Chapter 337

Ye Zhengdao disbanded the Temple Sect, and Qin Shan got a main mission.

Obviously this task is a very important task, and it is also a task with no time limit.

Regarding Ye Zhengdao's sudden disbandment of the Temple School, everyone was in a state of confusion. The disciples of the Temple School were all looking for answers, but they confirmed from Ye Tian that it was true.

Although the disciples of the Temple Sect were very reluctant to give up, the suzerain had already announced their disbandment, and even if they were reluctant to give up, it would have no effect at all.

The elders of the Temple School had no choice but to distribute the resources within the Temple School to their disciples, and then let them go their separate ways.

Overnight, the temple sect went to Loukong.

Looking at the empty sect, Ye Tian sighed: "I always thought that my father's dream was to build the Temple sect into the most powerful sect in the mainland, so I have been working hard to catch up with my father's footsteps, but I didn't expect that the Holy Temple sect would become the most powerful sect in the mainland. The existence of Dianzong is only to protect the ball of inheritance, and at this moment I feel that my faith has collapsed."

Qin Shan patted Ye Tian on the shoulder and persuaded him: "Life is like this, there are many unsatisfactory times, not everything will go according to the track you want, in fact, I didn't expect this result, but after all It has already happened, since you want to follow in your father's footsteps, why don't you create your own sect instead of sticking to the Temple sect!"

Ye Tian suddenly shook his head with a wry smile, "I was born with a dull talent, but now at the age of 40 or [-], my cultivation level has just reached the realm of the Martial Emperor, creating a sect, what a fantasy!"

"As I said just now, it is impossible for the things you think to go according to your track. You may feel that you can't do it now, but maybe you will be able to do it after a while, so don't be discouraged!" Qin Shan continued to comfort.

A thoughtful expression flashed across Ye Tian's eyes, and he finally nodded and said: "You are right, I can't be discouraged by this, I want to complete my goal, Qin Shan, I have decided, I want to travel the entire Dragon Soul Continent first, I hope that in the future There is still time to meet again!"

With that said, Ye Tian stood up directly, his eyes full of determination.

"I think we should meet again." Qin Shan said with a smile.

Ye Tian and Qin Shan hugged, then turned and left, he was going to pursue his dream.

After Ye Tian left, Qin Shan looked at the empty Temple School and felt a little emotional for a moment.

In fact, Qin Shan joined the Temple School at the beginning just to gain more bargaining chips for the crown prince. His heart was not in the Temple School, and Qin Shan even planned to take the Temple School for his own use, but now that the Temple School is disbanded, Qin Shan That plan was eliminated, because he didn't need it now.

"Junior Brother Qin! What's going on here? I heard that the suzerain disbanded the Temple Sect last night. What's going on?" At this moment, a pleasant voice sounded from behind Qin Shan, it was Song Yunxin's shout.

"Yun Xin, you're back. The suzerain felt that the mission of the Temple School had been completed, so he disbanded the Temple School. Therefore, you don't need to call me Brother Qin in the future. The Temple School has become history." Qin Shan explained helplessly. .

Song Yunxin didn't know what to say for a while, she stood at the gate of the Temple School and said: "I grew up in the Temple School since I was a child, although it is only a branch of the Temple School, the Temple School has become an inseparable part of my life. I didn’t expect that it would be disbanded like this.”

Song Yunxin looked very confused, obviously she was bewildered by this sudden situation, completely at a loss what to do.

"Although the Temple Sect is disbanded, he can always be in your heart. If you don't know where to go now, follow me in the future." Qin Shan suggested.

"I am willing to devote my whole life to the Temple Sect, but now I really don't know what to do." Song Yunxin bit her lip, her eyes were full of reluctance, and even a trace of despair.

"Yun Xin, the suzerain has already said that the meaning of the existence of the Temple School is to protect the ball of inheritance. Now the ball of inheritance has recognized me. This ball of inheritance hides secrets. You have such a close relationship with the Temple School. You can follow me." Exploring the secret of the Ball of Inheritance together is also the meaning of continuing to maintain the Temple School."

Hearing Qin Shan's words, Song Yunxin's confused eyes suddenly had light, or it was a kind of sustenance.

"You are right. Since the meaning of the existence of the Temple Sect is the Ball of Inheritance, it will be my task to unlock the secret of the Ball of Inheritance from now on, Qin Shan. Next, I will search for clues to the Ball of Inheritance at all costs. I'm going to say goodbye here!" Song Yunxin said firmly.

"Don't you want to follow me?" Qin Shan asked.

"Although I want to, I want to find out this secret first, otherwise I will have trouble sleeping and eating." Song Yunxin bit her lip and said.

Qin Shan hugged Song Yunxin's slender waist, and kissed her deeply.

"You have your own choice, but promise me, you must take care of your own safety!" Qin Shan said with a serious face.

"Well, for you, I will." Song Yunxin nodded solemnly.

Qin Shan directly took out a space ring, then handed it to Song Yunxin and said, "There are various pills and equipment in it, you take it well, and you must return safely."

"No problem, I'll be back."

Song Yunxin kissed Qin Shan on the face, and then left with the space ring.

Seeing Song Yunxin leave, Qin Shan felt very helpless.

The Temple Sect was disbanded, and she lost her support after growing up in the Temple Sect. This time is very dangerous. If Song Yunxin doesn't find a target, she may lose interest in life from now on.

Qin Shan had no choice but to set a goal for Song Yunxin. Through this goal, Song Yunxin should eventually come out of the dissolution of the Temple Sect.

After Song Yunxin left, Qin Shan took another look at the Temple School, and then left. The Dongzhou Security Conference was about to be held, and he wanted to attend it.

At this time, the news of the disbandment of the Temple School caused a sensation in the Shengshi Empire and even the entire East Continent.

No one understands why this is, but it is the case. Of course, several forces are very happy about the dissolution of the Temple School.

For example, Lian Shenzong and Song Chuancheng felt that the Temple School was in the way. Although they were also shocked by the dissolution of the Temple School, they were more surprised.

"The Temple Sect has been disbanded. This is really unbelievable. It was the head of the Temple Sect who spoke in person. I really don't know what happened." The people who eat melons all over the place fell into deep thought.

"Although we don't know why the Temple Sect was disbanded, their dissolution is definitely a great benefit to our Shenshen Sect. Now we have no opponents in Dongzhou." The disciples of the Shenshen Sect cheered and celebrated the coming glory.

"Without the hindrance of the Temple sect, my plan will go very smoothly." Song Chuancheng smiled sinisterly, and soon, he will completely control the prosperous empire.

(End of this chapter)

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