The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 835 No Top Lane Team

Chapter 835 No Top Lane Team

Jinmo just knocked on the door, and the door was opened. Yunxi, who was wrapped in a bathrobe with wet hair, raised her head and looked at Jinmo, raising her eyebrows.

"Captain, do you want to come in and wash together?"

Playing with Jinmo has almost become a daily routine, and Yun Xi comes as soon as he opens his mouth.

Yunxi was in the shower, and the bathroom was covered with white mist. Jinmo went to get a towel. Yunxi sat on the bed and Jinmo first brought her the brown sugar water, and then wiped her hair.

The dark brown sugar water doesn't look very good, Jinmo explained, "I added red dates for you."

Auntie didn't have a stomachache and didn't have any special reactions. Yunxi thought she didn't need to drink this thing, but for the sake of Jinmo's kindness, she still drank the brown sugar water.

She took a sip, and found that Jinmo was quietly watching her expression while brushing her hair.

Pipixi couldn't help thinking about it, she clutched her stomach and let out an "Ouch", Jinmo immediately stopped the movement of her hands, and snatched the brown sugar water from her hand.

"What's wrong? What's wrong?"

He put his warm hands on Yunxi's lower abdomen, and he didn't act like a rascal, just because he was afraid that her stomach would hurt.

Yun Xi sticks out her tongue.

"Oh~ it's delicious~ I hope you have the talent to be a cook~"

Jin Mo shook his head helplessly.


Yunxi sipped the brown sugar water, and waited until her hair was dry after drinking it, and drove Jinmo out of the bedroom to broadcast live for two hours, and when the rest of GE came back, she hung out and ate dinner like a normal person.

Mo Zhe himself was resentful about the fact that the two of them never returned. He brushed back his long flaxen hair, wiped off the lipstick on his lips, and glanced at the table.

"Mr. Yun is really a favorite of the group. When his stomach hurts, there is no chili on our table. I haven't eaten spicy food for a long time. I'm really not used to it."

Gong Yiheng was in a good mood, he leaned back on the chair and said lazily, "I ate too much at noon today, and now I don't even have the stomach to eat. It's the same for everything. It's a pity you didn't eat it, brat. Alas, it's a rare meal." eat."

Yun Xi was also drinking water when she was full, when she heard Gong Yiheng's words, she put down the water and raised her lips.

"You like to eat, I will take you to eat in the future."

Gong Yiheng's eyes widened for a moment, and then he couldn't help but burst out laughing, and wanted to put his hands on Yun Xi's shoulders again, but when he saw Jin Mo's face, he withdrew his hands again.

"Okay, brat, you keep your word, I will remember! But our top order has gone, where can we recruit another one?"

Gong Yiheng changed his style of painting, and mentioned the issue he is most worried about now.

Lan Xueyun was fired by them, and now they have entered the embarrassing situation of not having a top order.

GE's current situation is actually pretty bad.

How to say, a little subtle.

The future of GE is not optimistic by many people. After Yunxi joined GE, it attracted the attention of the outside world, which made GE's "burden" this time heavier than before.

If GE loses, the new top laner is likely to become a target of public criticism, and has been infamous for a long time like MIKI.

And no one knows the pressure on GE's top laner, but anyone who has achieved something is working hard for the championship, and they are more willing to choose a safe team.

The intensity of this secondary league is unprecedented. Two e-sports giants have prepared an official team and a youth training team ready to attack this QGC. There are also retired old opponents from the last KPL. In addition, there are still uncertainties The dark horse of e-sports is hidden in it.

As a team whose reputation is not very good and the prospects are not very promising, and it is likely to go to "debut photo shoot" team after losing, no matter what the official explanation of GE is, they do not show their results and want to attract new players with strength is difficult.

(End of this chapter)

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