Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 133 Chapter 148

Chapter 133 Chapter 148
Li Bang fell to the ground directly after being hit, spitting out green foam from his mouth, obviously the silver needle contained a strong poison.

"Fuck! He's killing people to silence him, and the other party is abandoning the car to protect the handsome man, are you!"

Qin Shan quickly came to Li Bang's side, and said coldly: "This is your ending, how do you feel, isn't it great? I advise you to tell who is behind the scenes before you die."

"Third...Third prince!" Li Bang naturally knew that he was going to die soon, he was unwilling to be killed like this, and told the truth before he died.

After finishing speaking, this guy tilted his head completely.

"Your Highness, Li Bang was killed by those two men in black just now, and this old slave will go after him immediately!" Eunuch Xue said with a serious face.

"The prince will go after him personally!"

As he spoke, Qin Shan chased after the two men in black.

The two men in black are very fast, but Qin Shan has Gale Boots, which makes him faster than the two men in black.

After about a few minutes, Qin Shan finally saw the traces of the two men in black.

Qin Shan detected it with his piercing eyes, and found that the two men in black were both at the fifth rank of Martial King, and their strength was quite strong.

However, Qin Shan didn't have the slightest fear, and directly took out his psionic gun, aimed at one of the men in black and shot.

The damage of the psychic spear changes with Qin Shan's cultivation level. Qin Shan's cultivation has reached the ninth rank of general, and he can use the psionic spear to inflict the damage of the ninth rank of the Martial King.

boom!With a clear gunshot, the man in black was shot in the head and died instantly.

Seeing how powerful Qin Shan was, the other man in black instantly moved aside and disappeared from Qin Shan's sight in an instant.

Afterwards, the man in black disappeared from Qin Shan's perception.

"This hiding skill is not simple, and it can be hidden from my perception." Qin Shan looked around in the dark surroundings, narrowing his eyes slightly.

The forest at night was very dark, it was difficult to see with the eyes, and the man in black was hiding his whereabouts, even Qin Shan couldn't find it.

The man in black hiding in the dark stared at Qin Shan, holding a handful of silver needles in his hand, and then slowly lifted it up, ready to attack Qin Shan.

"System, can you find out where the man in black is?" Qin Shan asked.

"The system has a probing function, but each time it is used, the host needs to consume [-] experience points. Please ask the host whether to use it."

"Of course use it!"

After deducting [-] experience points, the detection function of the system was activated instantly, and Qin Shan immediately knew the location of the man in black.

At this moment, the silver needle in the hand of the man in black pierced Qin Shan instantly.

Ding Ding Ding!
Yinzhen was completely blocked by Qin Shan's Zhantian Sword, and the expression of the man in black hiding in the dark changed drastically. He never expected Qin Shan to react in such a short time.

Another clear gunshot sounded, and the true energy bullet directly penetrated the chest of the man in black.

The man in black looked at his bloody chest in disbelief, and murmured, "He...knows my location, is this possible!"

After speaking, the man in black fell heavily to the ground and hung up directly.

"Congratulations to the host for getting two red envelopes."

"Turn on!"

"Congratulations to the host for gaining 300000 experience and the skill 'Dark Night Sneak'."

"Congratulations to the upgrade of the host's level. After the upgrade, the level has reached the first rank of Martial King."

Stealth in the dark: Advanced special skills, using the cover of night to hide whereabouts, can avoid the perception of enemies five levels higher than the host.

After killing the two men in black, Qin Shan not only increased his level by one level, but also gained the skill of sneaking in the dark. This skill probably originated from the man in black just now, and it is a very good tracking and hiding skill.

After Qin Shan killed the two men in black, Eunuch Xue also rushed over.

Seeing the corpses of the two men in black, Eunuch Xue said in shock: "His Royal Highness, you are really powerful. These two men in black were at the fifth rank of Wu Wang, and they were killed so easily by His Highness. It seems that His Highness is destined to kill you." It's a dragon and a phoenix among people!"

"Now is not the time to talk about this. This matter must be passed on to the emperor as soon as possible. But now that the minister of the Ministry of War is dead, there is no proof of death. King Heng will definitely not admit the crime of treason, but the emperor must be prepared to deal with Heng." King!" Qin Shan said with a serious face.

"This is for sure, this old slave will return to the imperial city to inform His Majesty now!" Eunuch Xue nodded solemnly.

"Okay, let's go!"

Afterwards, Qin Shan took away the weapons and equipment of the suzerain Gao Renguang and Li Bang's money before leaving the place.

After returning to Meicheng, Qin Shan went directly to the prefect of Chuan County and said, "Jiang Wu, immediately lead the city guards and arrest all the members of the Lotus Sect!"

"The person who arrested the Lotus Sect, Your Highness, why is this?" Jiang Wu asked in shock.

"This is the order of the crown prince. There is no reason. All the people in the Lotus Sect will be arrested. Without the order of the crown prince, no one will be let go!" Qin Shan yelled angrily.

"Obey!" Jiang Wu didn't dare to ask any more questions, so he could only lead the city guards to arrest the disciples of the Lotus Sect.

Soon, all the disciples of the Lotus Sect were arrested by the city guards. The cells in Meicheng couldn't fit, so they had to be guarded in the barracks.

The movement of arresting the disciples of the Lotus Sect caused a commotion in the city. Everyone knew that it was Qin Shan's doing. As for the reason, only a few people knew.


On the other side, King Heng and the second prince also received the news.

"Heng Wang, it's not good, the big thing is not good! The crown prince already knows about the private transaction between the Lotus Sect and the Minister of the Ministry of War. At present, the prince has arrested all the disciples of the Lotus Sect, and the lord of the Lotus Sect and the Minister of the Ministry of War have also lost If there is no trace, it is very likely that he has died."

Hearing his subordinate's words, King Heng's face suddenly changed, and he frowned and asked, "That means the prince already knows about this matter?"


"This king has arranged two guards next to Shangshu of the Ministry of War, have you lost any news?"

"I can't get in touch, I'm afraid it's already..."

The second prince panicked immediately, and said nervously: "Uncle Three Emperors, what should we do now? Qin Shan already knows about this matter, I'm afraid Father will know about it sooner or later! Once the Minister of War reports on us, we will die!"

King Heng frowned, thought for a while and said: "Don't be nervous, the guards that this king arranges next to the Minister of War are not only guards, but also a kind of insurance. Once the Minister of the Ministry of War may reveal the news, he will be killed immediately. Now that we have lost contact, the Minister of War should have been killed, that is to say, even if His Majesty knows, there is no evidence."

"But father already knew about this, it's not a good thing!" The second prince said worriedly.

"Second prince, the Shangshu of the Ministry of War does not know that you are involved, so you don't have to worry. Your Majesty has no evidence now, so you can't do anything to me, just wait and see what happens, and don't act impulsively!" Heng Wang said seriously, after all He is a prince who has experienced many battles, and he is not as flustered as the second prince when encountering things.

"Okay, just wait and see what happens." The second prince said helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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