Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 308 The Powerful Enemy

Chapter 308 The Powerful Enemy

The fat man who suddenly appeared was obviously in the same group as Mietian's 'Tree God', who was an earth attribute mage.

Fatty's attack was extremely violent, almost instantly turning the ground into a rough river, with waves of stones bombarding Qin Shan and his party.

The expression on Qin Shan's face was dignified. He had already observed these two people with his piercing eyes. Both of them were mages, the tree god was a wood attribute mage, and the fat man was an earth attribute mage.

The reason why Qin Shan finds it difficult is that both of them have reached the second rank of Fadi, and they are the strongest opponents Qin Shan has encountered so far.

It would be difficult for Qin Shan to deal with two people alone, let alone there are other people behind him.

At this time, Qin Shan directly used the avatar, and then said to Xiao Ningbing and the others: "Get out of here quickly, I will be in charge of restraining them, and my avatar will open the way for you!"

As he said that, Qin Shan directly sacrificed the earth spirit bead, and the surrounding pure earth attribute energy poured into the earth spirit bead.

dong dong dong...

In an instant, a series of earthen walls rose.

"Come on!"

Although Xiao Ningbing and the others didn't want to leave here, they didn't want to be a drag on Qin Shan either, so they quickly left here by stepping on the stone wall.

"I didn't expect it to be a magic weapon of the earth attribute, but you don't want to leave, it's not that easy!" The fat man was slightly surprised, and then he shouted coldly.

After finishing speaking, the fat man waved his arm, and countless soil stabs attacked Xiao Ningbing.

Qin Shan's arm trembled, and the earth spirit pearl suddenly burst out with a lot of energy, and a wall more than ten meters high rose up, blocking all the earth thorns.

But Mie Tian's interception did not end, the Tree God put his hands together, the surrounding trees quickly gathered, and then waved a huge vine to draw towards Xiao Ningbing.

Qin Shan's avatar took out a sword, cut off the surrounding vines instantly, and rushed out a way to leave.

The Tree God and the fat man still wanted to chase after him, but Qin Shan immediately sacrificed the Golden Dragon Sword, and all the true energy in his body was concentrated in the sword.

"Don't forget, your opponent is me, if your attention is distracted, you will die miserably!"

After finishing speaking, Qin Shan instantly slashed his sword at the two of them.

With a bang, a majestic sword energy blasted towards the two of them.

The fat man raised several earthen walls to block Qin Shan's attack, but Xiao Ningbing and the others had already gone away.

Seeing that they had gone far away, the two did not continue to pursue, the tree god said with great interest: "Qin Shan, since you sent them away with your own life, then we will satisfy you. Anyway, our target is only you, and the others Insignificant at all."

"You are destined to die here today." The fat man said solemnly.

"It's not necessarily true. Many people say that I will die, but I am still alive and well." Qin Shan replied with a smile.

"Qin Shan, I admit that you are very strong. We can't take you down alone, but there are two standing in front of you now. No matter how strong you are, you can't handle it, so just obediently catch you and listen to us. Maybe it's okay. Save your life." The Tree God said confidently, determined to win Qin Shan.

"Stop talking nonsense, go to hell!"

Qin Shan didn't continue talking nonsense, and flashed in front of the fat man in an instant, piercing his body with the divine sword in his hand.

It's a pity that this is Fatty's clone, Qin Shan's attack is useless.

When Qin Shan attacked the clone, the surrounding vines turned into a huge tree cage, and at the same time, the rocks on the ground were also climbing towards Qin Shan's legs.

Qin Shan had to jump into the air and fly with his sword.

Suddenly, the surrounding vines stabbed towards Qin Shan like a sharp sword, and the dense vines were like spider webs, even if Qin Shan cut it off, it would grow out instantly.

And the fat man kept attacking Qin Shan with earth attribute spells, Qin Shan tried to fight back, but the attacks of the two were too fast, Qin Shan could only defend and dodge.

"Rock Burst Barrier!"

The fat man yelled, and slammed his palms to the ground.

Rumbling... The rocks on the ground rose suddenly, turning into gabions like those vines.

In the blink of an eye, Qin Shan was trapped in the huge stone ball, and all kinds of vines intertwined around the stone ball made it stronger.

Qin Shan has attacked the stone ball before. Not to mention its hardness, it also has a very strong recovery ability. The broken part can be healed instantly, and the stone ball is not a layer. Even if it penetrates a layer, there is another layer outside.

Qin Shan pierced through three floors in a row, only to find that there were still more outside.

Soon, the stone ball entwined with vines was rapidly shrinking. The smaller it was, the harder the stone ball became. In the end, Qin Shan's attack could cause less and less damage.

"Qin Shan, when it bursts later, it will be your death! It's too late for you to regret it now!" The Tree God shouted loudly at Qin Shan inside the stone ball.

Qin Shan didn't reply.

"Okay, let's do it!" The tree god winked at the fat man beside him.

Immediately, the two clasped their hands together.


The stone ball wrapped in vines exploded instantly, and the majestic force shook the ground with a radius of [-] meters.

However, what they didn't expect was that Qin Shan jumped out and escaped the attack just now.

Qin Shan who jumped into the air was actually in a bit of a panic. Although the explosion just now didn't kill him, it consumed most of Qin Shan's true energy and even caused him some internal injuries.

"I didn't expect you to survive our joint attack, but you will not be so lucky next time, tree giant, show up!"

The tree god yelled, and the surrounding vines instantly condensed together. In the blink of an eye, a huge tree man more than ten meters high appeared in front of Qin Shan.

When the giant tree man was formed, the fat man waved his palm towards the tree man, and the next huge tree man was covered with a thick layer of rock armor.

"Go to hell!" A meaningful smile appeared on the tree god's face, and he manipulated the giant tree man to attack Qin Shan.

Boom boom boom!The treant kept bombarding Qin Shan with his fists covered with rocks. Although he was very powerful, his speed was not slow, and he even crushed Qin Shan into a pulp several times.

Qin Shan didn't have much zhenqi left, but Qin Shan consumed a lot of it while defending against the tree man's attack, which made him feel that he should change his strategy.

"Xiao Ningbing and the others have now reached a safe place. These two people must be unable to catch up. Now I have to stop here, otherwise the delay will be bad for me. If this is the case, let's use the last qi to make a stop!"

Thinking of this, Qin Shan stopped suddenly, stuffed a handful of elixir into his mouth, then condensed all the remaining true energy in his body into the Golden Dragon Excalibur, and then killed the huge treant without hesitation.

At this time, the tree man bombarded away with a fist bigger than Qin Shan's entire body.


With a loud noise, Qin Shan's Golden Dragon Excalibur slashed on the tree man's head.

(End of this chapter)

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