Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 134 Main Quests

Chapter 134 Main Quests
Eunuch Xue returned to the imperial city ahead of time and told the emperor everything he had seen and heard. When the emperor learned that the Minister of War and the Lianhua Sect were secretly uniting to rebel, Long Yan was furious.

And the Minister of the Ministry of War is the third prince Heng Wang behind the scenes. Now the Minister of the Ministry of War has been killed and silenced, and the emperor has no direct evidence to take down King Heng.King Heng is the third prince of the Shengtian Dynasty, with a high position and power, and he has a lot of troops in his hands. If he doesn't handle it well, King Heng will completely rebel, and it will be out of control.

Therefore, there is only one way to deal with King Heng for the current plan, and that is to investigate and deal with it secretly, and you can't turn your face on the bright side.

Afterwards, the emperor announced to the world that Shangshu of the Ministry of War and the Lotus Sect were guilty of treason, sent the entire Shangshu family of the Ministry of War to prison, and the whole family of the Lotus Sect was completely disbanded. King Heng didn't say a word about it.

After Qin Shan returned to the imperial city, the emperor asked Eunuch Xue to secretly call Qin Shan to the palace to discuss.

"I will see my father." Qin Shan bowed his hands after seeing the emperor.

The emperor waved his hand and said: "There is no need to be too polite, Shan'er, you should know my secret intention to let you enter the palace today, right?"

"Should it be Uncle Sanhuang's intention to rebel?" Qin Shan thought for a while and said.

"That's right, it's exactly this matter. I think the person who knows this matter the most should be you. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't know about this matter at all. Although I have been afraid of King Heng's power and secretly suppressed him for so many years, I never thought He will have the intention of treason, King Heng really chills me." The emperor looked at Qin Shan with a serious face, his eyes full of sadness.

"Father, please be safe and don't be impatient."

"How can I not be impatient! That bastard King Heng secretly wants to steal the Shengtian Dynasty, I...cough cough cough..." The emperor was so excited that he kept coughing.

The coughing emperor covered his mouth with a handkerchief, and when he moved his mouth away, there was a puddle of blood on the handkerchief.

Eunuch Xue, who was next to him, hurried over to send true energy into the emperor's body and said, "Your Majesty, don't get emotional. Your condition has deteriorated again. Take the elixir quickly."

The emperor gradually recovered after taking a pill.

Seeing this scene, Qin Shan said seriously: "Royal Father, I have a life-extending pill in my hand, no matter how serious the injury is, it can extend my life, please accept it, Royal Father, to relieve the current difficulties! "

Hearing Qin Shan's words, the emperor and Eunuch Xue were shocked.

"Shan'er is talking about the legendary heaven-level elixir Life-Extending Pill?" the emperor asked in shock.


"It is rumored that the refining of the life-extending pill is extremely difficult. It is impossible for alchemists who are not masters to successfully refine it, and it is only possible. I didn't expect that there was one in Shan'er's hand, which really shocked me."

"His Royal Highness, this pill of yours is really timely. Your Majesty's current dragon body is in a very bad condition. This life-sustaining pill is a solution to the urgent need!" Eunuch Xue said excitedly.

However, the emperor waved his hand and said: "Shan'er, I am very happy for you to offer the pill, but now my body has reached the end of the road, and I have asked many medical experts and said that even the life extension pill can only last for a few months. And it will be more painful in the future than now, so Shan’er’s life extension pill is still kept.”

Qin Shan sounded a little sad, and continued to persuade: "But..."

"Okay, don't say any more, I have seen through life and death, besides, I can still get rid of my body for a while now, the most important thing right now is to deal with the threat of King Heng." The emperor interrupted Qin Shan and said solemnly.

"Father, although there is no evidence now, the third uncle does have the intention of treason. Father can directly issue an edict to ask the third uncle to attack and have an audience, and then arrest him!" Qin Shan suggested.

The emperor shook his head solemnly and said: "Taking Hengwang directly will lose the hearts of the people, and it may even cause people who don't know the situation to rebel, and it will also accelerate the rebellion of Hengwang's power. At that time, Hengwang's power will rely on the people Come and resist, the situation will get out of hand!"

"Then what should we do?" Qin Shan asked.

"There is only one way for the current plan, and that is to secretly collect evidence of King Heng's treason and announce it to the world, so that the people will stand by my side, and then destroy King Heng and his affiliated forces." The emperor said solemnly.

Hearing the emperor's words, Qin Shan frowned and said: "Father, although this will win the hearts of the people and prevent the people from attacking our royal family, the Three Emperors' uncles are also very powerful. If they attack by force, the Shengtian Dynasty will be split."

"Sigh... there is no way to do this. King Heng is my third younger brother. I know him very well and act very cautiously. It is extremely difficult to assassinate him. If possible, I also want to directly deal with King Heng secretly." The Emperor sighed.

Speaking of this, the emperor's face became extremely serious, and he continued: "Shan'er, I said this for only one purpose, and that is to entrust you with the investigation of Hengwang, and you will collect the evidence of Hengwang's rebellion! "

Hearing the emperor's words, Qin Shan was surprised. He didn't expect the emperor to entrust this matter to him. This is a very big matter. The emperor's entrusting it to him can only show one problem, that is, trust in him.

Seeing Qin Shan's surprised face, the emperor explained: "Shan'er, although I didn't think you were good at first, but now you are the one I trust the most. Mi, this matter can only be done by you, do you accept it?"

"The host gets the main task: solve the rebellion against Hengwang."

"Task requirements: Collect evidence of King Heng's treason and announce it to the world, and kill King Heng."

"Mission rewards: an experience red envelope, a physical red envelope, and a special red envelope."

"Mission punishment: reduce the host level by ten."

At this time, a system prompt sounded in Qin Shan's mind, which was a system task.

It happened to be the task entrusted to Qin Shan by the emperor.

So Qin Shan cupped his hands directly at the emperor and said: "Father, my son accepts this matter. This matter is related to the prosperity of our Shengtian Dynasty, and my son is naturally obliged to complete it. Also, father, please rest assured, this matter will definitely be done by me." It will be done!"

Seeing that Qin Shan accepted it without hesitation, the emperor said with relief: "Shan'er, you are worthy of being my emperor's son, good, very good! When you finish this matter, I will reward you a lot!"

"Since that's the case, I will prepare first, and I will leave!"


After Qin Shan left, the emperor's face gradually became serious.

"Your Majesty, isn't this burden too heavy for His Highness the Crown Prince?" Eunuch Xue asked.

"No, it's not heavy at all. Once he can complete this matter, he will have the ability to bear the victory of the Shengtian Dynasty. I know that my body can last for a long time. When he completes this matter, I can rest assured that the victory of the Shengtian Dynasty Leave it to Shan'er." The emperor said earnestly.

Hearing the emperor's words, Eunuch Xue was dumbfounded. This was the first time that the emperor had clearly stated that he would pass on the throne to Qin Shan.

(End of this chapter)

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