The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 898 Do you listen to chapters in the future?

Chapter 898 Will you listen to me in the future?

"I'll give you time to think about it."

Jinmo said so, but his hands were not so simple, and the teasing people were not organized, which made people suspect that this guy was definitely not an old cadre, but an old driver.

Clearly with a serious ascetic face, the movements of his hands are not restrained at all, Yunxi was a little at a loss by the sudden "transformation" of the veteran cadre, and then he was filled with...

Wait, the location, the location seems wrong...? !

It's just not right!

Yun Xi slammed the pillow she was covering onto Jin Mo's body with her backhand, her body trembling a little, and she didn't know whether to feel helpless, angry, or funny at this time, and there were mixed feelings in her heart for a while.

"Jinmo! have some common sense, okay?! Woo..."


Jinmo held the lubricant bottle, frowned deeply, and for the first time a look of confusion appeared in his dark eyes. Hearing some pain in Yunxi's voice, he couldn't help but bend down and comfort in a low voice. .

"Did it hurt you?"

Is there less lubricant?

Jinmo looked at Yunxi, then tilted his head to look at the lubricant in his hand, ready to squeeze out a little more.

He has been preparing for tonight for a long time. He knows that a girl's first time will be very painful, so he must lubricate it well, must lubricate it well.

Jinmo thought about it, suddenly Yunxi straightened up and slapped the lubricant off his hand, Yunxi rubbed his forehead in pain.

Abstinence is abstinence.

If you don't understand, you don't understand.


Jinmo didn't know why Yunxi was sighing, they didn't seem to be so happy for the first time, Jinmo frowned thinking about what the problem was.

Seeing Jinmo's deep and handsome face, Yun Xi couldn't seem to find the problem, so Yun Xi couldn't help but remind him.

"Jinmo, have found the wrong place."

The air was silent for a while.

Embarrassment spread in the air.

Yun Xi patted the pillow, "Sleep, let's talk about it tomorrow."

Jinmo took another look at the lubricant in his hand, threw it away casually, pulled out the pillow from Yunxi's hand, and pressed his body against it.

"Then I'll look for it again."

"You... don't use your hands!..."


The next morning.

Yun Xi passed out on the bed, tears still hung from the corners of her eyes, her lips were red and swollen, and she was still muttering, Jin Mo covered her with the quilt and leaned over to listen.

"Shameless... Get lost! I'm the gong! I want to be on top!"

Jinmo lovingly kissed the center of her brow and said in a low voice.

"Okay, you'll be up there in a few days."

Only then did Yunxi groan, and fell asleep comfortably, then turned over, and groaned in pain.

Other people's first time is always broken in one place, but she is good, almost broke two at once, is it the price of a woman disguised as a man? ,

No, this is a veteran cadre who is too...too...stupid!

Jinmo checked again to make sure that the medicine was given to her before he changed his clothes and went out. He reached out and buttoned his shirt, looked at Yun Xi who was aggrieved on the bed again, and shook his head gently.

It's not that he can't use it, it's just that his desire for her is too strong, so he has been forcibly enduring it, even the physical reaction is almost gone.

The reason why he didn't want her before was very simple.

I have endured it for so long, I have wanted her for too long.

I'm really afraid that if I'm not careful, I won't be able to restrain myself.


When Jinmo went out, he stared at the lubricant on the ground for a long time, Jianmei's brows twitched slightly, he picked up the bottle silently, and threw it into the trash can.

(End of this chapter)

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