Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 320 The Love Between Men and Women

Chapter 320 The Love Between Men and Women
If it was before, Empress Shaking Heaven would never be so polite to a man, but today I don't know why she is so polite to Qin Shan, maybe it is because of the previous empress, or because she was seen physically when she first met Qin Shan.

Anyway, the empress is in a bit of a complicated mood now. She used to think that men were ruthless and greedy, but Qin Shan's performance subverted the empress' perception. Qin Shan was willing to risk his life in order to save Qiu Yu. This is not something ordinary people can do.

From Qin Shan, the Empress found some sense of trust in men.

"Emperor Sheng, although it's just a coincidence that you came to our Fengyue Kingdom, I hope you can have fun here! If you need anything, just ask." Empress Shaking Heaven said to Qin Shan after drinking a glass of wine.

"Thank you Empress." Qin Shan smiled.

"In that case, let's drink to our heart's content." The empress who had been serious all this time finally showed a smile on her face.

Qin Shan was not a polite person, so he naturally started eating and drinking.

While drinking, many women at the scene came to chat with Qin Shan curiously.

Only some people in Fengyue Kingdom have ever seen a man, and most people have never seen a man. There are also many women at the banquet who are very curious.

Now that Qin Shan is a real man sitting here, they are naturally curious, and the Empress has no intention of objecting, they wish to move Qin Shan home directly.

"Emperor Sheng, may I ask, why do you men have no breasts?"

"Emperor Sheng, how do men give birth to children?"

"Emperor Sheng, why does the man have hair on his mouth and chin?"

"Emperor Sheng, can you take off your clothes and show us?"


Qin Shan, who has always been thick-skinned, didn't know how to answer these "wolves like tigers" women. Qin Shan didn't know how to explain these questions they asked. These questions are actually some common sense questions, but Fengyue Kingdom Women have never been in touch with men, so naturally they don't understand anything.

There is no way, Qin Shan can only drink with them to fool the past.

A banquet lasted for two hours and ended, even Qin Shan was a little dizzy from drinking.

"Come here, Emperor Sheng drank a little too much, help Emperor Sheng to the room prepared by this Emperor."

Qiu Yu took the initiative to stand up and said, "Your Majesty, let the future serve Emperor Sheng."

"Okay, you are familiar with Emperor Sheng, you can take Emperor Sheng to the room." The Empress nodded her head.

Afterwards, Qiu Yu prepared to support Qin Shan.

Qin Shan shook his head and said, "No, it's just that I drank a little too much, I can do it myself."

As he spoke, Qin Shan stood up, his body shaking a little.He did drink a little too much today, at least twenty or thirty cups, most people would have passed out already.

Next, Qiu Yu took Qin Shan to the pre-prepared residence according to the empress' wishes. The palace did not allow outsiders to stay, and the empress arranged for Qin Shan to live outside the palace.

When he came to the residence, Qin Shan washed up and finally became sober. When he returned to the room, Qiu Yu was making Qin Shan's bed.

"Emperor Sheng, you will rest here tonight, if you need anything, just ask me."

"Qiu Yu, I'm sorry." Qin Shan said with a smile.

"It is my honor to serve Emperor Sheng. After all, Emperor Sheng is the emperor of a country." Qiu Yu laughed.

"By the way, there is something I want to ask. This is very important! Based on your opinion of the Empress Shaking Heaven, do you think she will really not punish you again? After all, what you did before is considered to have angered the Empress. I am worried. After leaving, she wanted to behead you again." Qin Shan asked seriously.

Qiu Yu shook her head and said with a smile: "Her Majesty has always kept her promises. Although Her Majesty has always been serious, she actually takes good care of our Fengyue Kingdom. She has always considered our interests!"

"As long as she doesn't punish you again, then I can leave tomorrow with peace of mind." Qin Shan nodded.

Qiu Yu was taken aback for a moment, she thought Qin Shan would stay here for a few more days, but suddenly she felt a little reluctant for some reason.

"Emperor Sheng, you are leaving tomorrow, why? Could it be that we didn't entertain you?" Qiu Yu asked in surprise.

"No, your hospitality is very good, but I still have important things to do, so I have to leave early." Qin Shan shrugged and said.

Qiu Yu was a little silent, she didn't know what to say at this time, she just continued to pack the quilt silently.

Seeing Qiu Yu's silence, Qin Shan smiled and said, "Qiu Yu, are you reluctant to leave me?"

"Well, although I haven't been with you for a long time, I don't know why I want to continue to be with you." Amity Yu nodded in response.

Qiu Yu didn't understand the relationship between men and women, so she didn't realize what this feeling was, but Qin Shan knew it very well.

To put it simply, Qiu Yu fell in love with Qin Shan at first sight.

"Qiu Yu, I have another question to ask you. How did your Fengyue Kingdom reproduce?" Qin Shan asked curiously, because this question has been wanted to know since Qin Shan arrived here.

"There is a spirit stone in the center of our Fengyue country, which is a spirit stone bestowed by God. As long as our women in Fengyue country want to have children after they become adults, they can go to the spirit stone to bless them, and they can conceive a child after receiving the blessing of the spirit stone. .” Qiu Yu explained.

"And the baby born is still a girl?"


Qin Shan felt a little unbelievable about this, but for Qin Shan, coming from the earth to the Dragon Soul Continent was already unimaginable, and he had a system, so he could still accept this miraculous thing.

"Then do you know about men and women?" Qin Shan asked again.

Qiu Yu kept shaking her head, obviously not understanding at all.

Qin Shan touched Qiu Yu's smooth black hair, and said softly: "In that case, I will let you experience the relationship between men and women today, and come with me tonight."

Being caressed by Qin Shan, Qiu Yu's heart was pounding for some reason, and even her blood began to surge.

This is completely a natural reaction of the body, and Qiu Yu doesn't understand it.

"Yes." Amity Yu instinctively nodded and agreed.

"It's been a long night, so let's go to bed and rest."

"No, I have to take a shower before going to bed."

"Uh... well, I'll go wash with you."

"No, you've already washed it."


In this way, Qin Shan waited for Qiu Yu, and soon, Qiu Yu with wet hair entered the room.

When he saw Qiu Yu in front of him, Qin Shan was stunned.

At this time, Qiu Yu was only wrapped in a bath towel, and she was wiping her hair as she walked into the room. That posture definitely had a huge temptation.Especially the bath towel couldn't cover Qiu Yu's figure at all, which made Qin Shan almost go berserk.

"Emperor Sheng, I suddenly remembered that it was said in history books that a woman must never let a man see or touch her body. Is it wrong for me to do so?"

(End of this chapter)

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