Chapter 307
The huge explosion caused a storm, and all the big trees with a radius of tens of meters were crushed into slag.

Even the ground was not spared, the majestic energy caused the surrounding ground to sink, and countless cracks appeared.

After the explosion, the body of the Sixth Elder of Refining God Sect fell from the sky, while Qin Shan easily landed on the ground.

The sixth elder of the Lian Shenzong who fell to the ground was full of holes, and blood kept spitting out from his mouth. The surrounding ground quickly turned into a pool of blood, and now he only had one breath left.

"You have such cultivation at such a young age, you... how did you do it?!" The sixth elder's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe that Qin Shan was so powerful.

Qin Shan's strength has already exceeded his imagination. After all, Qin Shan is only in his twenties. Under normal circumstances, he is already a genius who can reach the realm of Martial King, but judging from the level of Qin Shan's performance, he is almost approaching the realm of Martial Emperor. The pulse has only been half a year, and it can only be described as unbelievable to have reached such a terrifying level in such a short period of time.

Looking at the dying Sixth Elder of Shenshenzong, Qin Shan smiled slightly and said: "You don't understand how I did it, and then you just go to another world honestly, and I want to tell you Yes, your refining Shenzong has completely angered me, and I will make your refining Shenzong regret it!"

"Impossible! I admit that you are powerful, but it is impossible for you to defeat the entire Shenshenzong. You will regret killing our people from the Shenshenzong!" the sixth elder of the Shenshenzong roared angrily.

"Then you just wait in another world, and soon I will reunite your people with you!"

As he said that, Qin Shan shot a sword qi, instantly piercing the chest of the Sixth Elder of the Lian Shenzong, and then the guy's head tilted and he died.

At this time, the rest of the Shenshenzong reacted.

"Damn it! He killed our Sixth Elder and Qin Shan together!" The disciples of the Shenshen Sect rushed towards Qin Shan angrily.

Qin Shan didn't say anything, and the Golden Dragon Excalibur in his hand flew out instantly.

Puff puff... The Golden Dragon Excalibur turned into a golden light, and in the blink of an eye, it cut across the throats of dozens of people, and then everyone fell to the ground and died.

After killing these people, Qin Shan received dozens of red envelopes.

However, most of the dozens of red envelopes are not very good, the experience they get is very little, and the things they get are rubbish.

In the end, Qin Shan could only pray that the big red envelope obtained by killing the sixth elder of Lian Shenzong would give out something good.

Thinking of this, Qin Shan directly opened the big red envelope.

"Congratulations to the host for opening the red envelope and gaining 300000 experience points, special skill invisibility, and special skill space transfer."

Invisibility: Advanced special skills, after use, the host can be completely invisible, the duration is 5 minutes, during the invisibility, you cannot move, otherwise the invisibility will be invalid, and you can only use it once a day.

Space Teleportation: Advanced special skill, which can randomly transfer the host to any location by using space teleportation, it can only be used once a day.

The experience of 30 did not help Qin Shan to upgrade. Now that Qin Shan has reached the seventh rank of the Martial Emperor Realm, he needs 80 experience to upgrade, and half of 30 is not enough.

However, this invisibility technique is still very useful. In the past, Qin Shan obtained an invisibility talisman by opening a red envelope, which was only a one-time use. Now that he has an invisibility technique, it is much more cost-effective and useful than the invisibility talisman. This skill is very suitable for detecting intelligence.

As for space transfer, this skill is definitely a magic skill, but it is a magic skill for escaping life, and it is definitely a hole card for life preservation, but one bad thing is that the position of space transfer is random.

This kind of situation may happen, the space transfer may be directly transmitted to a distance of one hundred and eight thousand miles, or even farther, and it will be difficult to return at that time.Therefore, it is best not to use this skill unless it is absolutely necessary.

After Qin Shan opened the red envelope, Ye Tian walked over and said, "Elder Qin, thanks to your rescue this time, otherwise I and these disciples would all be in trouble."

Qin Shan waved his hand and said, "You're welcome, we're friends, and they arrested you just to deal with me, so I'm the one who caused you to be arrested."

Speaking of this, Ye Tian's face became gloomy, and he clenched his fists and said: "The behavior of refining Shenzong is really despicable. Our Temple Sect has never had much enmity with them, but after this incident, I It must be declared that the Temple Sect and the Shenshen Sect are at war!"

"Elder Ye is right, Shenshenzong did such evil, we must not forgive lightly," several other disciples also said indignantly.

"Let's go back and talk about this matter, let's go." Qin Shan patted Ye Tian on the shoulder. This place is in the deep mountains and old forests, and there are high-level monsters haunting it. It's better to leave as soon as possible for safety.

Afterwards, Qin Shan and his party quickly left.

However, before reaching the bottom of the mountain, a person suddenly appeared on the tree in front of Qin Shan.

"Qin Shan, this is where you will be buried, haha..." The man on the tree let out a strange laugh.

Qin Shan squinted his eyes and looked at the past. With the help of the hazy moonlight, Qin Shan could barely see the face of that person.

When Qin Shan saw this person, his eyes widened, and he said incredulously, "You are the bastard who instigated Tie Jiguo to try to control me!"

"Your memory is really good. You can remember it at a glance. That's right, I was that person at that time!" The man on the tree responded with a smile.

Qin Shan frowned immediately, this guy is the one who destroys the sky, Qin Shan wants to kill this guy, but this guy can disappear into the tree trunk, so that Qin Shan can't catch it at all.

"I didn't expect you to appear here. It seems that you have been closely monitoring me. What tricks do you want to play today?" Qin Shan asked with a cold face.

"Qin Shan, you have repeatedly sabotaged our Mietian operations and caused us to lose our troops. You are now our front-ranking enemy. We will naturally pay close attention to you. Only by killing you can we remove the stumbling block. So, be prepared. !” said the man on the tree with a smile.

At this moment, Qin Shan took out his psionic gun and shot that guy.

Peng!The zhenqi bullet hit the guy's forehead, but the guy's body turned into a pile of debris.

Immediately afterwards, that guy appeared from a dozen meters away.

"Qin Shan, I have a nickname called 'Tree God'. I rule the world in the woods. It is impossible for you to kill me, because I control this place!" With a wave, countless vines appeared around Qin Shan and his party.

Qin Shan slashed at the surrounding vines with a sword, destroying the surrounding vines.

"Get out of here quickly!" Qin Shan said to Ye Tian and the others.

"Don't even think about leaving here!" Suddenly, there was a loud shout not far behind Qin Shan, and a fat man pressed his palms on the ground, and the rock on the ground split open.

(End of this chapter)

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