The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 839 Xiao Xi, I'm Going Soon

Chapter 839 Xiao Xi, I'm Going Back Soon
After screening [-] players who came to compete for the top laner, Yun Xi only felt that her kidneys were not doing well.

GE is such an aloof team, how come there are some strange people here? ?

She sighed, leaning back on the chair, the black pen turning a black shadow between her fingers.

"Sincerely, I'll ask my anchor friends again to see if anyone wants to play professionally."

If someone could come, Yun Xi would have called him long ago.

Most of the players who played well were poached, and there were some who liked freedom by nature. Just like her before, they never considered playing professionally at all, and some of them didn't know how to play top laner at all, and liked to carry the whole game in the jungle just like her.

Yun Xi couldn't figure it out, with such a huge group of Glory of Kings players, she still couldn't find a good top laner?
Jinmo poured a cup of hot water and put it in front of her, "Don't worry, take your time."

No matter what happened, apart from Yunxi's cheating, Jinmo's expression didn't change much, he was still indifferent, as if the sky falling was nothing more than that.

Seeing Jinmo's expression, Yunxi breathed a sigh of relief, stood up and prepared to go out and exercise.

"For the rest of Jinmo, you should interview first. I'm afraid I won't be able to keep my smile if I stay longer. If I'm not here, I will reduce the pressure on them and let them play freely."

At least the little girl coming should be staring at the game screen instead of her face.

She is still looking forward to the high-level girls who can play Angela. Unfortunately, even if it is Angela in the national server, what they want is the top laner instead of the mid laner. Many girls lie and come here, which is also very troublesome. ah.

Yun Xi finished drinking the water in the glass, walked out the back door of the office, put on sunglasses and wandered around.

She wandered to the balcony, and the phone rang suddenly. She picked it up and saw that it was a message sent by her brother. The corners of her lips curled up involuntarily, and the smile on her face could not be concealed.

When I called back, No on the other side seemed to have woken up for a long time, and his voice was as clear as a spring with natural warmth.

"Xiao Xi, I'm going back soon."

The news Yunxi received was the same, but she was not at ease at all, she habitually found a wall to lean against, "Brother Sui, don't worry, we haven't started playing QGC yet, don't worry, no matter what Put your body first..."

"Xiao Xi, I know my body."

No interrupted Yunxi's words, his voice was very steady, a little more open-minded than when he first went to America.

Just as Yun Xi was about to speak, he interrupted Yun Xi again.

"I also know what you and the captain are hiding from me. Xiao Xi, I know what's going on with my body better than anyone else."

Yun Xi pursed her lips, suddenly feeling a little dry.

Brother Sui knows that he has problems with many functions of his body, but he still chooses to come back so early, which means...

A terrible conjecture slipped through his mind, Yun Xi kept his mind steady, and tried to raise a smile on the corners of his lips.

"Brother Sui, now that you know, don't worry, you must heal your body before you come back! We will go to the finals together and win the trophy together, and I won't play next year. GE's mid laner can only be You!"

Suigege, don't give up!

No listened softly to Yunxi, and he gently comforted Yunxi.

"Xiao Xi, you're overthinking. Aren't there many hospitals in China? I don't want to be half a world away from you. I just miss you."

"Then... I know, even if I come back from the United States, I won't be able to play professionally."

"Xiao Xi, I know all about it."

(End of this chapter)

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