Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 321 The Queen's Past

Chapter 321 The Queen's Past
"I have to say, it feels good to have a mine at home, so all the people of your Fengyue Kingdom can be soldiers, unlike our Shengtian Dynasty, which lacks resources, and there is nothing you want." Qin Shan shook his head and said helplessly.

Empress Shatian smiled slightly, shook her head and said: "Our Fengyue Kingdom is just a small country, how can we compare it with the Shengtian Dynasty."

"Empress, to be honest, it's time for Fengyue Kingdom to change its national strategy. There is a saying, you don't offend people, but people offend you. Just like Dayang Kingdom, you didn't provoke them, but they took the initiative to invade you. Now you What you need are allies and expansion, so that your Fengyue Kingdom can last longer!" Qin Shan said word by word.

"Because this emperor knows this truth, he made a change and asked Emperor Sheng for help." Empress Shaking Heaven said solemnly.

"What you did is right. I will help you solve this trouble in Dayang Kingdom." Qin Shan nodded in response.

"Your Majesty, something is wrong, and I have something important to report!" Suddenly, an anxious shout came from outside the imperial study.

"Come in!" the Empress shouted.

Afterwards, a soldier opened the door and walked in quickly, and said anxiously: "Your Majesty, the border guards have just sent an emergency message. The Dayang Kingdom raised 20 troops to attack Bodao Peak, and they also gathered a large number of formation masters to try to Destroy the formation of our Fengyue Kingdom!"

"They actually want to invade our Fengyue country again, and immediately mobilize all the soldiers. This emperor wants to stop these hateful bastards himself! Emperor Sheng, the military situation is urgent now, and the details can only be discussed afterwards. Emperor repel them and come back." Empress Shatian stood up angrily, and she wanted to repel the Dayang Army in person.

"Since we are allies now, I'll go and have a look, maybe I can help." Qin Shan got up and said.

"Thank you!" Empress Shatian was not a mother-in-law, so she didn't refuse Qin Shan's help.

Afterwards, Empress Shaking Heaven immediately mobilized one hundred thousand troops to the border.

Qiu Yu originally belonged to the Imperial City Guard, but now that the situation is critical, she also went with the team to defend against foreign enemies.

This was Qiu Yu's first time fighting a foreign enemy, and she seemed a little nervous along the way.

Qin Shan comforted from the side: "Qiu Yu, don't be nervous, you have to remember that you are a genius of Fengyue Kingdom and a powerful warrior of Fengyue Kingdom, the enemy is just cannon fodder in front of you, you have to take this step in the end, because only in this way can you be protected home!"

"Sir, are those men really as scary as the historical records?" Qiu Yu still asked nervously.

"To be honest, you are already stronger than most men!" Qin Shan patted Qiu Yu's shoulder, and then took out a pill, "Eat this, it will help you become stronger!"

Qiu Yu didn't doubt it either, and swallowed the elixir directly, and a stream of pure zhenqi filled her whole body, almost bursting her.

Qin Shan pressed Qiu Yu's back with his palm to help Qiu Yu unblock his meridians.

With Qin Shan's help, Qiu Yu quickly absorbed her true energy, and her meridians and dantian expanded rapidly.

With a bang, Qiu Yu felt a sudden enlightenment, and her cultivation directly soared to the eighth rank of Martial King.

Amity Yu looked at her hands in disbelief, and said excitedly, "Master, you are so amazing, you have directly helped me improve so much. If I myself would need at least three years to reach this level!"

"I should be confident now." Qin Shan said with a smile.

"Well, I'm full of confidence when my husband is by my side." Qiu Yu nodded heavily.

In half a day, Empress Shatian came to the border with an army of [-]. The Fengyue Kingdom is not big, and it is only the size of a county in the Shengtian Dynasty.

They came directly to the Bodao Peak. At this time, the 20 troops of the Dayang Kingdom were climbing towards this side from the other end of the Bodao Peak. , At the same time, a large number of formation masters are cracking the formation.

Although the Fengyue border guards used long-range attacks to deal with Dayang soldiers on the side of the formation, there were too many enemy troops, and their attacks could only consume the enemy at most, and did not make the enemy retreat.

The general of the border guards anxiously came to the Empress and said: "Your Majesty, Dayang Kingdom's attack is extremely fierce this time, and there are still a large number of formation masters breaking the formation. Although our formation is maintained by a large number of spirit stones, it has been weakened now. Halfway through, it won't be able to last for a few more hours, and the formation will be completely damaged by then, and the consequences will be disastrous!"

At this time, a spy came to report: "Your Majesty, Dayang Kingdom has sent another [-] troops, and they are about to arrive at the battlefield now!"

Hearing this news, all the soldiers around the empress frowned.

"Now Dayang Kingdom has 30 troops, and our combined strength is only 20. Once the defense is breached, it will be a complete disadvantage. This is probably the biggest crisis that our Fengyue Kingdom has encountered in many years!" The general beside the empress looked serious. Said.


Suddenly, Fengyue Kingdom's national defense array shook violently, cracks appeared in the air like broken glass, and even the ground shook.

"Not good! Dayang Kingdom is about to break through the formation!"

Seeing the formation that was about to be shattered, Empress Shaking Heaven immediately made a decisive decision and shouted: "The whole army obeys orders, give up the defensive formation, and prepare for a bloody battle with the enemy to the end!!!"

"Follow orders!!!"

In an instant, Fengyue Kingdom's 20 troops gathered and retreated, retreating from the vicinity of the defensive formation to the city wall behind Bodao Peak. The city wall was built just in case, and it is now in use.

Boom boom boom!
Dayang Kingdom's attack formation became more and more intense, and the cracks in the formation became bigger and bigger.


Suddenly, there was a loud roar, and the formation of Fengyue Kingdom was completely shattered, and the soldiers of Dayang Kingdom rushed in like hungry wolves.

"The formation of Fengyue Kingdom has been broken, brothers, kill! As long as you break through the city wall, Fengyue Kingdom will belong to our Dayang Kingdom!" the generals of Dayang Kingdom raised their arms and shouted.


The soldiers of Dayang Kingdom rushed in like a tide.

Empress Shaking Heaven shouted loudly: "Archers are ready!"


Whoosh, whoosh... The rain of arrows shot at the army of Dayang Kingdom one after another.

However, Dayang Kingdom had already made preparations. The soldiers rushing to the front took out their shields to resist, while those behind also used bows and arrows to attack the soldiers of Fengyue Kingdom on the city wall from a long distance.

In the short contact, there were casualties on both sides, and soon, the soldiers of Dayang Kingdom had come to the bottom of the city wall and began to attack the city wall.

At the same time, the masters of Dayang Kingdom jumped onto the city wall and assisted the soldiers below to climb the city wall.

Seeing the scene of blood flowing into rivers, Qiu Yu, who had never experienced war, felt nervous and her palms were sweating.

Qin Shan said seriously: "Qiu Yu, this is a real war, but don't be nervous, the victory of this war is on the side of Fengyue Kingdom!"

(End of this chapter)

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