Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 305 Rescue Elder Ye

Chapter 305 Rescue Elder Ye

Qin Shan and Xiao Ningbing quickly entered the central mountain of Gale Wind Ridge.

However, when he was about to approach, Qin Shan stopped and said: "Ning Bing, I feel that the matter of Elder Ye Tian's sudden disappearance is not that simple. I am worried that there will be danger ahead, so it is better to investigate first!"

"How to investigate?" Xiao Ningbing asked.

"Let some monsters investigate."

As he spoke, Qin Shan sensed the surrounding situation, and then found a group of second-grade monsters, Galewind Wolves.

Qin Shan used the beast control technique to control the dozen or so Galewind wolves, and then let them go around for a quick investigation.

As for Qin Shan and Xiao Ningbing, they followed behind a few Gale Wolves, even if there was danger ahead, they would find out ahead of time.

While advancing halfway, Qin Shan controlled a group of monsters to investigate for him.

As night fell, a group of monsters under Qin Shan's control returned to Qin Shan, and the number was reduced by more than half, and the returned group of monsters were injured.

Qin Shan checked their injuries, rubbed his chin and said: "The wounds on these Gale wolves are obviously sword wounds, there is obviously an ambush ahead, Ning Bing, you just wait here, I will go and check it out myself! "

"Your Majesty, be careful." Xiao Ningbing said.

Qin Shan nodded, and then flew directly with the sword, and at the same time activated the night stealth skill.

This skill can greatly hide Qin Shan's aura. Even people with a much higher cultivation base than Qin Shan can't detect it. In addition, Qin Shan knows that there is an ambush ahead, so he is naturally more vigilant.

After Yujian flew for a few minutes, Qin Shan noticed some people moving under his feet, so he found a safe place to stop and approached them.

Soon, Qin Shan saw a group of masked men in black stationed there, and all of them were masters, not to mention dozens of Martial King Realm cultivation bases, and several Martial King Realm masters, and even one person who was as good as Qin Shan Reached the seventh rank of Martial Emperor Realm.

These people stationed here seemed to be waiting for someone. Qin Shan didn't approach them rashly, because he felt that there were many hidden formations around them. If they approached rashly, they would be spotted instantly and besieged.

Qin Shan came to look for Elder Ye Tian, ​​and he didn't want to make any noise before he figured out the situation.

"What are these people doing here? It is said that Elder Ye also disappeared on this mountain. Is it possible that this group of people caught him?" Qin Shan thought silently.

Due to the distance, Qin Shan couldn't hear the movement of those people, let alone what they were talking about.

At this moment, several masked men in black came out of the cave with a man tied up.

When he saw the tied person, Qin Shan's eyes widened immediately.

The person who was tied up was a disciple of the Temple School. Although Qin Shan didn't know him, he was wearing the uniform uniform of the Temple School.

A man outside who looked like a leader in black said a few words to the Temple disciple, and then the Temple disciple was dragged into the cave again.

Seeing this scene, Qin Shan could already confirm that Elder Ye and the disciples of the Temple Sect were trapped in the cave, and these masked men in black were the ones who kidnapped them.

After confirming, Qin Shan did not act in a hurry, but returned to Xiao Ningbing's side.

"Ning Bing, I have already investigated clearly. Elder Ye and the disciples of the Temple Sect are right ahead. They are controlled by a group of black-clothed masked masters. I can't attack alone, otherwise Elder Ye will be killed. I need your cooperation. !” Qin Shan said with a serious face.

"No problem, follow His Majesty's command." Xiao Ningbing nodded heavily.

"I will hand over the psychic cannon to you later, and then you will attack those people outside to attract their attention, but you have to pay attention, one of them has reached the seventh rank of Martial Emperor, and there are several You are a strong Martial Emperor, so don't love to fight, just carry out long-range attacks, and then quickly switch positions!"

"it is good."

"When you attracted their attention, I sneaked into the cave secretly, waiting for the opportunity to rescue Elder Ye and the disciples of the Temple Sect, understand?"

"Understood!" Xiao Ningbing nodded in response.

"Okay, let's move on."

Saying that, Qin Shan Yujian Fei quickly brought Xiao Ningbing to the periphery of those people.

Qin Shan handed the psionic cannon to Xiao Ningbing, and Qin Shan used the dark night to sneak up to the cave quickly from the side.

When he was about to approach the cave, Qin Shan made a gesture to Xiao Ningbing who was hiding in the grass.

Seeing Qin Shan's gesture, Xiao Ningbing immediately aimed the psychic cannon at the position where the most black-clothed masked people were.

With a muffled sound, the psychic cannon was fired instantly, and the compressed true energy cannon shot directly at the center of the group of men in black.

"Enemy attack! Get out of the way!" One of them felt the danger and immediately shouted.


There was a loud noise, and the zhenqi cannon exploded. Although some people reacted, the cannon still killed several people.

Bang bang bang!
Immediately afterwards, Xiao Ningbing quickly attacked, and the True Qi Cannon attacked for no money.

"According to the information, Qin Shan has this kind of attack method. Hurry up, find him nearby, and kill him!" The leader of the seventh-rank master of the Martial Emperor Realm shouted angrily, pointing at the bushes.

Immediately, a group of black-clothed masked men flashed towards the grass.

Xiao Ningbing had already made preparations, quickly shifted positions, and kept attacking while shifting. Although the opponents were all masters, there were still quite a few people who were hit. Once hit, they would undoubtedly die.

The masked man in black was almost all attracted by Xiao Ningbing, and Qin Shan had also sneaked into the cave.

When entering the cave, several masked men in black rushed towards them. Qin Shan killed them without saying a word, and then entered the depths of the cave at the fastest speed.

On the way in, Qin Shan killed more than a dozen people, and finally reached the innermost part of the cave.

At this time, Ye Tian and several disciples of the Temple Sect were lying on the ground bound by chains.

"Elder Ye, you are indeed here, I'm here to save you." Qin Shan looked at Ye Tian and shouted.

Seeing Qin Shan appearing, Ye Tian widened his eyes and said: "Qin Shan, don't worry about us, get out of here quickly, these people are masters of refining Shenzong, their purpose is to deal with you, go away!"

"It turns out to be a person who refines Shenzong, no wonder the strength is not weak, but my purpose today is to save you, so naturally I will save you back."

As he spoke, Qin Shan cut off all the chains on them with the Golden Dragon Excalibur.

Afterwards, Qin Shan threw some healing pills and energy-replenishing pills to them and said, "Take these pills quickly and get ready to leave here!"

"This is the end of the matter, let's fight out together!" Ye Tian gritted his teeth after swallowing the pill.

Afterwards, Qin Shan, Ye Tian and the disciples of the Temple School quickly rushed out of the cave.

At this time, there were many people who practiced Shenzong around the cave. Seeing that Qin Shan had rescued Ye Tian, ​​they immediately shouted: "Elder, Qin Shan is here, saving people in the cave!"

(End of this chapter)

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