The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 875 Careless Action

Chapter 875 Careless Action
Yun Xi breathed a sigh of relief, but saw Yu Fan propped up on the table close to her face, the faint but impressive fragrance swept over again.

"You and Jinmo, where are you going? I have some medicine here, which is better than the ones sold in the market, and can help you..."

"No, no, nothing."

Yunxi is really embarrassed now.

As expected of Yu Fan, a former member of GE, he even has a special lubricant?But she really doesn't need that...

Yu Fan carefully judged Yun Xi's expression and confirmed that nothing had happened. He seemed to relax, and he couldn't help but look at Yun Xi's slightly embarrassed face.

A faint blush on her fair face...

By the time he realized it, his lips had already touched Yun Xi's face.

A light, soft... kiss.

kiss? !

Yun Xi and Yu Fan's eyes widened at the same time, Yu Fan hurriedly withdrew his body, he was startled by himself, staggered and almost fell.

Yunxi blinked and touched her face.

There was still Yu Fan's cool temperature and soft touch on his face.

This is a misunderstanding, right?

That guy Cen Ziyan also wanted to "meme" with her all day long, and then she kicked him to stand shoulder to shoulder with the sun.

The distance between them was too close, and Yun Xi covered her face in secret annoyance. She and Yu Fan didn't know why the tacit understanding was so good, so she subconsciously lost her defenses.

She raised her head to say something, but she saw Yu Fan also lightly tapped his own lips with his fingertips, and his clear eyes were as round as a cat's.

A terrified expression was all over his face.

"Yu Fan, Yu Fan?!"

Yun Xi couldn't help standing up, and Yu Fan subconsciously took a step back when she stood up, then stopped steadily, holding the barrier behind her with her hands, her bright red lips moved, as if she wanted to say something.

Yunxi, I like you.

He wanted to say.

But he suddenly couldn't say it, he...

Why did he kiss her?
Will she be disgusted by Yun Xi?
He felt that kissing was an extremely disgusting thing.

"Yu Fan, are you okay?"

Looking at Yu Fan's appearance, it seemed that she had done something unforgivable to him just now. The red tear mole under his eyes was like blood, and now he wanted to cry.

Yu Fan lowered his eyes. He originally wanted to look into Yun Xi's eyes, but now he didn't have the courage.

Once, he was kissed,
When the man in the back wanted to stick his tongue in, he almost killed someone, but he still didn't. He knocked the man out, and found a dog behind him to bite the man's underside, as well as the mouth.

He can't take it.

He vomited for three days after going back...

Three days.

His face was rubbed to pieces, it was so disgusting, so disgusting.

Yu Fan was in a daze. He waited until Yun Xi dangled in front of his eyes before he adjusted his breathing.


He pursed his lips, not knowing how to explain his behavior. Yun Xi thought about the environment Yu Fan used to live in, and it seemed that he touched it by mistake just now, which might have reminded him of something bad.

Yunxi took out a tissue from her pocket and handed it to him, her eyes were gentle and apologetic.

Yu Fan took the tissue, and even holding the tissue, his hands were unconsciously pale. He said, "Just now I..."

"Sorry, I forgot to keep the distance between us."

Yun Xi spoke first, "I was a little too close just now, so I accidentally bumped into it, so don't mind."

Yu Fan stared at Yun Xi seriously, trying to see something in Yun Xi's eyes, he quietly pinched the tissue, and even asked a little cautiously.

"Don't you mind?"

(End of this chapter)

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