Chapter 208

Xu Wuguang's punch firmly hit Qin Shan's chest, but Qin Shan stood still.

However, the violent force caused the ground around Qin Shan's feet to crack instantly, and then the ground within a radius of ten meters collapsed. The aftermath of the attack spread a hundred meters away, and all the disciples within a hundred meters were overturned and fell to the ground.

Such a powerful attack did not shake Qin Shan, which shocked everyone, including Xu Wuguang.

"Hahaha... Elder Xu, do you only have this ability?! This punch is not even a tickle for me. Disappointment, it is so disappointing! Haha!"

Qin Shan looked at Xu Wuguang with condescending eyes, and laughed out loud, not taking Xu Wuguang seriously.

The effect of the invincible talisman can make Qin Shan invincible for half a minute. Although the time is short, it is no problem to deal with Xu Wuguang's few moves.

After laughing wildly, Qin Shan looked at Xu Wuguang coldly, and said word by word: "Next, it's my turn! Give me back!"

Qin Shan opened his arms suddenly, and the damage absorbed by the rebounding blade armor exploded instantly.When the strength rebounded, Qin Shan's body also jerked, and the small sword hanging around his neck fell off and flew up. This small sword was given to him by the mysterious person in the mountain.

When the little sword fell off, a loud bang erupted, and the violent force blasted towards Xu Wuguang instantly. The power of this force was almost the same as Xu Wuguang's punch just now.

Xu Wuguang turned pale with shock, he never thought that all his attacks would be bounced back, even if he resisted with all his strength, the berserk force would directly blow him away.

Xu Wuguang used his whole body's true energy to block this force. After his body fell to the ground, he slid on the ground for tens of meters before stopping, leaving two long grooves on the ground, which were caused by his feet stuck in the ground. of.

After stabilizing his body, Xu Wuguang showed pain on his face, and then a trace of blood leaked from the corner of his mouth.

"Damn! You have such a powerful magic weapon on your body. I don't believe you can block my second blow!" Xu Wuguang was injured by the shock, and he was even more angry. mixed up.

The angry Xu Wuguang flashed towards Qin Shan again, and he arrived in front of Qin Shan almost instantly.

Ding!With a crisp sound, the small sword that fell off Qin Shan's neck fell in front of Xu Wuguang.

Seeing this small sword, Xu Wuguang stopped suddenly, his eyes full of shock and disbelief.

Ye Tian, ​​who was about to make a move to stop him, was also full of disbelief, as if he had seen something extraordinary.

Seeing Xu Wuguang stop, Qin Shan was also a little confused, not knowing what happened.

"This... this sword is... yours?" Xu Wuguang asked Qin Shan while picking up the small sword on the ground.

Qin Shan grabbed the small sword, blew the dust off it and said, "It's mine, what do you want?"

"Impossible! How could you have this sword? It doesn't belong to you at all. It can't be in your hand. Tell me, how did you get this sword? Did you steal it?" Xu Wuguang Pointing at Qin Shan and roaring angrily.

"You don't care how I got here, you have to do it, I'll wait!" Qin Shan pouted.

With Qin Shan's cultivation, he is definitely not Xu Wuguang's opponent. He can only wait for Xu Wuguang to attack and then rebound. However, the invincible talisman only lasts half a minute, and the time is coming soon. Xu Wuguang is still talking.

After Xu Wuguang saw this little sword, he would naturally not attack casually. This little sword is of great significance, and he would never act rashly until he figured it out.

"Say! How did you get this little sword? If you don't tell the truth today, you will not be expelled from the Temple School, but will be exterminated!" Xu Wuguang roared murderously.

At this time, other elders of the sect also came over one after another, looking at the small sword in Qin Shan's hand, their eyes were full of solemnity.

"This sword is actually in Qin Shan's hands. What's going on?" The other elders also had the same question.

Obviously, this small sword is of great significance, and even the elders of this sect pay attention to it.

Ye Tian walked to Qin Shan's side and asked seriously: "Qin Shan, this little sword is of great significance to the Temple School. How did you get it? If you can't explain it clearly, I'm afraid you will be attacked by the elders. Of."

"He must have stolen it!" Xu Wuguang said firmly.

"Steal? I would still steal this thing? You can buy it from any street stall, and I bought it from a street stall." Qin Shan said disapprovingly.

Ye Tian's face suddenly changed.

Seeing Ye Tian's complexion changed drastically, Qin Shan smiled and said, "I'm just kidding, this is given to me by a mysterious expert."

"An expert? What kind of an expert?" Ye Tian asked.

"The hair and beard are all gray, and he is wearing a gray-white robe. He is very energetic, and his temperament seems to blend with the surrounding environment. He looks very powerful." Qin Shan recalled the situation at that time, and briefly described it.

The elders nearby widened their eyes in surprise when they heard Qin Shan's description.

Ye Tian also said dumbfounded: "Qin Shan, do you know who the expert you are talking about is? He is the suzerain of our Temple Sect!"

"Oh, so it's the Sect Master of our temple." Qin Shan didn't realize it at first, but suddenly, he did, and then looked at Ye Tian in shock.

"You said he is the suzerain of our temple sect? Are you sure?" Qin Shan asked incredulously.

"Your description is consistent with the suzerain, and the most important thing is that he gave you this small sword, which can be confirmed to be our suzerain!" Ye Tian nodded in response.

Qin Shan looked at the small sword in his hand, and felt that it was too coincidental that he had just met the Sect Master of the Temple Sect.

"It turns out that the suzerain gave me this little sword. It's really miraculous, but it's just an ordinary little sword, so there's nothing surprising about it."

Ye Tian suddenly smiled bitterly, and explained helplessly: "It's a long story, anyway, you just need to know that this little sword is very meaningful."

"How could the suzerain give such an important little sword to a junior like Qin Shan who has no respect for his elders? This little sword was either imitated or stolen. Qin Shan, tell me honestly, how did you get it?" Xu Wuguang still Don't believe in Qin Shan, or don't want to believe it, and still speak ill of Qin Shan.

"Believe it or not." Qin Shan said disdainfully.

"It's unreasonable! If you don't confess honestly, then I will beat you to confess!" Xu Wuguang roared angrily.

Ye Tian hurriedly stopped him and said, "Elder Xu, Qin Shan holds this little sword in his hand, so you must know the meaning of it."

"Of course I know the meaning of Xiaojian, but Qin Shan doesn't tell the truth, so he must be honest!" Xu Wuguang said coldly.

"Who told you that Qin Shan wasn't telling the truth!"

Suddenly, a voice that has experienced vicissitudes of life came out from the crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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