The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 896 You Don't Like Me Anymore

Chapter 896 You Don't Like Me Anymore
Edward found his heart beating wildly.

That guy Gong Yiheng likes him?

Nonsense, it's impossible, that guy is clearly a hooligan, he treats everyone like that, hands-on, and he doesn't know how many girlfriends he has had!

Thinking of this, Edward felt nauseated, and his beating heart calmed down.

Yunxi took a glass of water, but continued to be a matchmaker, she said unhurriedly.

"It has nothing to do with you, but Gong Yiheng has never been in a relationship since he was a child, and he doesn't like girls at all. Like my Jinmo, he is a female killer. He is the kind who is rude to women when he gets angry. .”

Totally different from her.

Edward's footsteps that were about to go stopped abruptly, and his red ears pricked up quietly.

"I've never been in a relationship", "I don't like girls at all", these few sentences fell into his ears, and the little heart that didn't beat before started beating again.

He knew that he shouldn't ask, he should just leave, otherwise it would be as if he cared about that Gong Yiheng.

But he just couldn't help wanting to know what was going on, so he turned his head quietly to hide his awkward turning.

"I... I'm not curious, but I just find it very strange. How can that guy Gong Yiheng be compared with Team Jin? Yes, they are not the same at all. That guy Gong Yiheng is sloppy and treats everyone the same."

Yun Xi put the cup in her hand on the table and said with a smile.

"He treats you differently. It's normal for one person to treat the other as a buddy. But if one person regards the other as a lover, this kind of action can't be done."

"I see, Gong Yiheng seems to be very afraid of you recently, but he keeps peeking at you. You left your notebook in the training room several times, didn't you? That guy sent it back to you, and told people not to tell you .”

"He also whispered that you are cute, but he was embarrassed to tell you that he went to see the cactus you planted all day, watered the cactus and almost killed it, and replaced it for you."

Edward wanted to laugh, and couldn't help saying, "I thought some staff member broke the cactus for me, so it was this guy."

Seeing his expression, Yunxi was full of happiness.

She still hoped that Edward would find someone she liked instead of chasing after her.

Yun Xi continued.

"Hey, Gong Yiheng bet with me in the last game, whoever has the most heads will agree to a request from the other party. In the end, he was scolded by my family, Mo Mo, in that round, don't you remember?"

Edward nodded, and Yun Xi continued.

"On that time he won. He told me, let me stay away from you in the future. I wondered if this guy had discovered something. I didn't know until I heard that he called your name when he was dreaming. It turns out That's it."


Edward was taken aback, and then his face turned red, and his fair face was as red as a cherry.

"It's not that guy... Shameless! Calling me by my name in a dream..."

But I think it's inexplicably sweet, what's going on...

Edward touched his face, startled by the heat above it, and then blushed even more. When he looked up and saw the gentle smile on Yun Xi's face, he moved his lips and said dully.

"But Yun Xi, I like you, I came here for you."

The smile on Yunxi's face deepened.

"No, you don't like me anymore. I said I like my wife, Qinqinmo, and you are not jealous. But Gong Yiheng has a girlfriend and still stays out all night. You came here at night to peek at him. ,what is this?"

(End of this chapter)

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