Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 304 Elder Ye Tian Disappears

Chapter 304 Elder Ye Tian Disappears

Seeing this guy disappear into the tree trunk, Qin Shan frowned.

"It seems that Mietian is indeed Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. All kinds of awesome skills can be directly integrated into the tree trunk. Could it be a wood attribute mage?"

Qin Shan was very surprised, because after this person disappeared, Qin Shan didn't feel his breath at all.

But this guy has already run away, Qin Shan has no choice but to find a way to solve it in the future.

Seeing that Qin Shan was not under control, the envoys of the Tieji Kingdom quickly ran away.

Qin Shan didn't show any mercy, and directly broke the necks of several people.

Qin Shan would not be merciful to those who wanted to kill him. After killing a few people, Qin Shan returned to the palace as if nothing had happened.

In the early morning of the next day, Qin Shan directly ordered the Chinese army to assemble an army of 50 to prepare to take down Tieji Kingdom.

The emperor of Tieji Kingdom heard that the Shengtian Dynasty was going to send troops to attack, and knew that the matter had been revealed. He cooperated with Mietian to take down the Shengtian Dynasty, but now he had to admit defeat in defeat.

Tekki Nation is just a small country, and it can't resist the attack of Shengtian Dynasty at all.

Helpless, the emperor of Tieji Kingdom had no choice but to compromise with Qin Shan, expressing his willingness to offer silver, pills and equipment as compensation.

In fact, Qin Shan was not interested in a small country like Tie Ji Nation. Even if they occupied them, it would be useless to improve their strength. Since they were willing to pay compensation, Qin Shan naturally did not refuse, so he opened his mouth directly.

Tie Jiguo was worried that Qin Shan would send troops, so he had to endure the pain and let out blood.

After the incident subsided, Qin Shan had a clearer understanding of the Mietian organization.

There are many capable people in this organization, who secretly provoke wars and civil strife in various countries, and then control the country. Not only that, they also infiltrate various sects and control various forces.

Qin Shan doesn't know how powerful Mietian is, but he can be sure that they are more terrifying and powerful than the empire.

So Qin Shan has not stopped collecting information on Mietian during this time, and even sent Tsunade, Daji, Lingyin, and Xiaoheixiaohong to collect information.

One day, Xiao Ningbing, who was practicing swords in the harem, saw a messenger flying eagle hovering. This was a special messenger flying eagle of the Temple School.

When Xiao Ningbing saw the information brought by Feiying, her expression changed drastically, and she hurried to find Qin Shan.

"Your Majesty, something is wrong!" Xiao Ningbing came to the imperial study and shouted anxiously.

"What happened?" Qin Shan asked in surprise.

"Feiying, the branch sect, just sent a letter saying that Elder Ye is missing from the 'Fast Wind Ridge' in Xibo Country!" Xiao Ningbing said nervously.

"Elder Ye disappeared? What happened?" Qin Shan asked in surprise.

"I don't know, it's not clear in the letter, I'm afraid I can only understand it at the branch sect." Xiao Ningbing shook her head.

"Okay, then go to the branch sect right away, let's go."

Afterwards, Qin Shan and Xiao Ningbing used the teleportation array to arrive at the branch of the Temple Sect in Endless City.

After the division, it was a mess.

Seeing Qin Shan coming, the disciples of the branch sect hurried over and said, "Elder Qin, you are here, it's great to see you!"

"What happened?"

"Not long ago we heard that there was a heaven and earth elixir in Blast Ridge in Xibo Kingdom, so Elder Ye personally took a group of disciples there, trying to get the heaven and earth elixir, but Elder Ye and many disciples were met with dissatisfaction when they went. Attacked by a group of people, and then disappeared, I am afraid that they will be caught by those masters!"

"Who are those masters?" Qin Shan asked with a frown.

"I don't know what identity it is yet." The disciple who escaped by chance responded.

"Did they ask anything?"


Qin Shan thought for a while, and then said: "Is it just an accident that I didn't make a request? I'm going to Haifeng Ridge now to see what happened. In addition, you should notify this sect immediately."

"Elder Qin, take us with you!" All the other disciples of the Temple Sect wanted to go together.

"No, I will go with Ning Bing."

Qin Shan and Ye Tian can be regarded as friends, Qin Shan will naturally come to the rescue when friends are in trouble.

On the way to Xibo Kingdom, Xiao Ningbing said worriedly: "Your Majesty, isn't it too reckless to go just the two of us? Why don't we bring a group of disciples with us?"

"It's faster for two people to go, not to mention that even Elder Ye Tian had an accident. Ordinary disciples are useless at all, and it's dangerous to go there. It's better to let the two of us solve it. Okay, jump on the flying sword, and I will take you The sword flies!"

Next, Qin Shan flew with Xiao Ningbing Yujian.

Xibo Kingdom is also one of the neighboring countries of the Shengtian Dynasty. It is a small country similar to the Tieji Kingdom, but they have a very famous location, that is, 'Flood Ridge'.

Galewind Ridge is a mountain range. Perhaps due to the aura, many rare medicinal herbs are bred here. Many adventurers come here to seek rare medicinal herbs.

Qin Shan hurried on his way, and after three days, he finally entered the territory of Xibo Kingdom and reached the border of Gale Wind Ridge.

Qin Shan didn't go directly to Blast Wind Ridge, but came to the small town next to Blast Wind Ridge to inquire about the situation. To Qin Shan's surprise, many people knew about the arrest of Ye Tian and a group of disciples of the Temple Sect.

However, the people in the town don't know what they know. They only know that Ye Tian and a group of disciples of the Temple Sect entered Blast Ridge and encountered a group of masters, and then they were ambushed by those masters, and then disappeared. As for the location of the disappearance, they only know roughly Among the mountains in the middle of Galewind Ridge.

After collecting this news, Qin Shan and Xiao Ningbing entered Galewind Ridge.


In the depths of Galewind Ridge, a group of masked men in black tied Ye Tian and others and locked them in the cave.

One of the men in black looked at the other and asked, "Elder, are you sure Qin Shan will come here?"

"According to my information, Qin Shan and Ye Tian have a very good relationship. If Ye Tian is in trouble, Qin Shan will definitely come to help as soon as possible."

"Then why did we choose Galewind Ridge? It seems a bit complicated."

"After all, the Temple Sect is a big sect. Even if we refine the Divine Sect head-on, we will suffer losses. The purpose of luring them here is to create an illusion and make the Temple Sect think that it is an accidental result caused by robbing the heaven and earth elixir. We don't have to worry about the trouble of the Temple Sect!"

"Elder, it really is a great plan! High, really high! Then we are waiting for Qin Shan's arrival now!"

"I have already spread the news in the small town next to Blast Wind Ridge. As long as Qin Shan arrives in the small town, he will come here, and we set up an ambush here. Qin Shan will only have a dead end when he comes!"

"This time Qin Shan will definitely die, who will let him fight against our Shenzong!"

There was a cold light in the eyes of the elders of the Shenshenzong. Qin Shan killed their elders of the Shenshenzong.

(End of this chapter)

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