Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 225 Forcibly Entering the Imperial City

Chapter 225 Forcibly Entering the Imperial City
The situation in the imperial city is indeed very chaotic. The second prince has already controlled the city guards, and the commander of the Imperial Forest Army, Shi Linsan, fled with Concubine Rong.

As for the ministers in the court, the second prince has already driven Yue Zhijian and his group out of the court, and the rest are all ministers who support him, so he has proclaimed himself emperor.

In order to show his majesty, the second prince directly spread the news of proclaiming himself emperor throughout the entire imperial city.

"Following the fate of the heavens, the emperor said that the dragon body of the first emperor is in danger. Now pass on the title of emperor to His Royal Highness the second prince. From now on, the second prince will be the new emperor of the Shengtian Dynasty. No matter the people, merchants or officials must obey the new emperor's will. Any disobedience will be punished as treason!"

Hearing the news that the second prince proclaimed himself emperor, the entire imperial city erupted.

"My God, the second prince actually succeeded to the throne! Nai, he is taking the throne by force. Taking advantage of His Majesty's critical illness and the prince's return to the imperial city, he forcibly seized the throne. It's just frantic!"

"The second prince's wolfish ambition, I'm afraid His Majesty is the one who killed him. He is killing his father and seizing the throne, and his heart can be punished!"

"Hush...don't make too much noise, now the city guards belong to him, be careful if the city guards overhear and decapitate them!"

"If you kill the head, you will kill the head. Almost all the people support His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. Now that the second prince is rebellious and has seized the throne, why don't people say it? Could it be that he can kill all the people in the world?"

"Alas... there is no way, the second prince has now controlled the situation in the imperial city, and the others can only submit!"

"What the hell is Jinqiu Kingdom now attacking our Shengtian Dynasty, the Second Prince won't repel foreign enemies, but is fighting for power in his own family, completely ignoring us people!"

"His Royal Highness, where are you? Hurry up and return to the imperial city, the Shengtian Dynasty needs you!"


The people in the capital are panic-stricken, and most of them are looking forward to Qin Shan's return. In their opinion, if the second prince sits on the throne, the people will definitely suffer in the future.

Now that the Golden Autumn Kingdom invaded the Shengtian Dynasty, the second prince did not retreat from the enemy, but took the opportunity to seize the throne. This was not for the country or the people, but selfishness. If there were such an emperor, the Shengtian Dynasty would definitely be over.


When the people were looking forward to it, Qin Shan was being blocked from the city gate by the city defenders.

At this time, Qin Shan coldly glanced at the guarding troops, and said word by word: "You are all soldiers of the Shengtian Dynasty. This prince doesn't want to kill you. If you are sensible, let this prince go, or you will be killed!"

"If everyone came over and claimed to be the prince, wouldn't it be a mess? If you want to pass, you have to prove your identity!" The general of the city defense army sneered.

"Does the prince's order count?" Qin Shan took out the black gold prince's order.

"What is a token? It can be forged at will, but it's better to show conclusive evidence!"

"It seems that you are stubborn!"

A cold light flashed in Qin Shan's eyes, and the Golden Dragon Excalibur flew out instantly.

Sigh... A series of muffled sounds, bloodstains appeared on the throats of the group of defenders in front of Qin Shan, and dozens of people fell in a pool of blood.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Shan jumped up and stood firmly on the Golden Dragon Excalibur. This is the skill of 'flying with the sword' that Qin Shan obtained from the ancient spar of the Temple Sect last time.

"Tang Jie, it's urgent. I'll go in first, and you guys will follow!"

"Don't worry, we'll follow."

Qin Shan nodded, and controlled the Excalibur to quickly fly towards the city gate.

"Quick! They forced their way into the imperial city, stop them, shoot arrows, shoot arrows! Don't let these lunatics enter the imperial city!" The guard general pointed at Qin Shan and shouted angrily.

Whoosh, whoosh... In an instant, the rain of arrows shot at Qin Shan.

Qin Shan directly took out the psychic cannon and fired at the formation protecting the city. At this moment, he didn't care about other things. Entering the imperial city was the most important thing.

Booming... Qin Shan kept attacking the protective formation against the rain of arrows, and the berserk attack directly caused the protective formation to burst.

Afterwards, Qin Shan controlled the Golden Dragon Excalibur and flew into the imperial city in an instant, and disappeared from the sight of the city defenders with a single swipe.

"Boss has already entered, it's our turn now!" Tang Jie said to Ling Yin who was beside him when he saw Qin Shan enter the imperial city.

"No problem, look at me."

Ling Yin violently circulated the source of space with both hands, and a space crack appeared in front of him, and then Tang Jie and the others went straight into the crack and entered the imperial city.

"Huh? They disappeared out of thin air. What's going on?" The city guards all looked confused.

"Fuck! They suddenly appeared in the imperial city, look, they are there!"

"Intercept them immediately, hurry up!!"

The city guards saw Tang Jie and the others, and immediately rushed towards them.

However, these were just ordinary soldiers, and they couldn't stop Tang Jie and his party at all.

After Qin Shan entered the imperial city, he didn't go directly to the imperial palace. He already knew that the situation in the imperial city was controlled by the second prince. Presumably his mother and concubine Rong would also be affected, but he had already made arrangements before that.

He didn't go to the palace, but flew to the mansion of the general who protects the country.

Arriving at the sky above the General Protector's Mansion, Qin Shan jumped directly into the General's Mansion, unbiased, right behind Ren Fengxia.

"Who?!" Ren Fengxia immediately turned around and shouted.

"It's me." Qin Shan shouted.

"It's Brother Prince! I knew you would definitely come!" Ren Fengxia hugged Qin Shan in surprise.

"How is the situation? Is my mother safe?" Qin Shan asked.

"After Commander Zhang took Concubine Rong out of the palace, he came to our General's Mansion according to the prince's brother's wishes. It is very safe now, but the situation is very bad now. The second prince has almost controlled the imperial city, and forcibly proclaimed himself emperor. The imperial city is full of chaos. Fear, our General's Mansion should be a little quieter, after all, the second prince still dare not confront my father, oh, by the way, the people from the Prince's Mansion are already in the General's Mansion, they are waiting for your return."

"Come on, take me to see it."

Afterwards, Ren Fengxia brought Qin Shan to the place where Concubine Rong was. Qin Shan's personal soldiers were also here, and they did not act rashly for the time being, they knew that Qin Shan would come back to fight back.

"Concubine Mother, it's great to see that you're fine!" Qin Shan said happily after seeing Concubine Rong.

Concubine Rong hugged Qin Shan tightly, and said excitedly: "Shan'er, the queen mother is happy even if you are fine, thanks to Commander Zhang for the queen mother to come out."

Zhang Zhongxiao said embarrassingly: "Ms. Concubine Rong praised you absurdly. All of this was arranged by His Royal Highness. From the secret path to the general's mansion, I followed His Highness's arrangement."

"In any case, thanks to your wit." Qin Shan patted Zhang Zhongxiao on the shoulder, and then his face became serious, "Okay, let's not talk about other things, and then I need to know the current situation, and then make a counterattack plan! "

(End of this chapter)

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