The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 836 Leave the rest to me

Chapter 836 Leave the rest to me
Of course, it doesn't mean that no one has signed up. On the contrary, because of Yunxi's popularity and good looks, coupled with the good looks of GE's first-timers, GE has attracted a lot of fans this time.

As a result, the number of women who applied for GE was far greater than that of men, and the number of applicants was uneven. Many people signed up with well-written resumes, but the operation was terrible.

GE even received a lot of "vase" resumes. They felt that GE was going to "debut" with a male model team, and all the well-dressed ones came over and took a step.

GE is now looking for top laners, they can change one every day, but they need to find a top laner who is capable and stable and can cooperate with them...

It's really tough.

Gong Yiheng rubbed his temples, "Captain, Lan Xueyun is already the most capable one in the last resume submission, at least she is a normal solo leader with 100 stars, but our personality doesn't match her at all after being recruited. "

Yun Xi tapped the water glass with her fingertips.

After losing the top order of GE in the last KPL, he retired and went home to marry, open a store and have a baby. I heard that even the glory of the king was uninstalled, which shows that he was hit badly.

If you want to deal with a group of arrogant people like GE, you can't do without a strong psychological endurance. If you are not careful, you may have a mental breakdown.

"Are you still recruiting? Can you show me your resume?"

Jinmo would naturally not reject Yunxi's opinion, "Let's go back to the base tomorrow to have a look, there are so many people, it's impossible not to pick a top order."

Having said that, the table fell silent.

Lan Xueyun's grades were not bad, but she got along with a group of them like this. After lunch, she signed Team Five in front of them. In Lan Xueyun's eyes, GE was sorry for them.

The thumb of the Five team is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and I don’t know how many rumors will be spread later.

GE is famous in the e-sports circle for its aloofness. A group of college domineering handsome guys are aloof and have their own tempers. They are not very popular among a group of nerds, and of course they don't care about it.

But when it comes to recruiting...

After all, there are still many ordinary people. After being honed, ordinary people will emit dazzling light and become new gems.

And they are too dazzling and out of place, naturally many people want them to disappear in this arena, especially they also found a good-looking anchor who is suspected of being a fake beating on the Internet.

"Don't think so much."

Jinmo's voice woke them up from the bad atmosphere, and Jinmo's eyes were cold and stern, but they were always so reliable.

"This is the arena, we just need to win! You guys train well, and leave the selection to me."

We've always wanted champions.

"My players only need to worry about how to play, they only need to work hard for the championship, and leave the rest to me."

Because of the little monster, he was a little too slack in the competition these days.

Jinmo actually finds it incredible that he is a workaholic at all, with abstinence and restraint steeped in his bone marrow, but he didn't expect that because Yunxi was alone, he would lose so much energy.

Even a top order made so many things.

Jin Mo pursed his lips, and couldn't help but blame himself.

Remorse and no regrets.

If he lost his heart because of this, he might regret it even more.

But now, no matter whether the little monster accepts his wishes or not, the little monster can only be his, and will only be his, and he will take good care of the little monster.

Take care of GE too.

Win the championship with the little monster, and hold the championship trophy together!
As he thought about it, he felt a sudden warmth on the back of his hand.

Yun Xi put her hand on the back of his hand and stared ahead.

"The vacation is over, let us work hard together."

 Liu Ruchi: IG is awesome!
  It's okay to be worthy of yourself and not to live up to the suffering you have suffered!Congratulations to IG for losing the runner-up and winning the championship with tears!Excellent! !

(End of this chapter)

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