The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 886 A New Journey

Chapter 886 A New Journey
QGC is one of the secondary leagues of Glory of Kings. It earnestly completes the task of sending fresh blood to KPL every year, and supplies excellent teams to KPL every year.

The QGC competition this time is divided into three stages - the audition stage, the knockout stage and the finals stage.

The winners of the teams participating in the audition can get 3 places in the knockout round, and then compete with the other 5 teams in the knockout round for the places in next year's KPL spring qualifiers.

GE does not need to participate in the promotion of the knockout round, and directly has the quota for the knockout round, which belongs to the first seed team in the knockout round.

However, due to the revision of the KPL, the KPL will not be relegated in the future, so the number of promotion seats that can be given in the qualifiers will be less and less, and there should be only one.

A real peach.

"So, the current intensity of QGC is no less than that of KPL. It's really interesting."

Yun Xi adjusted the collar of her black uniform, put the collar flat, put her hands in her pockets, and turned to look at her comrades.

GEs are all dressed in black uniforms, and every handsome face is arrogant and indifferent, GE-style indifference.

Except Cen Ziyan.

Cen Ziyan's peach blossom eyes are still rippling, and when he looks at people, he always seems to have light tears in his eyes. When he is fat, the first thing he sees is his body shape, and he will find him very interesting.

No matter how I look at it now, I feel that he is pitiful and very popular.

Cen Ziyan's heart was pounding, although he had undergone a lot of training since he entered GE, and the two former champions, QwQ and ISE, played training matches with them.

However, under the circumstances of all the attention, it is still the first time to actually set foot on the field.

He was a person who had never received a certificate from Dalian since he was a child. Cen Ziyan didn't want to show his timidity, but his heart was pounding, his face turned white and blue, and he couldn't help but look at Yun Xi with eyes that were begging for help.

Yunxi put her hand on his shoulder and pressed hard.

"When you're nervous, look ahead and stare at the point on the front wall, and you'll be fine. During the game, you can play freely. The captain and I will support you. Don't be afraid."

"Don't be afraid even if you lose a game, we GE can afford to lose a game or two."

Cen Ziyan took a deep breath, Yunxi pinched the candy wrapper in his hand, and then looked back at No who was standing in the background waving to them, and MIKI who was standing obediently with his hands clasped in front of him, with a grumpy face and rhythmically pulling the zipper Gong Yiheng, and Jinmo who looked back at her coldly.

"let's go."

Pushing open the door in front of him, five handsome men with long legs came out from the door one by one.

Black clouds once again appeared on the field.

GE suffered a tragic relegation in the last KPL, and now it has to start all over again, climb up step by step, and once again attack the stage that once belonged to it.

This is a new journey.


There are usually not many spectators in QGC competitions, but there were quite a few people who came today. As soon as GE came out, the audience burst into cheers.

In other words, the voices of thousands of girls merged into one, turning into piercing screams that resounded throughout the audience.

Yun Xi was stunned for a moment, and her footsteps on the field stopped involuntarily, and she looked down the stage.

A sea of ​​shining stars under the stage.

The banner shakes——

Faith is undefeated, the son is so handsome!
When Yunxi saw this banner again, she felt as if it was the next day. She had already turned off the live broadcast, had been training in seclusion for a long time, and had never interacted with fans.


They are still there.

still there.

Yunxi waved her hand to the audience, moved her lips and said something, her voice was suppressed by the cheers and no one could hear her, but the camera took a close-up of her face tactfully.

There is a smile on the thin lips, and the belief of winning.

(End of this chapter)

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