Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 151 Obtaining God-level Sword Art

Chapter 151 Obtaining God-level Sword Art
The explosion of the psychic grenade was very fierce, and the ten-meter radius was completely covered within the explosion range.

The ten black-robed men were instantly blasted to death by the powerful power of the psionic grenade, and even their bodies were mutilated.

"Surround these assassins for me, don't let them escape!" Zhao Si directly led his own soldiers to surround the remaining men in black.

The black-robed man's eyes were full of solemn expressions. Before that, he never thought that Qin Shan had such a powerful helper beside him, and he had such powerful means.

In just a few blinks of an eye, the man in black lost half of his men.

"It seems that we seriously underestimated your strength before this." The black-robed leader said in a deep voice.

"It's too common for the prince to be underestimated. The prince has already gotten used to it." Qin Shan shrugged and said indifferently.

"You are powerful, but you are definitely not our opponent. Prince Qin Shan, do you really think your opponent is King Heng?" the black-robed leader said coldly.

"Could there be another second prince?" Qin Shan responded with great interest.

"Hehe, the second prince is nothing at all. To tell you the truth, your opponent is much stronger than King Heng and the second prince. You can't resist it!" Some eerie.

Hearing the words of the black-robed leader, Qin Shan's eyes narrowed slightly, the words sounded a bit intriguing.

Even more powerful than King Heng and the Second Prince. Few people in the Shengtian Dynasty can match the power of these two people. Could it be that the forces of other countries have intervened?

Thinking about it, this possibility is indeed possible. Although King Heng is strong in the Shengtian Dynasty, it is a bit strange to have so many masters of the Wu King realm around him. It is very likely that there are other powers behind him secretly supporting him.

"It seems that the water is getting more and more muddy." Qin Shan thought silently.

Seeing that Qin Shan was silent, the black-robed leader thought that Qin Shan was intimidated, and continued to threaten: "Prince Qin Shan, I think you are a talent. If you are sensible, just like us surrender, we will let you go to the next level, but if you are stubborn , let alone enthroned and proclaimed emperor, even if you survive, it will be a problem!"

"I don't care who you are, or how powerful you are, if you are arrogant in front of me, you will die!" Qin Shan said disdainfully.

"Hmph! Don't be ashamed of your big words, die for me!"

The black-robed leader gave a cold shout, his arms shook violently, and countless sword qi shot out towards Qin Shan.

Tsunade jumped up, instantly blocked all the sword energy, then flashed in front of the black-robed man, and instantly blasted with his right fist.

With a bang, the leader in black robe flew upside down in an instant.

At the same time, Daji's phantom technique was directly thrown out. Although it failed to control the black-robed leader, it made him temporarily confused.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Qin Shan aimed at the chest of the black-robed leader and shot without hesitation.

boom!The zhenqi bullet pierced through the heart of the black-robed leader, and then the guy's body fell heavily to the ground, with a lot of blood oozing from his chest.

"Xiao Mian, how arrogant are you!" Qin Shan said contemptuously, stepping on the guy's chest.

The leader of the black robe was bleeding from his mouth, and he gritted his teeth and said in pain: "Just...even if I die today, will not end well, you don't understand how strong we are, and it won't be long before you He will die miserably, and the Shengtian Dynasty will eventually perish!"

"He has so much nonsense!"

Qin Shan fired another shot at the guy's head, and this shot directly killed the guy.

"Kill all the remaining people, not one left!" Qin Shan glanced at the remaining men in black robes around him, and directly took out a psychic grenade and threw it out.

Rumbling... When the explosion sounded, the others also rushed towards the remaining black-robed men. In just a few minutes, all the black-robed men died.

"Congratulations to the host for killing the man in black and getting a big red envelope."

"Turn on!"

"Congratulations to the host for gaining 300000 experience, weapon refining, and god-level swordsmanship "Heavenly God Swordsmanship"."

"Congratulations to the upgrade of the host's level. After the upgrade, the level has reached the second rank of Martial King."

Artifact Refining: The current level is elementary, and various equipment can be refined, and the level can be improved by virtue of proficiency.

Heavenly God Swordsmanship: God level, a total of nine levels, which can increase the host's combat power by ten times, and can kill opponents across two levels. The higher the level of cultivation, the higher the level of killing enemies by leapfrogging.

After eliminating all the men in black robes, Qin Shan broke out a big red envelope, and opened the red envelope to get a very rich reward.

Afterwards, Qin Shan couldn't wait to practice the "Sword of the Gods", which existed systematically. Qin Shan's practice of swordsmanship was different from others.

Others need to comprehend slowly to achieve the effect of cultivation, but Qin Shan comprehends the first level directly, and the more times he uses swordsmanship in the future, he will gain more experience and improve the level of swordsmanship.

"Quick! The prince and those people are there, hurry up and stop them!"

At this moment, a large number of city guards had discovered Qin Shan's existence and rushed over one after another.

Qin Shan held the Zhantian sword in his hand and shouted loudly: "Everyone will fight out with the prince!"

After finishing speaking, the Zhantian Sword in Qin Shan's hand instantly shot out countless sword qi, and dozens of city guards were killed instantly, and then the people on both sides fought together.

Although the people on Qinshan's side were much more powerful, the number of city guards was huge. At first, there were only a few hundred people, then thousands of people, and finally tens of thousands of people, enveloping Qinshan and his party in the center.

"Hold the grass! There are too many people here, even if they kill until dawn tomorrow, they won't be able to kill them all. I'm almost exhausted." Quandan said panting.

"His Royal Highness, you should leave as soon as possible, or there will be more and more people behind, don't worry about us!" Zhao Si looked at the crowds of people around him and said helplessly to Qin Shan.

"Come out together, I will take you back together, then don't disperse, let's charge towards a position, and go straight out along a road!"

Qin Shan looked at the surrounding soldiers seriously, and took out all the psionic grenades with both hands, preparing for the final impact.

"The whole army obeys the order. Today, no matter what, the prince cannot be allowed to leave. He will be kept here at all costs. Brothers, kill me!!!" The leader of the city guard shouted loudly.

"Kill!" In an instant, thousands of troops rushed towards Qin Shan.

Facing thousands of troops, Qin Shan was about to take out all the psionic grenades in his hand. Suddenly, the space around him was distorted, and the girl Ling Yin who sold herself to bury her father before suddenly appeared beside Qin Shan out of thin air.

"Huh? You didn't bury your father outside the city, why did you suddenly appear here? How did you do it?" Qin Shan looked at Ling Yin in shock.

"His Royal Highness, the little girl will explain slowly in the future, everyone follow me and enter the space channel!"

As soon as the words fell, Ling Yin's purple pupils glowed with a purple streamer, and a space crack appeared beside Qin Shan.

(End of this chapter)

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