Chapter 884
Yunxi was amused by Jinmo's little gesture. She and Jinmo are now in a very delicate state, similar to a couple and like friends.

She was not used to living with Jinmo at first, but after living for a long time, she got used to it, and living with Jinmo was very comfortable, and Jinmo took good care of her.

Over time, she also became a little lazy and didn't bother to leave her.

Although he refused verbally, he was quite honest in habit.

In particular, Jinmo is not only abstinent, he really can't do it at all, so there is no overly intimate behavior between them.

Yun Xi found that she was still attacking, so she slept more soundly at night.

So the point is actually to attack.

Also, when she chased the big pig's trotter back then, and the big pig's trotter refused her, how could she simply agree?

When it comes to feelings, Yunxi definitely only likes Jinmo.

At first I was interested, but when I wanted to flirt, I actually fell in love with it.

It doesn't matter whether her surname is Yun or Ye, her character is more like her father, her father Ye Yingdi is an infatuated kind, he has loved someone in his life, and Yunxi is the same.

In other words, Yun Xi wanted to be like her father, and would be very happy that way.

Even if Jinmo rejected her at the beginning, Yunxi was not angry, but just a little disappointed, she never thought of giving up.

It doesn't matter if you get rejected, as long as she is interested, she must get it.

So is it Jinmo's big pig's trotters who are pushing the cabbage, or is Yunxi plotting against him?

Yunxi glanced at the green onion in Jinmo's hand, curled her lips, shook her head with a smile, didn't speak to Jinmo, and went upstairs, leaving Jinmo alone shaking her head, eyes and brows full of helplessness and favor drown.

No pushed his glasses, and he was happy to see Jinmo deflated.

But Xiao Xi was the only one who could make the captain show such an expression.

On the other side, Gong Yiheng entered the villa first, and he was about to go upstairs without saying a word. On the stairs, he met Edward who was holding a notebook and was about to go down.

Edward frowned immediately when he saw him, and his handsome features faintly showed an expression of dodge. Gong Yiheng did not tease him this time, but stopped by the stairs, unconsciously pinching the handrail next to him nervously .

"are you OK?"

After he finished speaking, he licked his lips nervously, not daring to move.

Edward hurried past him with his head down, apparently too lazy to pay attention to him, but Gong Yiheng held his arm tightly, Edward's body froze obviously, and he turned his head again to look at Gong Yiheng's pair of hands. Bi Se's eyes were full of undisguised disgust.

"Go away!"

The English is simple and rough, of course Gong Yiheng can understand, he doesn't care what Edward is saying at all, it's just that the disgust in his eyes makes his heart feel like it's frozen.

It hurts.

The heart is so cold that it hurts.

Gong Yiheng frowned and covered his left chest where his heart was, and held Edward's hand tightly.

"That time was an accident. I didn't mean to kiss you. I just... It was really just an accident! Don't be angry, please let me do whatever you want!"

Edward can bear it without mentioning it, but when it is mentioned, he is about to explode. In fact, he has not been able to sleep well for the past few days, and there are thick dark circles under his eyes.

This kiss was his first!This shameless man!

Edward almost growled.

"Accident?! Accident. Why are you sticking out your tongue? Shameless! If it wasn't for Yun Xi, I would never see you in my life, I just feel disgusted!"

(End of this chapter)

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