Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 209 The Sect Master Appears

Chapter 209 The Sect Master Appears
After the voice sounded, the hale and hearty tall man Qin Shan had seen last time walked over leisurely.

Seeing this person's appearance, the faces of all the elders and disciples of the Temple School who knew him were full of respect.

"Sovereign!!" A group of elders shouted in unison.

When Xu Wuguang saw the suzerain's appearance, his heart skipped a beat.

"Elder Xu, this sword was given to Brother Qin Shan by this old man. Do you have any opinions?" Ye Zhengdao walked directly in front of Xu Wuguang and asked calmly.

Xu Wuguang bowed his head respectfully, and explained: "Sect Master, I didn't know it was a gift from the Sue Master before I came down. Qin Shan is completely unruly. I never thought that the Sue Master would give him such an important token."

"Qin Shan doesn't follow the rules? Are you talking about how he doesn't follow the rules?" Ye Zhengdao asked with narrowed eyes.

"He intends to kill his fellow disciples, has no respect for his elders, and blatantly disobeys my elder's orders." Xu Wuguang replied.

"Elder Xu, the old man still values ​​you very much, but don't think that the old man is blind. The old man can see clearly from below. It was your disciple Lu Yang who attacked from behind. It is normal for Qin Shan to counterattack. , This is just a trivial matter, and more importantly, you said that he has no respect for elders. As an elder, you have behaved indiscriminately, how can you make others respect you!" Ye Zhengdao pointed at Xu Wuguang and said with hatred.

Xu Wuguang asked with a blank face: "Sovereign, I have always been loyal to my duties, and have never done anything indiscreet. I don't know what the suzerain is referring to?"

"Elder Xu, do you have to tell me clearly?" Ye Zhengdao asked.

"Please make it clear, suzerain." Xu Wuguang still insisted on his own opinion.

Ye Zhengdao winked at Ye Angel who was beside him.

Ye Tian understood instantly, and then shouted to a disciple below the ring: "Go, bring him here!"

The disciple trotted away, but Xu Wuguang didn't know why.

Ye Zhengdao didn't speak either, and the atmosphere seemed dull for a while.

"I didn't expect senior to be the suzerain. Last time, I was really disrespectful and disrespectful!" Qin Shan smiled and cupped Ye Zhengdao.

Ye Zhengdao shook his head with a smile and said: "Actually, I didn't know that you were a disciple of my Temple sect at first, but I only found out after you said it yourself. It's also our fate, so I gave this little sword to you." for you."

"No wonder all the elders were surprised when they saw this little sword, because it is the token of the suzerain, Sect Master Ye, the little sword belongs to you, and now I will return it to you." Qin Shan offered the little sword with both hands.

Ye Zhengdao raised his hand and said: "Since it has been given to you, it is already yours, and this little sword is not just a simple token, it comes from the hand of the old master 'Shengdi', representing the power of our temple." Zong’s tenacity, which obviously suits you.”

Hearing Ye Zhengdao's explanation, Qin Shan was even more surprised. He had also heard of the name of the Holy Emperor, and it was even famous in the Dragon Soul Continent.

"Since the suzerain is so generous, it is better for the disciple to obey his orders than to be respectful." Qin Shan also didn't have any ink marks, and directly accepted the little sword.

Seeing this scene, the eyes of the elders next to him were full of disbelief, while Xu Wuguang was secretly jealous. As the sixth elder, he had never received such attention from the suzerain, which made him feel unbalanced.

At this moment, the disciple Ye Tian ordered just now came back, pulling another disciple behind him.

"Elder Ye, the disciple has already brought him here!"

"Okay, thank you very much." Ye Tian nodded, and then pulled the disciple in front of Xu Wuguang, "Elder Xu, do you know him?"

When Xu Wuguang saw this disciple, his face was full of panic.

"Of course I know him. He is my disciple. Why did you bring him here?" Xu Wuguang asked deliberately pretending to be puzzled.

"Is Elder Xu still trying to make excuses now? Come on, explain what Elder Xu has done." Ye Tian didn't explain, but let this disciple take the initiative to explain the situation.

This disciple didn't dare to look at Xu Wuguang, and lowered his head and said, "Elder Xu ordered me to deliberately push Tang Jie from Qin Shan's group off the cliff so that they would have no chance to pass the first level. mine!"

Xu Wuguang's face turned livid suddenly, and he seemed a little at a loss.

Ye Zhengdao sighed and said, "Elder Xu, what else do you have to say?"

"Suzerain, this is a false accusation. They set up a scheme to frame me. How could I do such a thing!" Xu Wuguang argued in panic.

Ye Zhengdao shook his head and said: "I said just now, don't think that I am blind, I see everything in my eyes, I have been watching the overall situation since the Baizong martial arts, do you really think that I have let the Temple sect do nothing? Xu Wuguang, usually you can turn a blind eye to abuse your power, but now you have exceeded the bottom line, and the Temple School can no longer tolerate you!"

"Zong... Sovereign! Don't, I know I was wrong, I admit it, I was wrong, don't drive me away from the Temple Sect!" Xu Wuguang finally realized the seriousness of the matter, and quickly begged on his knees in fright.

"The old man gave you a chance to repent just now, but unfortunately you didn't cherish it. Now the opportunity has been missed, it's already too late!"

Ye Zhengdao shook his head, his eyes gradually became sharper, and he announced loudly: "Xu Wuguang, the sixth elder of the Temple School, used his power for personal gain and violated the rules of the Temple School. The circumstances are serious, and he will be expelled from the Temple School from today!"

Following Ye Zhengdao's solemn announcement, the disciples of the Temple Sect were in an uproar.

Xu Wuguang's face suddenly turned ashen. At this moment, his mood is broken. He has been in the Temple School for decades, and he finally took the position of elder. Now, because of Qin Shan's appearance, everything has disappeared. That kind of hopeless mood Outsiders cannot understand.

Qin Shan ignored the desperate Xu Wuguang, this guy deserved it, so he didn't show any mercy.

On the contrary, Qin Shan was very curious about the relationship between Ye Tian and Ye Zhengdao, because it seemed that the relationship between the two was not shallow, and they both had the same surname.

"Elder Ye, what is the relationship between you and the suzerain?" Qin Shan leaned next to Ye Tian and asked curiously.

Ye Tian glanced at Ye Zhengdao who was not far away, and said with a wry smile: "He is my father."

"Father-son relationship, that's how it is. No wonder they both have the surname Ye, but to be honest, you don't look as handsome as the suzerain. This genetic variation is a bit strong." Qin Shan joked.

"You..." Ye Tian's complexion changed immediately, and he was about to fight back, but Qin Shan dodged directly, making him want to cry without tears. This kid's words are really hurtful.

A farce ended after the appearance of Ye Zhengdao. In this farce, the most eye-catching person was not the suzerain nor Xu Wuguang, but Qin Shan who won No.1 in the Hundred Schools of Martial Arts.

Qin Shan's arrogance and relationship with the suzerain are all vividly remembered.

(End of this chapter)

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