Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 226 Foresight Plan

Chapter 226 Foresight Plan

"Brother Prince, the current situation is very weak for us. The City Guard Army has been controlled by the Second Prince, and other departments must cooperate with the City Guard Army. If they violate the law, they will be arrested or killed. The Second Prince is currently trying to eliminate dissidents. !” Ren Fengxia said with a serious face.

"The situation outside the palace is severe, and the palace is also very cruel. The second prince has prevented anyone from approaching the unconscious His Majesty. Eunuch Xue has disappeared. Many imperial guards in the palace have been replaced by the second prince! Also, the key point is A tricky question, the second prince has a group of powerful masters to help him, the last general can't even catch a single move, their cultivation is at least above the Martial Emperor's realm!" Zhang Zhongxiao also had a solemn expression on his face.

"His Royal Highness, and the Second Prince's people are making trouble in the Prince's Mansion in the name of hunting for repeat offenders. We were going to fight back, but Miss Ren led the people from the General's Mansion to stop us. For safety, we all came to the General's Mansion and failed to protect us. For the safety of the Prince's Mansion, please forgive me!" Zhao Si said to Qin Shan apologetically.

Qin Shan shook his head and said: "Fengxia is right to stop you from doing it. Even if you fight the second prince recklessly, it will be a dead end. Waiting for this prince to come back and fight back is the right choice!"

"Brother Prince, how do you decide to fight back?" Ren Fengxia asked.

A cold light flashed in Qin Shan's eyes, and then he narrowed his eyes and said, "I already knew that bastard would snatch the emperor's position, and I was already prepared before that!"

Ren Fengxia looked at Qin Shan in surprise, "Brother Prince, you have already thought of this, are you still prepared?"

"His Royal Highness naturally has foresight. His Royal Highness has prepared for the last general and Concubine Rong to escape from the palace. Moreover, His Highness also said that if the Second Prince rebels, the Imperial Forest Army will temporarily lie dormant and wait for a counterattack. Now the Imperial Forest Army is under the last general I did not act under the order!" Zhang Zhongxiao looked at Qin Shan with admiration, and then explained to Ren Fengxia.

"But it's not enough to rely on the Imperial Forest Army alone." Ren Fengxia said helplessly.

"Of course it won't work to rely solely on the Imperial Forest Army, but I have people in the City Guard Army, and their status is not low, but it has not been activated yet! Moreover, there is a secret communication method between me and Eunuch Xue. Even if Eunuch Xue is dead, Before he died, he also had the opportunity to convey a message to me, as long as I arrive at the palace, I can receive it."

Hearing Qin Shan's words, Ren Fengxia looked at Qin Shan in surprise, "Brother Prince, you usually look like you're doing nothing, but I didn't expect you to be able to think so much, it's unbelievable!"

"Let's talk about the worship later. It's time for us to fight back! Feng Xia, next you go to the deputy commander of the city guard, Lu Zhan. When you see him, just say Heavenly King Gai Dihu, and he will naturally Respond to you! Zhao Si, you bring a group of personal soldiers to protect Fengxia and go to Lu Zhan."

"Zhang Zhongxiao, you should return to the palace through the secret passage, and then summon the Imperial Forest Army to fight back!"

"Quantan, you and the rest of the guards entered the palace with me. Your task is to deal with Erhuo's subordinates."

"It's not too late, all action!"

When preparing to act, Concubine Rong said seriously: "Shan'er, be careful in everything. The throne is important, but your life is even more important."

"Concubine Mu, don't worry, I will get what I deserve, and Erhuo will pay the price for his actions!" Qin Shan said confidently.

After speaking, Qin Shan and his party followed the plan.

Ren Fengxia and Zhao Si quickly went to the city guard headquarters to find Lu Zhan.

The second prince robbed the throne and made people panic. There were almost no pedestrians on the street. Ren Fengxia and his party were very conspicuous on the street riding horses, so shortly after leaving the General's Mansion, they encountered a wave of city guards.

"Miss Ren, I wonder where you are going in such a hurry?" the city guard asked.

"I have something to ask your Vice Commander Lu, do you know where it is?" Ren Fengxia asked.

"Looking for Deputy Commander Lu? Oh, we know where he is, let's take you there!" said the city guard.

Ren Fengxia glanced at Zhao Si, and Zhao Si nodded.

"Okay, I'll follow you guys!"

Afterwards, Ren Fengxia and his party left with the city guards.

Soon, Ren Fengxia and her group were brought to a courtyard, and one of the city guards pointed to the room in the courtyard and said, "Our deputy commander is inside, you can find him when you go in."

"Really?" Ren Fengxia squinted her eyes and asked.

"Of course, he's inside, you'll know when you go in and take a look." The city guard replied with a serious face.

As soon as the words fell, Zhao Si grabbed the city guard's throat instantly, pointed a dagger against his throat and said, "You better not play tricks, don't think that I didn't see that you are deliberately leading us here Come!"

The faces of the city guards changed drastically, and the others were shocked. They didn't know how Ren Fengxia and the others saw it.

Ren Fengxia looked at these city guards with a cold face and said: "This lady is the daughter of the great general who protects the country, you bastards actually want to deceive this lady, don't you want to live?"

"Miss Ren, since you have discovered it, I'll just say it bluntly. Now the Shengtian Dynasty is His Highness the Second Prince, and His Highness the Second Prince has proclaimed himself emperor. We need you to make the Great General Protecting the Nation compromise. Now you Already surrounded by us, let's capture it immediately, otherwise there will only be a dead end!"

As soon as the city guard finished speaking, many city guards suddenly appeared around them, surrounding Ren Fengxia and his party.

Zhao Si's face turned cold, and he stabbed the dagger into the temple of the city guard in his hand without hesitation.

"Fuck you! If you want to die, don't blame me, brothers, kill me!!!" Zhao Si said to the brothers around him.


Qin Shan's personal soldiers were much higher than ordinary soldiers. Although they were small in number, they could easily kill the city guards.

Ren Fengxia didn't hesitate, grabbed a city guard and asked, "Tell me, where is your deputy commander?"

"I...I don't know."

Click!Ren Fengxia directly broke the guy's neck.

At this moment, another large wave of city guards came to the periphery.

"Who dares to make trouble here?" A rough voice sounded.

"The deputy commander is here, deputy commander, this woman is the daughter of General Ren, as long as we catch him, we can go to the new emperor to receive the reward!" A small leader of the city guard said.

Seeing that the city guards called that person the deputy commander, Ren Fengxia's face brightened, and she immediately shouted: "Heavenly King Gaidihu!"

When the deputy commander heard Ren Fengxia's words, he narrowed his eyes immediately, and replied, "Chicken stewed mushrooms!"

As soon as the words fell, the deputy commander, Lu Zhan, stabbed the little leader of the city guard into the heart, and then said to his subordinates: "Kill all Shi Linsan's people!"

"As ordered!"

Immediately, the group of land soldiers on the outside attacked instantly, and the city guards on the inside didn't react at all, and they were all killed in the blink of an eye.

(End of this chapter)

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