Chapter 887

In the first round, GE encountered WNK, a team that was also relegated from the previous KPL.

The WNK team belongs to the WNK e-sports club. It is a large e-sports club and has good results in watching ass LOL.

The average age of the five players in the WNK team is only 19. They have adjusted their lineup this year and replaced them with a new 16-year-old jungler. They are wearing pure white team uniforms and sitting on gaming chairs. good.

WNK's captain is the oldest support, he said into the headset with a frown.

"Isn't GE's popularity too strong? The cheers have turned this place into their home stadium. But obviously we are the home team, and our cheers have been overshadowed."

The game is very particular about home and away.

The home game has the right time, place and people, and the support from the fans of the home team can boost their confidence. However, this is the city where WNK is located, but it seems that the crowd is full of GE people.

Jungle snorted coldly.

"It's just a bluff. What can a group of gorgeous men dressed up all day long do? Watch it for a while, and if you lose, the whole audience will scold them to death."

The auxiliary captain coughed.

"The beauty is about women."

"Hmph, that Mr. Yun is prettier than women."

The top order couldn't help but interjected, "Yes, yes, Mr. Yun's female outfit is super pretty~ Wow, those legs~ If she has breasts, she would be a perfect young lady in her dreams~ Captain, I can ask Mr. Yun for an autograph after I finish the fight Is it?"

The auxiliary captain was silent for a while, then said coldly.

"I think you can get out after the fight is over! Are you a spy planted by Mr. Yun in our team?!"

The audience cheered endlessly.

This is both encouragement and pressure for GE.

Yunxi put on the earphones, and heard the sound of heavy breathing inside, and shouted while breathing, "One two one, relax, one two one, tighten your stomach..."

When she saw it, Cen Ziyan took a deep breath, his eyes obediently emptied, and stared at a point on the far wall.

Yun Xi thought for a while and suggested.

"The game is coming soon, let's sing a song to relax?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Gong Yiheng said happily.

"Okay, okay! Brat, your suggestion is good! Then I'll come first, I have practiced a lot of popular songs recently."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for others to agree, Gong Yiheng sang the love song of leaving at the top of his voice.

"Just together~ Who let us meet~ We will depend on each other in the days to come~I will pamper you~I will pamper you~Whoever wants to bully you, I will stand up and protect you~ah~protect you~~"

In the end, Gong Yiheng sang happily, and even soared a high note wantonly.

Yunxi, Jinmo, MIKI, Cen Ziyan: ...

The lips of the four twitched, Yunxi and Jinmo glanced at each other, Yunxi knocked on his earphones, mouthing: Can I take the earphones off?
Jinmo glanced at Gong Yiheng, and signaled: I think it's more appropriate to knock him.

After Gong Yiheng sang, he didn't feel that there was anything wrong with his singing. He looked at Yun Xi with burning eyes, and raised his eyebrows confidently.

"Stinky boy, how about it, is my singing on par with yours?"

Yun Xi was silent for a while, considering that beating Gong Yiheng might affect his mood in the game, so he clapped his hands and applauded against his conscience.


"Then let me do another song! I also learned that we are different! We are different, everyone has a different situation..."

Cen Ziyan's painful voice was mixed with the piercing singing.

"Don't, don't, don't, don't sing, others ask for money to sing, brother, you are killing me!... Wuwu brother Yun, if you say something, I want to wash my ears."

"Hey fat man, are you looking for faults?! How well do I sing?! Don't you, Captain!"

Jin Mo said lightly.

"Our words will be recorded, and you will continue to embarrass yourself. I will listen."

(End of this chapter)

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