The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 838 Interesting Interviewer

Chapter 838 Interesting Interviewer

The onlookers ran away, Yun Xi put his hands in his pockets, holding candy in one hand, and went to interview the newcomers who were running for the top lane.

After receiving the news of the interview, a group of people lined up at the door and entered the room one by one.

The minimum requirements for reaching GE are all single-row kings with 100 stars. Yunxi did not expect that there are twenty or thirty people who meet the requirements alone.

When did the king rank of Glory of Kings become so worthless?
When these people came in, Yun Xi couldn't laugh or cry.

The one who came in first was a beautiful girl, about fourteen or fifteen years old, wearing a short pink skirt with double ponytails and light eyeshadow.

She is not short, but she wants to pretend to be a lolita.

With a backpack on her back, she approached timidly, sat on the chair in the middle of the interview, looked at Yunxi shyly, and slowly blushed.

Yunxi: ...

Yunxi and Jinmo glanced at each other, Yunxi picked up the pen on the table, put his palms together on the table, "Little sister, are you a king?"

"Yeah!" The girl nodded earnestly, flicking her ponytails behind her head, and then said, "I can sing too. Little brother, let me sing you a song, okay?"

Jin Mo's face was expressionless, and Yun Xi said "Okay".

After Yun Xi finished speaking, the little loli stood up. She was not standing on the ground, but on a chair, twisting her body and singing.

"My name is Angela~I'm usually very obedient~but the premise is that you don't touch my doll~otherwise I'll show you my black magic~I promise I can send you home in just one second~"

Yunxi and Jinmo exchanged glances again, she saw the black line on Jinmo's face, she smiled helplessly, and clapped her hands.

"You sing very cutely. What hero are you best at, Angela?"

The girl got down from the chair, took out a tissue and wiped the chair carefully, turned around and sat back before speaking.

"Yeah, I'm Angela in the national costume! I can also sing Wang Zhaojun, and I can sing..."


Yunxi made a static gesture, "I think we have to verify your strength."

Ten minutes later, this "Angela" ran away from the side door with her "rag doll" in her arms, and Yun Xi rubbed her temples in the interview room with a helpless expression on her face.

"Ji team, I think GE will be cold if it goes on like this."

This big loli is here to show off her cuteness, isn't she really as strong as the [-]-star solo national server?Ranking in the three rows is a hindrance, and the reverse zooms in...

Jinmo didn't make a sound, he flipped through the application records, "She used to be good at typing."

But when it came time for the interview, his eyes were glued to Yunxi, and his position depended on floating, so of course he couldn't.

When selecting candidates, another test is the beauty test.


Yunxi said without much expectation.

As soon as the next person came in, there was a sound of breathing in the office. Not only did the corners of Yunxi's lips twitch, but the brows also twitched.

Why is there a long-legged lady in black silk? ?
The long black silk legs are very eye-catching. After the young lady came in, she sat down on the chair, raised her chin, and stared at Yunxi, who put the pen on the table.

"Hello, please introduce yourself."

The young lady licked her lips, her face full of interest, she obviously regarded Yun Xi as a little milk dog.

It has to be said that Yunxi has caught many female bosses with good looks and good personalities.

In other words, women's clothing bigwigs.

"My name is Xu Guang, hello big brothers."

As soon as the boss opened his mouth, there was a strong taste of northeast men.

Yunxi: ...

(End of this chapter)

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