The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 899 Before I Met Her, I Didn't Consider Getting Married

Chapter 899 Before I Met Her, I Didn't Consider Getting Married

Jinmo gave everyone in GE a two-day vacation, and the whole GE was full of joy and laughter. Everyone was grateful, and when they saw Jinmo, they wanted to give Jinmo a hug and shouted Long live the captain.

Of course, it's because Jinmo's complexion is particularly good today, and even the terrifying aura around him is gone. Such an indifferent man has an atmosphere of spring blossoms all over him.

The staff of GE couldn't help but sigh——

GE has won all the way, and even the captain's mood has improved, ah, GE's spring has really come!
No squinted his eyes and looked Jinmo up and down, snorting coldly in his heart.

This is not the arrival of GE's spring, but the arrival of the big pig's trotter!

This way, no matter how you look at it, you are full!
Jinmo was in a good mood to cook for Yunxi, No was standing by the door in loose home clothes holding a glass of water, and said with a half-smile with his fox eyes raised.

"Captain, do you want to get some red dates and give Xiao Xi some blood?"

This is not a menstrual period. No and Jinmo know what blood supplementation is. This is a vague hint.

Jinmo nodded and said, "Added."

No suddenly turned into a irascible old man, and walked towards the kitchen in a few steps. Such a gentle person pointed at Jinmo, his long and slender fingers trembled, and the white light on the lens on his face disappeared. his eyes.

"What did you do to Xiao Xi last night? Today she said she wants to eat cake."

Thinking of Yun Xi, Jin Mo's eyes couldn't help but overflow with an undisguised smile, he subconsciously nodded his lips before speaking.

"Do what you have to do. Get on the bus first, and make up the fare later."

"You...she's still a child! She's just grown up!"

No is very angry, last night the pig went to the cabbage?Such a good cabbage is so arched?So sloppy? !
He thought that a man like Jinmo would be more serious when meeting Xiao Xi for the first time, or that he would get a license before driving, but he would get on the bus first and then pay for the ticket if he didn't arrive first.

Sure enough, his intuition was always right, this man...

"Birds. Beasts!"

No threw out a sentence angrily, then immediately thought of something, and said nervously.

"Did you wear a condom yesterday?"

It's not good for two big men to talk about this, but No is really worried. If something happens and Xiao Xi takes medicine, No feels that he can chop Jinmo up with a knife right now.

As a result, I would like to say.

"It's in the drawer, I use it."

Used several.

No breathed a sigh of relief, and then immediately became more angry.

"Why are you preparing for this?! Did you prepare it long ago! By the way, you changed the bed sheets yesterday morning... You, you, you... A beast! A real beast!"

Jinmo turned off the fire on the gas stove and said calmly.

"Well, I have been thinking about birds and beasts for a long time. I have never had the heart."

Seeing Yu Fan's state yesterday, he suddenly felt that if he didn't do anything about it, he really couldn't do it anymore. He couldn't raise it anymore. After raising it, he ran away with others.

So he wasn't too ready, he did it last night, although he was very restrained, but still...

Sure enough, the little evildoer still needs to exercise.

Yunxi: Go to hell!Die!
No looked at the sharp knife in the kitchen, and took a deep breath to resist the desire to chop people.

Sure enough, this big pig's trotter has been plotting evil for a long time, but he can bear it, how can he bear it until now.

No couldn't help but say.

"Captain, I heard that you can't do it, right? Phew... Some people say that you went to the battlefield with your uncle and hurt your body."

Jinmo carefully poured out the soup in the pot and said.

"Before I met her, I never thought about getting married. So it was an excuse."

(End of this chapter)

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