Chapter 897 Pink
"No, I didn't, I just came out to get my notebook."

Edward said, in Yun Xi's eyes, his confidence was getting weaker and weaker.

His bedroom is facing away from the gate of the club, and the trainer is facing the gate. He said that he has no other intentions in it, but seems to be mocking Yunxi's IQ.

It's just that what Yun Xi said was right, he really didn't seem to like Yun Xi anymore, when he heard Yun Xi say he liked someone else, his heart didn't fluctuate, but when he heard Gong Yiheng...

That shameless guy.

Edward's face changed back and forth, Yunxi smiled and took a sip of water, with a foxy smile exactly like No's.

As expected of Yun Xi who was brought out by No, she is just like No in terms of being a matchmaker.

Yun Xi drank the water in satisfaction, turned her head slightly, and bumped into a pair of smiling black eyes.

Sincere ink? !
The water in her mouth almost spewed out!

I'll go, I'll go, when did this guy come over, how much did he hear?

My dear wife, Jin Mo? ?
Yunxi gulped down the water, Jinmo had already walked in, Edward was so embarrassed, he lowered his head and said "Hello Captain", and hurried out.

He hurried out of the door and looked into the house——

The blushing can bleed completely. much...

Inside the room, Jinmo pressed Yun Xi's wrist with one hand, and pressed Yun Xi on the table to kiss.

Thinking that the chair was in the way, Jinmo's long legs kicked the chair away, and the whole body was completely suppressed until Edward could no longer see Yun Xi's figure.

He turned around and ran away in a panic.

Yun Xi almost died from this unexpected kiss.

She struggled to breathe, her chest heaved, Jin Mo seemed to know her difficulty and finally let go of her, but those dark eyes became deeper, he looked at Yun Xi calmly, his moist and hot breath brushed over Yun Xi's moist lips, hot and dry itch.

The low voice was tainted with desire. Desire was extremely low.

"You said, I belong to your family?"

Yun Xi adjusted her breathing before saying, "That's coaxing him..."

"I have always been yours, Yun Xi, I love you."

After Jinmo finished speaking, he inserted his hand between her hair and kissed her head again. Yunxi hummed, and could only say a complete sentence after the kiss was over.

she says.

"Close the door."

Jinmo looked at her blushing face and misty eyes, couldn't help lowering his body, his lips were close to Yun Xi couldn't help closing his eyes, and he gently kissed on the eyelids.

"Shy? Then go back to the room."

"Why are you shy! I haven't promised you yet!"

"You didn't promise to associate with me, but you didn't say you didn't promise me to kiss you."

Yunxi was choked, and then her hand suddenly reached for Jinmo's thigh, squeezed it hard, then pushed him away and jumped up, raising her eyebrows.

"Promise you to kiss me, and then, you can't use it."

Jinmo looked at him, sat up straight, took a sip of the water Yunxi had drunk, and said lightly.

"It's not that it can't be used, it's just that it hasn't been used. If you are interested, you can try it today."

Yunxi: ...? !

Yun Xi glanced at Jin Mo's body in surprise.

"I haven't used it, I haven't used it before?? You know which one."

Yun Xi doesn't believe it.

Jinmo's hand holding the water glass froze, facing Yun Xi's probing gaze again, he nodded.

"No, I don't do that kind of thing."

Yunxi's eyes widened in an instant, and she took a step forward to approach Jinmo. Just as Jinmo was about to speak, Yunxi approached him and whispered in his ear.

"Then are you...? I heard that people who have never used it...Hey, why are you spanking my ass?! Hey! Did I hit the mark?! Hey, if you don't let me down, I will touch you! "

"Well, yes. Touch it."

(End of this chapter)

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