Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 150 The Black Robe's Interception

Chapter 150 The Black Robe's Interception
"Brothers, these bastards dare to make trouble, kill them, kill them!" Zhao Si raised the big knife in his hand and shouted angrily.

"Kill!" Qin Shan's personal soldiers rushed out like a tide, directly killing the city guards.

Although the number of Qin Shan's personal soldiers is only two hundred, but after Qin Shan's training, all of them are elites among the elites. Everyone's cultivation is above the level of martial arts masters, and even Quandan, who is so talented, has reached the seventh rank of generals , approaching the realm of King Wu soon.

Although facing a large number of city guards, Qin Shan's personal soldiers easily killed the city guards just like chopping vegetables.

In just a few minutes, hundreds of city guards have been killed by Qin Shan's personal soldiers.

After killing these city guards, Qin Shan and his own soldiers continued to escape.

"His Royal Highness, we have some brothers who accompanied Miss Ling Yin to bury her father outside the city. Now that we are blocked, do you want to contact those brothers?" Zhao Si asked as he was leaving.

"Of course, tell them not to enter the city and wait for us outside the city!" Qin Shan nodded in response.

"Yes, Your Highness."

Afterwards, Zhao Sifei sent a letter to several brothers outside the city, asking them to wait outside the city.

After Feiying passed on the letter, Qin Shan and the others concentrated on finding a way to leave Shengmao City.

Although Qin Shan's group of people were easy to spot, all of them were very fast and could easily avoid the pursuit of the city guards. Ordinary experts really couldn't stop them.

Heng Wang is now ordering the city guards to try his best to intercept Qin Shan. It is obvious that he has completely turned his face, and the rebellion is already imminent.


Inside Hengwang Mansion.

"Vice General Guo, immediately inform all the generals, hit the troops, and prepare to raise troops to take down the Shengtian Dynasty. Also, inform the second prince that this king will help him ascend the throne!" King Heng turned to his deputy, Guo Xingzhong, with a gloomy face. Said.

"Hengwang, why did you help the second prince to sit on the throne? It should be you, Hengwang." Guo Xingzhong asked in surprise.

"You are stupid! If this king ascends to the throne, many people will feel rebellious, but the second prince is different. He is the son of the current emperor. As long as the prince is killed, the second prince can justifiably become the best successor." People, in this way, the voice of opposition will be much smaller, and when the situation stabilizes, it will be the time for this king to really ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor!" King Heng said with narrowed eyes.

Guo Xingzhong suddenly realized.

"This matter is of great importance, and every detail must be perfected. If we fail this time, all of us will suffer a crushing defeat and never recover!" Heng Wang warned with a serious face.

"Hengwang, don't worry, the little one will act very cautiously, and must follow Hengwang's instructions to the extreme!" Guo Xingzhong replied solemnly.


Qin Shan and his party hid in the XZ, and finally sneaked near the city wall of Shengmao City until night. However, there were a bunch of city guards around the city wall, and there were probably thousands of people coming and going. It was impossible to sneak out quietly.

"His Royal Highness, it seems that we can only rush out, there is no other way to go around here." Quandan looked at the city guards near the city wall, and was about to go up and fight with a big axe.

Qin Shan rolled his eyes and said speechlessly: "Even if you attack by force, you don't have to be so reckless. You are all the prince's favorite generals. The prince doesn't want to see anyone sacrificed. If you attack by force, you must find the weakest place to attack."

"Then where should we attack?" Quan Dan scratched his head and asked.

Qin Shan pointed to the northwest, and said with a serious face: "The terrain over there is rugged, and the number of city guards is the smallest. It is the best position for a strong attack! Next, we will attack from there, everyone, get ready."

"Yes, His Royal Highness."

Afterwards, everyone followed Qin Shan towards the city wall in the northwest direction.

Suddenly, dozens of sword qi shot out from behind everyone.

Tsunade beside Qin Shan jumped up in an instant, and directly punched dozens of sword qi.


There was a loud noise, dozens of sword qi were blocked, and Tsunade also retreated tens of meters before stopping, with several wounds on her body, Tsunade had the peak medical skills in Naruto, at this time she had to treat herself Get emergency medical treatment.

After Tsunade blocked dozens of sword qi, dozens of men in black robes flashed in front of Qin Shan.

"Prince Qin Shan, today you will not be able to escape no matter what, so just capture him!" the leading man in black said to Qin Shan coldly.

Qin Shan glanced at these black-robed men, all of them were masters among masters, the weakest had rank eight generals, and the most powerful had even reached rank eight Martial Kings.

Qin Shan was very surprised that King Heng had such a group of powerful masters. There were not many masters in the Shengtian Dynasty who could reach the level of King Wu. As a result, a large number of King Heng appeared directly next to him, which shows how good King Heng is at ordinary times.

Facing so many masters, it was a bit tricky for Qin Shan to deal with. He didn't have many powerful combat powers, including himself, Tsunade, Daji, Xiaohong, Zhao Zilong and Lu Bu who hadn't been summoned, plus Whole eggs can barely handle it.

Although the situation was a bit grim, Qin Shan did not panic, because these people were not the only cards in his hole.

Qin Shan said to the black-robed man with great interest: "I'm afraid the one who stays today is not the prince, but you!"

"Hmph! Don't be ashamed of your words. Leaving aside your status as the prince, you are useless in front of us. Even if you have helpers, it will be of no avail!" the black-robed man said disdainfully.

"Then try it!" Qin Shan said with a smile.

The man in black turned grim, and moved his palm slightly, and the others behind him flashed towards Qin Shan in an instant.

"Come out, Zhao Zilong, Lu Bu!" Qin Shan summoned the two without the slightest hesitation.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Shan took out the psychic gun and pointed it at the black-robed men. Qin Shan's cultivation had reached the first rank of Martial King, and he could use the psychic gun to inflict the damage of the first rank of Martial King.

boom!With a gunshot, Qin Shan killed a man in black robe, but the others were already close.

"The Art of Hundred Heroes!"

Tsunade used his big move in an instant, plunged his hands into the rocks underground, and directly picked up a huge boulder several meters long and smashed it at the opposite black-robed man, directly crushing several people to death.

"Phantom Art!" At the same time, Daji's hands radiated pink light, controlling several black-robed men.

Zhao Zilong, Lu Bu and Quandan rushed out at the same time, and harvested the heads of several people under Daji's control.

Immediately afterwards, Xiaohong grew up and sprayed a fire dragon at the black-robed man, killing several people in an instant.

However, there were quite a few black-robed men on the other side, and dozens of them had already killed Qin Shan.

Qin Shan unhurriedly took out a psychic grenade, and threw it at the group of men in black robes who rushed to the front.

"Bye bye!" Qin Shan waved to the men in black robes.


(End of this chapter)

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