Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 306 The unscrupulous method of refining Shenzong

Chapter 306 The unscrupulous method of refining Shenzong
Boom boom boom...

Several explosions occurred in front of Qin Shan, directly killing those who blocked him.

"Your Majesty, Elder Ye, this way!" Xiao Ningbing shouted not far away.

Qin Shan and the others met up with Xiao Ningbing as quickly as possible, and then prepared to leave this place.

However, before they could go far, dozens of people surrounded Qin Shan and the others.

"Qin Shan, you won't be able to escape today!" said the Martial Emperor seventh-rank expert headed by Lian Shenzong coldly.

"You Lian Shenzong did such a despicable thing, and you didn't even say any morals in order to deal with a person. Aren't you afraid of being ridiculed for doing this, and are you afraid of provoking a war with our Temple sect?!" Ye Tian shouted angrily.

"Unfortunately, after you are dead, no one will know that it was our Shenzong who did it. Outsiders think that you just had an accident to snatch the heaven and earth elixir. No one will doubt the Shenzong. Come here!"

As he said that, this master of the seventh rank of the Martial Emperor tore off his mask. Anyway, his purpose today was to kill Qin Shan, and he didn't care that Qin Shan saw his face.

"You are the Sixth Elder of the Divine Refinement Sect!" Ye Tian was shocked, "It seems that you have already received the instruction from the master of the Divine Refinement Sect. Hmph, you are clearly prepared for the Divine Refinement Sect!"

"Qin Shan killed the elder and many disciples of our Shenshenzong, which seriously affected the reputation of our Shenshenzong. We will naturally kill him by any means. This is the wish of all of our Shenshenzong, so today you can't escape no matter what!" The Sixth Elder took out a big knife as tall as a person, and stared at Qin Shan coldly.

Regarding this, Qin Shan said disapprovingly: "You guys want to kill me and make it so complicated, why bother? I really don't know what you're pretending to be in your head!"

"Qin Shan, you are still as arrogant as ever when you are about to die, let me see how arrogant you are! Kill me!"

Immediately, dozens of people around rushed towards Qin Shan together.

If Qin Shan was alone, he wouldn't have any pressure to deal with these people, but now that there are disciples of the Temple Sect behind him, Qin Shan would naturally be restrained.

When these people attacked, Qin Shan didn't dodge, but took out his psionic gun and fired a few shots at them.

Bang bang bang!
After a few gunshots, several people from the Lian Shenzong side died.

But the psionic gun is fine against minions, but it won't work if it is more powerful. For example, those masters of the Martial Emperor Realm have already flashed in front of Qin Shan.

Suddenly, Xiao Ningbing flashed in front of Qin Shan, and the double short swords in her hands were arched wantonly.

Ding Ding!

With a few crisp sounds, those masters of the Martial Emperor Realm were blocked, and the weapons in their hands instantly condensed into popsicles. They were so frightened that they quickly threw away their weapons.

At this time, the Sixth Elder of the Lian Shenzong had already arrived behind Qin Shan, and the big knife in his hand directly slashed at Qin Shan's head.

"Be careful!" Ye Tian suddenly shouted in horror.

However, Ye Tian's speed was still slow. At this time, the attack of Lian Shenzong was about to hit Qin Shan.

"Boy, you're dead!" Seeing that Qin Shan didn't respond, the Sixth Elder had a triumphant smile on his face.

Suddenly, Qin Shan turned around sharply, crossing his arms to block the front.

At this moment, Qin Shan directly activated the anti-injury blade armor.


With a loud bang, the sword of the Sixth Elder of Lian Shenzong hit Qin Shan's arm, and there was a huge roar.

What shocked everyone was that Qin Shan was not harmed at all, and all the power seemed to disappear without a trace.

" is this possible! You actually blocked my attack with only your arms!" The sixth elder of the Shenshen Sect looked at Qin Shan in shock.

"Hehe..." Qin Shan chuckled at this guy, and then opened his arms suddenly.

The sixth elder of Lian Shenzong instinctively felt that something was wrong, and was about to get out of the way.

It's a pity that before the Sixth Elder of the Shenshenzong got out of the way, Qin Shan let out a low shout, and a majestic force shot out from Qin Shan's body.

With a bang, all the force hit the body of the Sixth Elder of the Refining God Sect, and the huge force directly sent him flying, breaking a dozen or so trees before barely stopping.

"In the face of the sixth elder's attack, he completely resisted it, and he was able to retaliate the elder. Is this guy still human?"

"What a terrifying power! How did this happen? No matter how high your cultivation level is, it is impossible to resist the attack of the Sixth Elder and be safe!"

"Qin Shan definitely has a powerful magic weapon, otherwise he wouldn't be able to resist the attack with both arms!"


The people who refined Shenzong were all stunned. They thought that Qin Shan would definitely die under the attack just now, but they didn't expect that not only did he not die, but their elder was blown away.

"Damn it! You actually used my power to fight back against me. What are you all doing in a daze? Go ahead and kill him!" The sixth elder of the Shenshen Sect was furious and ordered the others to attack again.

Xiao Ningbing, Ye Tian and even a few disciples of the Divine Refinement Sect joined the battle. Since the enemy was outnumbered, Qin Shan did not slack off in the slightest, and took the opportunity to kill the members of the Divine Refinement Sect and weaken the opponent's strength.

In the blink of an eye, Qin Shan had harvested more than a dozen lives, greatly reducing the pressure on the disciples of the Temple Sect.

At the same time, Xiao Ningbing was not weak at all, she used her extreme cold energy to kill seven or eight people, Ye Tian also saved a few lives, as for the other disciples of the Temple Sect, it was not easy to save their lives.

"Earth Crack!" Suddenly, the Sixth Elder of the Lian Shenzong who had been sent flying rushed over, descending from the sky with both hands in his hands.

The majestic zhenqi was all condensed in the big knife in his hand. Even before the attack was sent out, Ye Tian and others below could feel the tremendous pressure, and even the surrounding trees were directly snapped.

Seeing the sixth elder's sword falling from the sky, all the disciples of the Shenshen Sect dodged as quickly as possible, "Hurry up and get out of here, the sixth elder's move is really terrifying, if the distance is too close, we will also suffer disaster!"

"Get out of the way! You all get out of the way!" Feeling the pressure of this move, Qin Shan asked Ye Tian and the others to get out of the way quickly.

Ye Tian and the others were also savvy and moved away as quickly as possible.

At this time, the Golden Dragon Excalibur in Qin Shan's hand was already trembling violently, a majestic aura burst out from Qin Shan's body, and even the ground under his feet trembled.

"Longyou Nine Heavens!"

Qin Shan gave a low shout, and jumped up instantly holding the Golden Dragon Excalibur.

With a bang, the Golden Dragon Excalibur erupted with violent power, and a roar sounded like a dragon's chant, and then Qin Shan, like a giant dragon, charged towards the sixth elder of the Shenshenzong who was in the air.

In the blink of an eye, the two met in the air.

Qin Shan's Golden Dragon Excalibur and the Broadsword of the Sixth Elder of Lian Shenzong confronted head-on, and the two majestic forces collided together.


A huge roar sounded, and because the sound was too loud, Ye Tian and the others who had moved far away were too shocked to hear any sound.

(End of this chapter)

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