Chapter 326
Dayang domestic.

"My lord, something is wrong, the military situation is urgent! The Fengyue Kingdom has assembled a large army and is preparing to attack our Dayang Kingdom!"

"The Fengyue Kingdom is going to attack our Dayang Kingdom by force? They are probably tired of living! The last time their national defense formation was destroyed by us, they almost destroyed the country, and now they take the initiative to attack us, they really don't know what to do!" Dayang The king said disdainfully.

"Your Majesty, they have united with the Shengtian Dynasty. Emperor Sheng sent 20 troops to cooperate with the Fengyue Kingdom. Now they have assembled with the Fengyue Kingdom's army!"

"What? Yesterday you said that only Emperor Sheng was in Fengyue Kingdom. When did their 20 troops come to Fengyue Kingdom? The Shengtian Dynasty is 20 miles away from Fengyue Kingdom. It takes at least half a month for the [-] troops to reach Fengyue Kingdom. How could they arrive today?" The King of Dayang Kingdom asked in shock.

"This little one has no way of knowing, this is what the frontline spies reported."

"Hmph! The Fengyue Kingdom is really a whore and set up a memorial archway, and even sought the help of the Shengtian Dynasty, but the Shengtian Dynasty is a fart, even if they have their 20 troops to help, so what, let's see how this king destroys them. This king notified the generals and asked them to mobilize an army of 60, and this king will annihilate them in one fell swoop!"

"As ordered!"


When Dayang Kingdom was preparing to meet the enemy, the empress and Qin Shan were leading an army to Dayang Kingdom.

Dayang Kingdom is adjacent to Fengyue Kingdom, but in fact there is a mountain range between them. Before that, it was difficult to invade Dayang Kingdom because of the defensive array, but now that the array has been destroyed, this mountain range can no longer stop the two countries distance.

The 40 troops crossed Bodao Peak overnight, and after coming down from Bodao Peak, they saw the border city of Dayang Kingdom.

The empress was going to think about the attack plan, but Qin Shan said that there is no need for a plan, just a strong attack.

On the one hand, it is because Qin Shan has self-confidence, and on the other hand, he can catch Dayang Kingdom by surprise.

Generally speaking, wars definitely require plans and schemes. Dayang Kingdom would never have thought that Qin Shan would attack without any plan.

The empress thought about it, and finally decided to follow Qin Shan's arrangement.

Next, an army of 40 marched mightily towards the border city of Dayang Kingdom.

Although the city was guarded by a 40 army, how could they expect that [-] troops would rush in so quickly, and they abandoned the city and fled in just half an hour.

Qin Shan didn't give them a chance to breathe, and continued to attack, taking down several cities in half a day.

However, Qin Shan's purpose was not to occupy the city, but to attack Huanglong directly.

After Qin Shan took down several cities, the king of Dayang Kingdom panicked completely. Fortunately, his 60 troops had already assembled, and then the 60 troops went directly to resist the coalition forces of the Empress and Qin Shan.

"Report!!! The 60 troops of Dayang Kingdom have assembled and are in the city twenty miles ahead of us!" The Empress' spies came to report.

"Emperor Sheng, what should we do next?" the Empress asked.

Qin Shan smiled slightly: "These 60 troops should be the foundation of Dayang Kingdom. As long as they are killed, Dayang Kingdom will no longer be a threat. It is only a matter of time before your Fengyue Kingdom slowly eats away at them!"

"But the opponent has an army of 60, 20 more than us, so it may be difficult to kill them." The Empress shook her head and said.

"The true strength of the fighters of our Shengtian Dynasty has not yet been revealed, and the next is the time to really show their strength!" Qin Shan said confidently.

The empress was a little suspicious, but she still chose to believe in Qin Shan. After all, she would not have come this far without Qin Shan.

Next, the 40 troops arrived at the city where the enemy's 60 troops were located without stopping.

Not far from the city, the general defending the city shouted in a majestic voice: "The army of the Fengyue Kingdom and the Shengtian Dynasty, listen to this general, I advise you to withdraw from our Dayang Kingdom immediately, otherwise our Dayang Kingdom will 60 Wan Dajun will make you pay a heavy price!"

"The wolves of the Dayang Kingdom are ambitious and have invaded our Fengyue Kingdom many times. Their actions are heinous. Our Fengyue Kingdom wants to protect ourselves. Even if we all die here today, we must guard our homeland and prevent your evil intentions from succeeding!" He drank coldly.

"Hahaha! Empress, you are right. You are indeed going to die here today. Even with the help of the Shengtian Dynasty, it will not help. If you insist on doing this, you will only die!" laugh it out.

"Don't underestimate the soldiers of our Fengyue Kingdom, sisters, kill them! Let these bastards who invade our homeland pay the price!" The empress didn't talk nonsense, and directly ordered the team to charge.

"Archer ready!"

"Slingers ready!"

"Mage is ready!"


When the female emperor's team attacked, the defenders of Dayang Kingdom immediately started a long-range attack, trying to consume a wave of opponents.

Qin Shan sacrificed the earth spirit beads directly, and with a wave of his arm, countless earth thorns flew up, intercepting all the long-range attacks of Dayang Kingdom in the air.

At the same time, Xiao Ningbing had already flashed to the city wall of Dayang Kingdom, and as the short sword in her hand disappeared, dozens of archers all turned into ice sculptures, and then turned into ice chips.

"Empress, Xiao Ningbing needs your water attribute spells to help!" At this moment, Qin Shan said to the Empress beside her.

The Empress didn't say a word, and with a wave of her arm, a wave of water bombarded towards the city wall, but the quality of the city wall of Dayang Kingdom was still good, and the water wave didn't destroy the city wall.

The true energy of Xiao Ningbing's whole body was condensed in the dagger, and then she stepped on the water waves, and the dagger swept across the water waves under her feet.


There was a crisp sound, and Xiao Ningbing's extremely cold air froze the water waves under his feet, and the city wall was soon covered with a layer of ice.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Shan flashed to the city wall with the Golden Dragon Excalibur in his hand, and struck the city wall with a sword.

A huge blast of sword energy shot out and hit the ice-covered city wall heavily.


With a loud noise, Qin Shan's sword energy directly cut through the city wall, which was rapidly collapsing due to the freezing.

"Brothers, Your Majesty has opened the city wall, charge!" Seeing this scene, the army of the Shengtian Dynasty all rushed towards the gap. The 20 people who flocked to the gap instantly collapsed the gap, and the city wall was completely destroyed.

"Fuck! The city wall was destroyed so easily by them, stop them for me, shoot them to death!" Seeing this scene, the general guarding the city panicked and asked his army to resist.

"Kill!" The empress shouted, and instantly created a huge wave to rush towards the soldiers of the Dayang Kingdom, engulfing hundreds of people in it.

"Brothers, it's time for you to show your true strength, go!" Ren Zhongjun led the soldiers of the Shengtian Dynasty and began to kill wantonly. Everywhere is the dead body of the enemy.

(End of this chapter)

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