The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 857 What's wrong!

Chapter 857 What's wrong!

Yun Xi's voice was a little cold, and the voices of the audience were all suppressed by her voice, and a group of reporters pointed their cameras at her.

Yunxi crossed her legs and leaned lazily on the car door behind her. In front of the huge and hard off-road vehicle was a lazy and slender teenager with a loose white shirt on her body. She raised a hand to block her eyes.

The sound in the speaker is clearly delivered to everyone's ears.

"I don't like when people put flashlights in my eyes."

Now the reporters were buzzing, the flash light not only didn't dim, but also brightened more and more as if in revenge, Yun Xi's hands blocking her eyes were clenched into fists lightly.

"Oh? It seems that you are here to find trouble, right? Don't you even understand basic etiquette?"

In the car, Gong Yiheng elbowed Cen Ziyan again, "Hey little fat man, did you notice that, the brat seems to be different. She used to be gentle when facing reporters, but now she seems to speak with pricks. "

Cen Ziyan clasped and loosened his hands in front of him, looked out of the window with a smile on his lips, "Brother Yun cares about you, GE, that's why she said that. It turns out that Brother Yun doesn't care about many things, so he can keep it up." Grace."

A group of reporters who caught the limelight over and over again came to provoke him. Even a saint would be angry, right?

What's more, this is Baby Yunxi's GE.

When the reporters heard Yun Xi's words, they turned off the flashlights in embarrassment, but the microphones were all pointed in her direction, and the black microphones looked like a mess of briquettes.

They are crowded and chaotic.

Yunxi is lazy and handsome.

Although his words were blunt, Yun Xi's posture was still completely charming, charming like a nobleman.

Facing a group of problems, she gently picked her lips. Under the sun, her thin lips were covered with a natural and healthy powder, as if a layer of lip gloss had been applied on them, bright and charming.

"You don't need to ask one by one, I know what questions you want to ask."

After she finished speaking, the scene fell silent for an instant.

The reporters waited for Yunxi to give them an explanation. Yunxi glanced at the group of reporters around her, her thin lips parted slightly, and the smile on her face instantly turned into indifference.

"My answer is, what does this have to do with you? GE spends your money, and whoever is hired and fired has to be notified to reporters?!"

Unexpectedly, Yunxi would say such a thing. Everyone present was stunned. The reporters immediately exploded into a pot of porridge, and the words were nothing more than "such arrogance is not the attitude of a public figure", "The default is to cover up It's the truth", "Mr. Yun actually spoke out against the reporter, the gentle character of Mr. Yun that the former GE female team members said really collapsed", etc., etc.

Yunxi put down the microphone, tapped the back of the microphone lightly with the back of her hand, Jinmo had already stood beside her, the group of reporters were a little afraid of the coldness of Jinmo, and even more afraid of Jinmo's power, they didn't push their way over desperately. Can stay behind the cordon of bodyguards.

Yunxi seems to want to destroy her gentle persona today.

Does she actually have this thing?

Her tenderness is only for cute girls, but many people seem to have misunderstood something.

She is an anchor?

That's right.

She is a team member, yes.

But she is also the authentic prince of Dynasty Film and Television Company, the daughter of the actor and queen, if she wants to be dragged, why not? !

"It's true that you are reporters, but we are not entertainment stars, we are professional e-sports players! You don't have to come over to ask any questions in the future, wait for us to stand on the championship podium, and then raise your camera!"

(End of this chapter)

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