Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 328 You Are A Little Trash

Chapter 328 You Are A Little Trash
The attack of Dayang Kingdom's number one master Axe King was too fierce. The attack instantly submerged Qin Shan, and the aftermath of the attack made it impossible for other people on the battlefield to clearly see the situation in the center of the attack.

"Hahaha! This is what happens when we fight against Lord Axe, the number one master of our Dayang Kingdom. The emperor of the Shengtian Dynasty is probably wiped out!"

"To be honest, that emperor should feel honored, because he was killed by Master Axe. This is an honor!"

"It's your own fault, against our Dayang Nation, you deserve it!"


The people of Dayang Kingdom were triumphant, but the people of Fengyue Kingdom were worried. Even the empress frowned unconsciously, because she could no longer feel Qin Shan's aura.

There are only two situations where you can't feel the breath, one is to disappear, and the other is to die.

"Sanggong, Xianggong!" Seeing this scene, Qiu Yu rushed over in fright.

Xiao Ningbing hurriedly grabbed Qiu Yu and said, "Qiu Yu, don't get excited, His Majesty is fine, he's just trying to please the enemy a little bit."

"Really?" Qiu Yu asked anxiously.

"Trust me, it's true." Xiao Ningbing nodded heavily.

"I hope what you said is true." Qiu Yu gritted her teeth and said, the only thing she prayed for now was that what Xiao Ningbing said was the truth.

After King Ax landed, he also didn't feel Qin Shan's aura, and a bright smile appeared on his face.

"Although it took a lot of strength to deal with this kid, I finally killed him and made you arrogant. Now you know how powerful I am, but it's a pity that you can't see it in another world, you little trash!"

"You're right, soon we will be people from two worlds." Suddenly, Qin Shan's playful voice sounded from behind King Axe.

King Ax's face suddenly changed, and he turned to look at Qin Shan in disbelief. He thought Qin Shan had died in the attack.

" are alive and well, and you ran behind me, how did you do it?" King Ax asked in shock.

"It's very simple, because you are a little trash." Qin Shan said disdainfully.

King Ax immediately became angry, raised his huge ax and slashed at Qin Shan, "Stinky boy, let me die!"

A cold light flashed in Qin Shan's eyes, his body instantly turned into an afterimage, and then appeared in front of King Ax in an instant.

The Golden Dragon Excalibur in Qin Shan's hand collided with King Axe's giant axe. There was no explosion as expected, but a crisp sound, and then the two bodies stopped abruptly.

Without any warning, there was a muffled sound, and a burst of sword energy instantly destroyed the giant ax in King Ax's hand, and then the sword energy penetrated King Ax's arm through his chest, and hit the ground heavily.

A bottomless small hole appeared directly on the ground.

Ax King's face was full of disbelief. The blood hole in his chest made him feel that his life was passing by rapidly. Even with his toes, he never thought that he would be killed by Qin Shan's move.

"You...your strength is so terrifying, did you do it?" King Ax held his chest, a lot of blood kept oozing from his mouth, and his body staggered and fell to the ground.

"I've already told you that you are a trash, believe it now!" Qin Shan said contemptuously
King Ax gushed out a mouthful of old blood, and he didn't know whether it was because of the injury or Qin Shan's anger.

After spitting out a mouthful of blood, Ax King's eyes gradually dimmed, and finally lost his expression completely, but he still couldn't rest in peace until he died.

Seeing Qin Shan kill King Ax with one move, everyone was stunned.

The situation changed so fast, everyone thought Qin Shan was killed by King Ax just now, but turned around and Qin Shan killed King Ax lightly, no matter who it was, they were caught off guard.

"Lord Axe was actually killed by that kid, what... what's going on? Ah!" All the soldiers of Dayang Kingdom went crazy.

"As expected of Emperor Sheng, his strength has probably reached the peak of Dongzhou. Our choice to cooperate with him is simply the most correct choice." Everyone in Fengyue Kingdom was dumbfounded.

The empress also stared at Qin Shan incredulously, her opinion of Qin Shan changed a lot, and she became even more curious.

But now is not the time to be curious, the empress still has to face a few enemies, and while the enemies are in a daze, the empress directly kills them with a big wave attack, and sends a few people to another world.

"Sister! It's great that you have no facts!" Qiu Yu rushed forward and hugged Qin Shan, afraid of losing Qin Shan.

"Of course I'm fine, and I'll be fine in the future, Qiu Yu, you have to trust your man, and he will never leave easily, you know?" Qin Shan comforted Qiu Yu by patting her back.

"Well, I see." Qiu Yu nodded heavily.

"Okay, now it's time to destroy the enemy, let's go!"

Afterwards, Qin Shan and Qiu Yu all plunged into the enemy army, reaping the enemy's lives wantonly.

With Qin Shan's mighty performance just now, the soldiers of Dayang Kingdom completely lost their morale, and coupled with the strength of the soldiers of Shengtian Dynasty, the army of Dayang Kingdom retreated steadily, causing countless casualties.

However, Qin Shan never thought of letting Dayang Kingdom surrender, but killed as many as he could.

In this way, the war lasted for two hours, the whole city was bloody, and there were dead bodies everywhere. More than half of Dayang Kingdom's 60 troops had fallen.

The soldiers of Dayang Kingdom were really no opponents, so they could only choose to retreat, even if they were retreating, Qin Shan ordered to chase them down.

In the end, Qin Shan directly killed them, and the last wave of remnants escaped too far to pursue them.

After the war was completely over, all the soldiers of the Fengyue Kingdom were proud. They had been invaded by the Dayang Kingdom, and this time they finally let out a sigh of relief.

This war can be regarded as a complete victory for the coalition forces of Fengyue Kingdom and Shengtian Dynasty, and the number of casualties was only less than 30.But Dayang Kingdom was in a miserable situation. More than 20 soldiers died alone, and at least 60 were injured, which means that the [-] troops were basically damaged.

After the end, Qin Shan said to the Empress: "Dayang Kingdom has suffered a heavy loss this time, and it will take at least 20 years to recover. He has no longer hurt your strength. On the contrary, you gradually nibble at them while they are weak, so as to prevent them from being destroyed in the future." They violated you again!"

"The credit for this time is all on Emperor Sheng. If it weren't for your existence, our Fengyue Kingdom would have ceased to exist." The empress thanked her sincerely.

"If you are grateful, you don't need to say more. I will help you because of the generous reward." Qin Shan said with great interest.

"Emperor Sheng, don't worry, I will return to Fengyue Kingdom next time, and this emperor will present you with a spirit stone that satisfies Emperor Sheng!" the empress said seriously.

"Then I won't be polite." Qin Shan said with a smile.

Afterwards, they led the army back to Fengyue Kingdom. Fengyue Kingdom has a small population and is not suitable for directly occupying Dayang Kingdom's cities. Occupying the range will drag them down. At least they need to make preparations before the occupation.

(End of this chapter)

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