Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 327 Dayang Kingdom's No. 1 Expert

Chapter 327 Dayang Kingdom's Number One Expert
After the soldiers of the Shengtian Dynasty entered the army of the Dayang Kingdom, they were like wolves entering the flock of sheep. The soldiers of the Dayang Kingdom were no match for the soldiers of the Shengtian Dynasty at all.

The fighters of the Shengtian Dynasty can basically kill several opponents by themselves, and Dayang Kingdom's superiority in numbers is no problem in front of them.

Seeing this scene, both Fengyue soldiers and Dayang soldiers were shocked.

"Fuck! The soldiers of the Shengtian Dynasty are so strong, we are not their opponents at all, we are cannon fodder in front of them!"

"It's too fierce! I've never seen such a fierce army, I'm afraid the army of the empire is nothing more than this!"

"This is a one-sided battle, General, what should we do?"

"The soldiers of the Shengtian Dynasty are so strong. Fortunately, he is our ally. Their enemies are really under great pressure!"


The Empress was also shocked. No wonder Qin Shan was so confident, powerful and confident, so the king's division has surpassed the ordinary army and reached the level of the imperial army.

Although the Fengyue Kingdom has not communicated with the outside world, the empress still knows what happened in the countries of Dongzhou, especially Qin Shan successively killed the Ice Emperor and the Puppet Emperor, and helped the two countries out of danger. This matter has already spread throughout the East. continent.

It is hard for the empress to imagine why Qin Shan is so powerful at such a young age, and he has made great achievements since ascending to the throne at a young age.

Qin Shan didn't know what the Empress was thinking, he was now harvesting the lives of his enemies in order to get more red envelopes.

The masters who killed the Dayang Kingdom two days ago gained a lot of experience, but they are still far away from upgrading. Today Qin Shan wants to get the experience to be able to upgrade.

Although Dayang Kingdom has a large number of people, it is completely unable to withstand the joint army of Qin Shan and the Empress, and the 60 army is also retreating steadily.

"It's unreasonable to dare to invade the Dayang Kingdom and seek death!!"

After a roar, several figures landed around Qin Shan and the empress, and a strong man holding a huge ax stared at Qin Shan coldly.

Seeing this person, the empress said involuntarily: "This is Dayang Kingdom's number one axe master, his cultivation has reached the eighth rank of Martial Emperor, quite powerful!"

Qin Shan wasn't nervous at all, instead he had a bright smile on his face. This ax king has reached the eighth rank of Martial Emperor, which is definitely a delicious dish for Qin Shan, and the red envelopes that burst out at that time will definitely get a lot of rewards , maybe it can be upgraded directly.

"Leave this guy to me, and the rest to you." Qin Shan was only interested in this Axe, and the other rubbish around him were not interested at all.

"Are you sure you want to deal with him alone?" the Empress asked.

"Of course, this guy is my favorite, of course I have to deal with him alone!" Qin Shan said with great interest.

"Arrogance! It's just arrogance! The emperor of the Shengtian Dynasty is as arrogant as the rumors say, don't think that you are invincible after killing a few little trash, I will kill you right here today!" King Ax held a huge ax in his hand Pointing at Qin Shan and roaring.

"How do you know you're a little trash?" Qin Shan smiled.

Qin Shan's words obviously mean that he will kill you soon, you are a little trash.

The veins popped up on King Ax's forehead in an instant. As the number one expert in the Dayang Kingdom, he is well-known in the entire East Continent. Although he is not as strong as the empire's powerhouses, he is already considered top-notch in ordinary countries. Now Being ridiculed by a fledgling kid, how could Ax not be angry.

"That's unreasonable! I'm going to tear you into pieces today!" Father roared angrily.

The soldiers of the Dayang Kingdom around them gloated.

"Shabi! You actually provoked the number one master of Dayang Kingdom, you are looking for death!"

"Hehe, the emperor who will win the Tian Dynasty soon will reap the consequences!"

"Seeing Master Ax coming, I know that our Dayang Kingdom has won!"


While everyone was discussing, the giant ax in King Ax's hand tightened, and his body disappeared instantly.

"Go to hell, brat!"

In the blink of an eye, King Ax had already arrived in front of Qin Shan, and the giant ax in his hand slashed towards Qin Shan with the sound of howling wind.

Qin Shan dodged in an instant, and the strong wind from the giant ax hit the city wall tens of meters behind.

Boom!With a loud bang, the attack of the giant ax left a groove more than ten meters long and several meters deep on the city wall, and the entire city wall was shaking.

Seeing King Ax's attack, everyone trembled.

It turns out that this is the strength of Dayang Kingdom's number one master, it is too strong, it is unbelievable that a single blow left such a large amount of damage.

When King Ax attacked, several people around also moved. They attacked the empress, and then the empress dealt with these people alone.

Seeing Qin Shan dealing with Dayang Kingdom's number one master alone, Qiu Yu was very worried, and this worry was written directly on his face.

Xiao Ningbing came to Qiu Yu's side and comforted him: "Qiu Yu, don't worry, His Majesty is very strong. No matter how strong this Axe is, he will eventually be defeated by His Majesty. You have to believe in Your Majesty's strength!"

"To be honest, Sister Bing knows Xianggong better than I do. Will Xianggong really win?" Qiu Yu asked solemnly.

"Many masters used to disdain Your Majesty, but they were all defeated in the end. This Ax King will do the same, just wait and see!" Xiao Ningbing said confidently.

"Well, thank you, Sister Bing, for reminding me, I see." Qiu Yu nodded, and finally she felt a little more at ease, but she still wasn't completely relieved until the battle was over.

At this time, Qin Shan had already avoided King Ax's attack, but King Ax was still the number one expert in Dayang Kingdom, he caught up with Qin Shan immediately, and the giant ax in his hand slashed towards Qin Shan again.


A huge force exploded, the hard stone floor was split open, and a gully tens of meters long appeared, and everyone in a radius of [-] meters was blown away.

But this time Qin Shan still easily escaped the attack of King Axe.

"Slow! The speed is too slow, it's just a piece of trash!" Qin Shan mocked.

"Slow? Good! Today, I will let you taste what is called fast, and I will die to you!" King Ax sneered, and the muscles in his legs tightened suddenly.

Peng!There was a loud bang, and King Ax's body instantly turned into a phantom, and then rushed around Qin Shan, as if there were countless people surrounding Qin Shan.

"Go to hell, brat!"

Suddenly, a huge ax condensed with true energy fell from the sky without any warning, and struck towards Qin Shan in the center, reaching Qin Shan's forehead almost instantly.

Rumbling... The ground within a radius of tens of meters collapsed, huge smoke and dust enveloped the battlefield, and the violent hurricane made it hard for everyone around to open their eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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