Chapter 883
Gong Yiheng went back to the villa all the way as if reciting a slogan. It didn't look like he was in love at all, but since he was willing to be with Yu Ran, Yun Xi, an outsider, couldn't control him too much.

Let him go.

Teenagers who have never been in love will always go through some hardships.

Because boys who still have their first love are always young...

Yun Xi thought, when she pushed open the door, she saw Jin Mo, who had never been in a relationship before and had her first love broken up, and suddenly felt that there was no such thing as youthfulness.

Jinmo has nothing to do with youthfulness.

Seeing Yunxi coming back, Jinmo couldn't help but curled his lips slightly, and helped her take away the things she was carrying.

"It's good to know you're back."

As Jinmo said, he rubbed Yunxi's hair, and followed his elder brother to get the green onions. Instead of bringing the onions to him, Jinmo put the snacks bought by Yunxi on the table by himself, and took the green onions by himself into the kitchen.

Yunxi knew that Jinmo was also worried that his brother's hand hadn't recovered, and he and his brother cooked all the meals for the past few days.

In fact, it’s enough to find a chef, so why waste this effort.

Yun Xi thought about looking away, followed her brother to gently rub her hair, and whispered.

"I thought you would play outside for a while, but after Camus ran out, the captain was a little restless, as if he was afraid that he would go to find you, and called Camus several times in a row."

Yun Xi hooked her lips, she looked at Jin Mo's back, the man's straight back didn't look like a big jealousy at all.

He seems calm and composed in all facts, abstinence to indifference, and the lifestyle of a veteran cadre keeps his house in order.

But that was just before she came.

The place where Jinmo lives now can be described as a mess. She is like a husky, messing up Jinmo's room. Jinmo's quilt likes to be folded into tofu pieces, and she likes to kick the quilt when she has nothing to do.

Usually it is she who messes up the quilt, and Jinmo comes to tidy it up.

More than half of her clothes were hung in the closet, and they all looked exactly the same, all white, and she threw them away after she finished wearing them.

The other half of the closet is Jinmo's clothes. Jinmo's clothes are all black, and he looks more mature when he wears black. His white shirt was disturbed into her closet by Yun Xi who got up late several times.

These are the little details of life.

Yunxi can say that living with Jinmo is very comfortable. Jinmo has a regular life, but he is not picky about her and never says what she does wrong.

Even sometimes when she stays in bed, Jinmo will quietly set the alarm clock back an hour, and help her close the curtains so that she can sleep more soundly.

This is a man who is almost strict with himself, but he is almost laissez-faire except for letting her go to bed early and eat well.

Pampering and caring as always.

Yun Xi lowered her head and smiled, "Gong Yiheng and I ran into each other when we were having dinner. I went to eat with Yu Fan today, and Gong Yiheng went to have dinner with Yu Ran. He and Yu Ran followed my brother... Sigh..."

It's too wasteful to bully us.

Hearing No, he pushed his glasses, with a serious look on his face.

"Is that so?"

"That's right, that's right, let me tell you who Gong Yiheng can't get along with, and that hypocritical Yu Ran, he's still his first love..."

"Why is Yu Fan eating with you? That guy is a bit serious about cleanliness."

"Uh... Following my brother focuses on Gong Yiheng."

"That guy likes whoever he likes. The point is, Xiao Xi, don't be abducted by outsiders, otherwise the captain and I will go out and kill people."

Yunxi couldn't laugh or cry.

"Brother Sui, who is that? That's Yu Fan. Will he fall in love with a man? Well, I'm a woman, but it's impossible."

No patted Yunxi's head and said with a smile.

"Who made our little Xi so attractive?"

He still wanted to continue talking, but Jinmo came out from nowhere and said lightly with a green onion in one hand.

"Yu Qingsui, it's time to cook."

No winked at Yun Xi, pushed his glasses, and said with a smile.

"Captain, are you jealous? I'll just have a few words with Xiao Xi."

Jin Mo didn't make a sound, just stared at Yun Xi for a long time, staring at Yun Xi inexplicably, a white light slid across the No lens.

Yunxi touched her face, and Jinmo said to her with a sigh.

"You haven't spoken to me since you came back today."

He ran to whisper to Yu Qingsui.

I would like to be jealous. My heart is very hurt.

(End of this chapter)

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