The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 855 The son's treatment is good

Chapter 855 The son's treatment is good
Yunxi slept all night on the balcony where Jinmo slept, and Jinmo laid a bed on the floor inside. Cen Ziyan, who was worried about what happened to Yunxi, was wrapped in a small quilt and slept until dawn without taking off his shoes.

In the half month since he left Yunxi this summer vacation, he didn't eat well and didn't sleep well, and the average sleep time per day didn't exceed three hours.

It's also because his skin foundation is really good, just staying up all night to lose weight and become more beautiful, not to mention, there is not even a small pimple on the skin.

The sound of assembly sounded in the morning, and a group of GE people went down to eat, and they were running around late. Gong Yiheng sat at the dining table and asked curiously while spreading caviar on the sandwich.

"What about the little fat man? Where did you go last night?"

Could it be that he slept at the captain's door and was thrown out by the captain?

Jinmo covered Yunxi with a tablecloth and said, "He fell asleep in our room, and when he woke up, we went to GE together."

Gong Yiheng was almost stuck in his throat by the sandwich.

"Ahem... Captain, what are you talking about? That fat man fell asleep in your room with the stinky boy? Wow, this is so unfair! You threw me out when I was about to enter the house, but that guy went in and slept? !"

Gong Yiheng's heart was seriously unbalanced, MIKI raised his hand and patted Gong Yiheng's back, "Camus, after all, you are like a husky, and most people will not let you in the house."

Gong Yiheng: ...

MIKI how did you become a werewolf? ?
A little more than a ruthless man.

Jin Mo said lightly.

"After all, he is the son of me and Yun Xi."

Yun Xi was going to drink milk, but when she heard this, she almost squirted the milk, and she coughed because of choking.

Do you still remember that incident in school?

It was because of this that Jinmo let Cen Ziyan into the house, and it was really not for him to sleep with him? ?
Yun Xi's suspicious eyes were exchanged for Jin Mo's "pure and innocent" eyes.

Cough cough Actually, Jinmo doesn't have any eyes, his face is paralyzed all the time, and everything about innocence is Yun Xi's imagination.

After eating, screams came from the fourth floor, and Cen Ziyan stepped on the stairs downstairs, looking at Yunxi nervously.

"Brother Yun, I slept with you... It's not that I'm late... It's not that I fell asleep! Ah—"

On the first day he came to GE, he slept in Brother Yun's bed, and he seemed to have offended GE's big trotter captain!
He didn't even think about it, if it wasn't for the acquiescence of the captain of the big pig's trotters, how could he touch Yun Xi's bed.

Jinmo glanced at him, Gong Yiheng raised his lips and clicked his tongue.

"The treatment of my son is good! Hey little fat man, let's go to the new base together today, and we will interview you as a group, so hold on."

All of GE's starters interview him?
Cen Ziyan was a little timid.

Gong Yiheng glanced at his trembling legs, and added with a smile, "Hold on, don't embarrass the brat."

"Sure! I'm sure I won't embarrass Brother Yun!"

Immediately, Cen Ziyan was resurrected with full blood as if he had just received chicken blood, and he clenched his fists to cheer himself up.

Gong Yiheng turned his head, bumped Yunxi with his elbow, and said in a low voice.

"Hey brat, did you plan to let this little fat man come over and be our top laner? You said it earlier, and I will help you train him to ensure that he is stronger than now."

Yun Xi hooked her lips, "No, I didn't expect him to come either."

Gong Yiheng was stunned.

"Ah? It's not you? Then this little fat man is not a hardworking person..."

"Speak less while eating."

Jinmo spoke, and the dining table became quiet again.

Only Edward looked at Cen Ziyan, unable to eat a single grain of rice.

Desperate for Yun Xi?Such a person?

(End of this chapter)

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