Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 319 The Empress Hosts a Banquet Invitation

Chapter 319 The Empress Hosts a Banquet Invitation

"It's really unbelievable that the general lost to that man!"

"It's really unbelievable! I was suppressed by the general before, and I was even about to lose at one point. I didn't expect that in the blink of an eye, I suddenly became stronger. It was terrifying!"

"That's right, it destroyed the general's attack with a single blow, and also destroyed the statue of Her Majesty the Empress. This strength is simply unimaginable."

"Who the hell is he? Was he just pretending before?"


After the general Qinshan God of War, everyone around was shocked, even the empress was dumbfounded.

But this is also normal. Qin Shan had not recovered from his injuries before, and his strength could not even reach the Martial Emperor Realm. Now that he has recovered from his injuries, he has returned to the seventh rank of the Martial Emperor Realm.

"Win! Qin Shan, you have won!" Qiu Yu who was next to the square woke up and waved excitedly to Qin Shan.

Qin Shan gave Qiu Yu a thumbs up, saying that everything was done.

"Your Majesty, have you seen this? This man obviously cannot be deduced with common sense." The old woman beside the Empress said with a smile on her face.

The Empress didn't speak, she just stood up and walked straight to Qin Shan.

Looking at the empress who came over, Qin Shan said with great interest: "Empress Shatian, I have defeated the general of your Fengyue Kingdom, is Qiu Yu safe now?"

"Why is there such a big gap in your strength?" the Empress asked.

"I said that I was injured before, and my strength dropped drastically. I recovered from my injury in the battle just now, and my strength also recovered." Qin Shan responded with a smile.

"How could it be possible for a person to recover from his injuries suddenly, and he was still in battle. This emperor thinks that what you said was false. You have been pretending before. What is your purpose?" Queen Shaking Heaven asked with a serious face.

"I didn't tell a lie. It's what I said before. If I had a purpose, I wouldn't sneak in as a spy, but use my absolute strength!" Qin Shan said domineeringly.

The empress stared at Qin Shan closely, with an air of calm and prestige spontaneously emerging.

Qin Shan didn't show any weakness, his expression was domineering.

The aura of the two people collided violently, and the people around had to retreat, and even fainted if they got too close.

"Empress Shaking Heaven, it's not easy for you to reach this level, but if you want to make Fengyue Kingdom stronger, you will not get good results if you stand still like this. One day the invaders will knock on your door. It's too late to regret it!" Suddenly, Qin Shan raised his eyebrows at the empress and said.

"I don't need you to guide me on what to do. In addition, there is one more thing..."

After speaking, Empress Shatian walked up to Qin Shan and said in a voice that only Qin Shan could hear: "You'd better not mention what happened that night to others, otherwise this emperor will kill you at all costs!"

Qin Shan naturally knew what the empress was talking about, that is, seeing the empress' body that night.

Thinking of this matter, the alluring figure of the Empress suddenly appeared before Qin Shan's eyes, she was definitely the best among women.

Qin Shan's eyes wandered around the empress, and then he said with a smile: "Empress, don't worry, I will take advantage of this advantage, and I will never let others take it."

The empress frowned immediately, Qin Shan was a little wretched at this time, and seemed to have the urge to slap her.

But the empress didn't care about anything, she just said lightly: "Since you have defeated the general, I promise you everything, and then I will send someone to send you away from Fengyue Kingdom. I hope you will not come close again, otherwise I will never polite!"

"It's a pity. The empress is so overwhelmed by the country, it's a pity that I can't see you again in the future." Qin Shan waved his hands and said helplessly.

At this moment, the old woman who was with the empress came over and said: "Emperor Sheng, you are the emperor of the Shengtian Dynasty. Since you are here, you are considered a guest of our Fengyue Kingdom. Why don't you stay here for a few days and let the emperor come here?" We do the Lord's favor."

"Okay, obedience is worse than respect, thank you for your hospitality!" Qin Shan agreed without the slightest hesitation.

Empress Shaking Heaven's complexion changed immediately, she stared at the old woman with her beautiful eyes and said: "Don't you know the rules of Fengyue Kingdom, which prohibits men from entering, and now that the Emperor has let this man go, you still want to keep him as a guest? possible!"

The old woman pulled the empress to the side, and said with a serious face: "Your Majesty, don't you still understand the current situation? Fengyue Kingdom was invaded by the neighboring country Dayang Kingdom, and with the strength of Dayang Kingdom, it will sooner or later eat us away , do you just want to watch the Fengyue Kingdom be destroyed? Emperor Sheng is the emperor of the Shengtian Dynasty, if he can become an ally, he can keep the Fengyue Kingdom, do you turn a blind eye?"

The Empress Shaking Heaven replied solemnly: "This Emperor is willing to dedicate his life to the Fengyue Kingdom, even if he dies, he will protect the Fengyue Kingdom."

"What's the point if you die? What's the point of Fengyue Kingdom finally perishing? I said that as an emperor, don't be shackles by previous thinking, everything must look forward, Fengyue Kingdom must make changes!" the old woman Said earnestly.

Empress Shatian was silent, she thought for a while and said, "I hope what you said won't harm Fengyue Kingdom."

"I made a mistake once before, and I will never make it again this time. You can trust Qin Shan!" the old woman said solemnly.

After finishing speaking, the empress came to Qin Shan and said, "Emperor Sheng, everything before was a misunderstanding. I appreciate your willingness to take risks in order to save Qiu Yu. Next, I will hold a banquet for you. I hope you can attend!"

"No problem, I will naturally appreciate the empress' words." Qin Shan smiled.

Afterwards, the empress returned to the palace with her people.

Qiu Yu came to Qin Shan happily, and said in surprise, "Qin Shan, it turns out that you are the emperor of the Shengtian Dynasty. It's really unexpected."

"It's just an identity." Qin Shan said disapprovingly.

"Her Majesty the Empress is a bit different today. I never expected that Her Majesty would host a banquet for you in person. You must know that she hated men very much before."

"Maybe she also realizes she needs to make a little change."

The Empress soon set up a big banquet for Qin Shan. The banquet was held in the palace, and all the Empress Shaking Heaven and the high-level officials of Fengyue Kingdom attended, including Qiu Yu.

Qin Shan was the only man at the banquet, and Qin Shan could see all kinds of beautiful women. No wonder others said that 'Nation of Daughters' is a man's paradise.

Here, Qin Shan became the focus of everyone, and these women stared at Qin Shan and discussed in private.

After Qin Shan sat down, the Empress Shaking Heaven picked up her glass and stood up and said, "Emperor Sheng, I would like to extend my warm welcome to you for coming to our Fengyue Kingdom. Here, I offer you a glass to show respect!"

Qin Shan also stood up, picked up his wine glass and said with a smile: "The empress is so heroic, she is a hero among women, let's toast!"

(End of this chapter)

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