The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 900 Fox, please help me make a blood-enriching soup!

Chapter 900 Fox, please help me make a blood-enriching soup!
"It's just an excuse. If I say I can't do it, they won't force me to get married."

Jinmo said it very easily, "My little uncle was caught on a blind date. I couldn't bear to run away to the army. After returning from the army, I had to go on a blind date. I couldn't escape after three or four years. I think that would be too much trouble, how about Once and for all."

"Yu Qingsui, I've never been a good person. I'm just used to restraint, so when something that I've suppressed for a long time breaks out... I'm afraid I'll scare her."

No was silent for a while, and couldn't help pushing the frame of his glasses, "Captain, you are such a werewolf."

A little more than a ruthless man.

"You don't want the dignity of a man for rumors like this?"

"I didn't think about marrying a wife, and naturally I didn't think about whether it would affect me. Because others stay away from me like this, I can't wish for it."

In other words, he has never had a heartbeat, and he doesn't plan to have a heartbeat, so he didn't want to use a certain part of him.

Picking up the soup, Jinmo told No, "Don't let her eat spicy food this week, just eat something light."

No is still very pure, didn't think about a certain aspect at all, but was still worried, Jinmo glanced at it, left the kitchen with soup, and said lightly.

"Yu Qingsui, as an older brother, you care too much."

"But if she likes it, you can do whatever you want. You can't beat me, so don't be angry with your body."

No: ¥#@%! !
Xiao Xi, take a break from your husband!Stay away from this kind of big tail wolf!

I was wrong too, this is not the man you can attack!

Yun Xi: QwQ...

No paced back and forth in the kitchen, looking at the pot and thinking about it, he thought it was not good. He couldn't trust the captain's craftsmanship, so he rolled up his sleeves and prepared to make a good meal for Yun Xi.

Poor Xiao Xi, I can't even eat spicy food...

Wait, why can't you eat spicy food? ? ?
No was entangled in the kitchen, white light flickered on the lens, and a hand was suddenly put on his shoulder. He thought it was a big pig's trotter, and couldn't help but snorted coldly.

"Although I can't beat you, if you bully me again..."

"I...that was an accident..."

Gong Yiheng's anxious voice came from behind No, No hurriedly lowered his head and coughed lightly, turned his head to pretend nothing happened, his fox eyes narrowed.

"Oh? What's the accident?"

When he turned his head and saw Gong Yiheng, he was taken aback by Gong Yiheng's appearance.

Gong Yiheng's clothes were all wrinkled, there were dark circles under his eyes, his lips were torn, and he smelled of alcohol. No was shocked instantly.

"You went out with that Yu Ran yesterday?!"

Gong Yiheng sighed, took a bottle of beer from the kitchen freezer, opened it and took a sip, then leaned against the kitchen counter and became dazed.

No covered his face with one hand, resisting the desire to twitch the corners of his lips.

This... This Camus gave Yu Ran to...?How do these two people...

"Did Yu Ran seduce you?"

No couldn't help asking, Gong Yiheng was still thinking about what happened this morning.

He got up, and Edward was lying beside him, both naked, and his was still in Edward's... this...


Facing Gong Yiheng's question, he nodded in a daze, and No sighed helplessly. This Kamiu had raped Yu Fan's sister. If he didn't give an explanation, could Yu Fan chop Gong Yiheng with a knife.

"Fix your own affairs, don't wander around here and interfere with my affairs."

No showed ruthlessness towards group bullying, mainly because of his dislike for Gong Yiheng.

Gong Yiheng regained his composure, and quickly raised his head, "Fox, please help me make a blood-enriching soup! Add more of that... jujube, wolfberry and ginseng, and I'll give you the money."

(End of this chapter)

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