The e-sports life of men's clothing

C888 BothC919 Bullying our top order?waiting

C888 BothC919 Bullying our top order?waiting
Team WNK rolled their eyes and muttered into their headphones.

"Look at GE, so casual, you must lose, you must lose! If I lose, I will treat the whole team to dinner, and I will add an extra chicken leg for dinner."

"But I still want Mr. Yun's signature..."

"No! I won't give you chicken legs if you win!"

"Then can I just add chicken legs..."

"Spy, shut up, the game is about to start! Watch my newly promoted junior jungler smash to death the captain of GE Jinda pig's hooves!"

"Okay! It's full of combat power! Wait, why do you call GE's VII God Big Pig's Hoof?"

Their newly promoted jungler was silent for a while, and a shy voice came from the earphones after a while.

"I see that's what all the fan comments on Mr. Yun's Weibo say. Ah, I don't want to follow Mr. Yun, I just know myself and the enemy and I won't be defeated!"

The captain of WNK suddenly felt that he might be surrounded by traitors?Not only did the venue change from home to away, but teammates also rebelled?
Isn't it just a Yun Gongzi pretending to be, really, I don't know much!

After the host's introduction, he didn't know whether it was due to the effect of the program or other personal factors. He also asked Yun Xi to say a few words, and then he was conquered by Yun Xi's smile, and his eyes lit up like a light bulb.

So Jinmo took another look at the hostess.

The hostess smiled reservedly, showing the smile of a rotten girl, and looked away.

The game starts soon.

first round.

Blue Fang, WNK.

Red Fang, GE.

WNK banned Baili Shouyue, Jiang Ziya, Taiyi Zhenren and Su Lie, and chose Old Master, Na Ke Lulu, Yuan Ge, Xiang Yu and Cai Wenji.

When WNK selected Cai Wenji, there was a small climax in the audience.

A cute little loli (little baby) like Cai Wenji is a hero that many girls like to use, and her playing rate in KPL is not high. As soon as she appeared, she immediately captured the hearts of many girls present.

So the fans who originally cheered for GE also began to shout WNK's slogan. Although the captain of WNK couldn't see the expressions of the audience, this effect was what he wanted.

Their home field, how can GE be so presumptuous!

And GE banned about, Pei Qinhu, Niu Mo and Zhang Fei, and chose Zhuang Zhou, Marco Polo, Ganjiang Moxie, Sun Bin and Bodhidharma.

Cen Ziyan was still a little nervous, so he quietly glanced at Yun Xi, Yun Xi smiled at him, and Cen Ziyan's heart immediately settled down.

I don't know why, but as long as Brother Yun is by his side, he feels very at ease.

and so……

must work hard!
For Brother Yun's honor!
Yunxi withdrew her gaze from Cen Ziyan, turned around, and found that Jinmo was also looking at her, she couldn't help but shook her head, and wanted to say something in particular, pay attention to the impact.

She didn't want to come out publicly without winning the championship.

Jinmo smiled, and a deep voice came from the earphones.


At the beginning, the two sides exchanged red BUFFs, and the two sides lived in peace. WNK's jungler wanted to touch the sincere Marco, but in the end, reason overcame the desire to provoke.

WNK is also an old-fashioned team, and the rhythm of the game is very stable, and they have also conducted research on GE, knowing that Yunxi is a difficult nut to crack, so they focused on the side lanes.

GE's wings are notoriously weak, and breaking through the wings can win.

Cen Ziyan's top order pressure increased sharply, and he had no choice but to defend the tower. Jinmo took the opportunity to help catch a wave and forced the WNK back. Cen Ziyan took the opportunity to clear the line of troops and develop.

But at the same time, WNK took the opportunity to get the first tyrant.

The sound of the tyrant being killed sounded, and a thin layer of sweat broke out on Cen Ziyan's face.

Yun Xi's voice came through the earphones like a reassurance.

"Bully our top order? Wait, let's go, let's bully their top order too!"

(End of this chapter)

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