Chapter 856 Quiet me!
Cen Ziyan, who was a little nervous for GE's starters, took a car, and Su Qingyun, who was eager to show his affection, changed to a new off-road vehicle and came to pick up Mo Zhe, along with Edward and the team manager.

Together from the villa to GE's new club.

There was a lot of cars blocking the entrance of the club, and a group of reporters with microphones surrounded the entrance.

From a distance in the car, the reporters could see that they had spotted their car and began to surround them.

Gong Yiheng rested his arms on the back of the chair behind Jinmo, and stroked his lower lip with his fingers.

"What's going on here? No one should know the news that we're coming back."

Yunxi squinted her eyes and looked at it, she was still lazily leaning on the back of the chair. Yesterday she slept on the floor, and Jinmo added several layers of cushions for her to prevent her from catching cold, but the cushions were too soft and she slept quite comfortably. Woke up feeling weak.

"Team Five must have released the news that Lan Xueyun was bought by Big Thumbs. Now they are highly sensitive to GE's top laner. We can't hide from them that we took Cen Ziyan back to GE yesterday."

"Well, it seems that a group of people are going to make trouble again?"

Yun Xi said lazily, her voice sounded very comfortable, she obviously didn't take this matter seriously.

Gong Yiheng, who was a little nervous at first, also relaxed, and he elbowed Cen Ziyan.

"Little fat man, you will be under a lot of pressure today."

Yun Xi answered, "It's okay, I'm here."

Cen Ziyan felt relieved and nodded silently, he will work hard.

The car stopped at the entrance of GE's newly relocated club, and a group of reporters surrounded them like wasps. The bodyguards hired by GE club and dressed in black stopped them back, and the flashing lights were dazzling for a while.

GE people are used to being interviewed, and they have long been used to this posture.

Jin Mo pushed open the door, stepped on the ground with black leather shoes, Mo Mo glanced coldly around.

The noisy voice suddenly died down like a dumb record, and then the voices of the reporters grew louder.

"The GE club has already found a new top laner, which proves that you are going to participate in QGC in a complete form?!"

"Sincerely, I heard that your original top laner was a female member of the Five team, but now you are expelled because you despise women? Is this true?"

"GE never accepts women. Is it because Captain Jin Mojin is gender-discriminated?"

"I heard that there are many gays in your team, is it true?"

If it is for playing games, a half-life team like GE can't attract so many reporters, but when it comes to gossip, I'm afraid that since Yunxi joined GE, GE has become the favorite team of reporters and editors.

There is new material to write every day, which is simply exciting.

Jin Mo's eyebrows frowned slightly, Yun Xi pushed the car door down, and closed the car door behind his back.

When the reporters saw Yunxi, it was like a bee seeing flowers, and they almost broke through the bodyguards and went around.

Yun Xi put one hand in his pocket, rubbed the candy wrapper in his pocket with his fingertips, and the smile on his face became brighter when he heard the buzzing questions.

Didn't expect Lan Xueyun to make a fuss about feminism and homosexuality?

Gender discrimination is a sensitive topic that is not too sensitive in China, but it can cause demonstrations abroad.

"Be quiet."

Yun Xi's voice was not loud, and was immediately covered by the noise of a group of people. Yun Xi raised his eyebrows slightly, and opened the back door of the car. Cen Ziyan handed over his support microphone and was about to speak.

Yunxi said "wait for me here" and closed the car door, lightly tapped the microphone with her hand, and then the super loud voice directly overwhelmed all the noise in the audience.

"Give me peace!"

(End of this chapter)

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