunxi is an adult, she chooses to hold back.

Yunxi pressed her left leg on her right leg, smiling and listening to the chatting of a group of people. Not long after, her right leg pressed on her left leg again, pulling Jinmo's clothes down.

"Yun Xi."

Jin Mo called Yun Xi suddenly, Yun Xi was feeling uncomfortable, and cast a listless glance at him.


I would like to say.

"Do you want to go to the bathroom?"

Yunxi: ...

Big trotter, do you want to expose my gender by asking this question? !
The smile on Yunxi's face remained the same, and she pressed her left leg on her right again, with a calm expression on her face.

"Do not."

The little fairy never went to the toilet.

"I know you have a cleanliness freak, the restrooms here are all separate compartments..."

"I'm going to wash my hands."

Before Jinmo finished speaking, Yunxi stood up calmly and walked towards the door without looking sideways.

Forget, this is a five-star restaurant, and the bathroom is also separate.


Cloud. Emperor attack. Xi.

Even if you suffocate.

Even if you don't talk or move, you definitely don't go to the bathroom.

Really fragrant.

Yun Xi's mood suddenly brightened. She had just taken two steps when her shoulders were suddenly caught.

Yunxi: I have a hunch that a husky is approaching...

Gong Yiheng patted Yun Xi's shoulder with a smile.

"Hey brat, I want to go to the toilet too. I drank a little too much water just now. Shall we go together?"

Yunxi: ...No!

"What are you afraid of, you are a man and I am a man, and I won't be so bored as to peek at you in the toilet."

Gong Yiheng said carelessly, Yunxi was in a situation where her aunt was having sidestream flow/wanted to go to the bathroom/backache and stomachache, and her smile was a bit forced.

"I'm not used to going to the bathroom with people. Going to the bathroom together is a woman's thing."

After Yun Xi's words came out, Gong Yiheng raised his eyebrows and smiled, and said to Yun Xi in a low voice.

"Stinky boy, are you so nervous because..."

Yun Xi relaxed her body, feeling a little tense in her heart.

It doesn't make sense that big pig's hooves can't see it, but Gong Yiheng can see it?

Is it the nature of straight men?
"Is it because you are so short??"

(End of this chapter)

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