The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 874 No wonder Team Jin likes you so much

Chapter 874 No wonder Team Jin likes you so much
Yu Fan flipped through the menu and asked Yun Xi what he liked to eat from time to time. Yun Xi leaned lazily on the back of the chair behind him, pointing at the table with his white fingertips.

"You can order whatever you want."

Yu Fan took a deep look at Yun Xi, ordered a few dishes, and they were all Yun Xi's favorite food. Yun Xi thought it was interesting, and even this had a tacit understanding?

Yun Xi couldn't help chuckling, "If it weren't for the fact that we have nothing to do with each other, I would doubt whether you and I are related."

It is absolutely impossible for her parents to have an illegitimate child or illegitimate daughter outside. According to Yun Shoushou, her father pestered her almost every night to the point that she would go out and smash hotels at night.

Yun Xi's words were also a joke, Yu Fan stared at Yun Xi's lips, looked at her expression when she spoke, looked at the curvature of her lips, looked at everything about her, and smiled.

"I can't climb up to you."

When he said that, before Yun Xi could speak, he added, "However, if there is a blood relationship, it seems to be good."

That way, he would make a bigger mistake.

Even if it's a mess, he doesn't care.

Yun Xi felt that there was always something strange about Yu Fan, and she couldn't tell, but every time she raised her head inadvertently, she could see Yu Fan staring at her.

Those were not aggressive eyes, he was just looking at himself, but those clear eyes seemed to see her inside from her skin.

Yun Xi couldn't help but looked down at her flat chest, raised her eyebrows and picked up a glass filled with warm water, "What are you looking at?"

Yu Fan restrained his expression, and there was a faint smile on his pale face.

"Mr. Yun, you are really good-looking. No wonder Team Jin likes you so much. You look so gentle in your eyes, and you even bend into a coil of mosquito-repellent incense."

"Puff—cough cough cough—"

Yunxi almost spit out the water from his mouth.

"No, no, we're innocent, not what I mean he likes me? No no no."

The smile on the corner of Yu Fan's lips deepened, but his eyes gradually cooled down. He stood up and walked around behind Yun Xi. If Yun Xi wanted to turn his head, he pressed Yun Xi's shoulder first, and gently lifted the back of Yun Xi's neck. short hair.

His cool fingers touched the sensitive skin on the back of Yun Xi's neck, and lightly touched, "There is a red mark here."

Yunxi: ...

Was that beast last night? ?
Yun Xi's eyes were full of surprise, and Yu Fan supported the table with one hand and looked at Yun Xi's expression. Seeing that Yun Xi's eyes were depressed but not disgusted, his heart seemed to be severely hammered.

Did you miss it?

That's it, missed it?
Fell in love with Jinmo?

Yu Fan bit his lip, and suddenly reached out and grabbed Yun Xi's wrist, his inner emotions surged uncontrollably.

Nothing happened yet, he hasn't started liking this person yet, it's about to end?

Mr. Yun liked Jinmo from the very beginning, otherwise he wouldn't have said that Jinmo was his eldest wife in the live broadcast room.

The eldest wife has entered the house now?
Sincere ink!

Yu Fan's hand couldn't help but squeezed Yun Xi's wrist sorely, Yun Xi frowned slightly and brushed off his hand, looking for a reason to explain.

"My cervical spine is not good these days, that is the mark of the doctor's treatment."

After Yunxi finished speaking, she almost bit her own tongue.

How did she forget where Yu Fan came from?
He can't tell what kind of mark it is.

But even if you know, it doesn't matter if you pretend to be confused. After all, GE really produced a gay couple, which is not a good thing at this juncture.

The impact is poor.

Yu Fan also knew, he smiled lightly, his laughter seemed to be suppressing something, it sounded a bit dull.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you, let alone talk nonsense."

(End of this chapter)

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