Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 338 Dongzhou Peace and Security Conference Begins

Chapter 338 Dongzhou Peace and Security Conference Begins

Although the news of the dissolution of the Temple Sect was explosive, the East Continent Peace Conference quickly attracted everyone's attention.

This is a large-scale conference held every three years in Dongzhou, a peace conference attended by all the monarchs of Dongzhou.

However, most people understand that the Eastern Continent Peace Conference is actually a speech of the Prosperous Empire. The strength of the Prosperous Empire far exceeds that of other countries. The purpose of holding the peace conference is to balance other countries with the most powerful posture of the Eastern Continent.

Other countries participating in peace conferences can only offer opinions at most, without any decision-making ability at all.

The peace conference was held in the palace compound of the prosperous empire. There was a large round table in the center of the compound, and the monarchs of all countries sat on the round table.

The courtyard is surrounded by guards deployed by the Prosperous Empire, and they are all the best of the best.

However, each monarch is allowed to bring a few of his own guards in case of danger.

Tsunade, who was investigating Mietian, found Qin Shan today. Qin Shan just took Lu Bu and Zhao Zilong as guards. Tsunade and the others were not on the ground, but with Ling Yin, they could use their space ability to transfer to the palace at any time.

The time to start the peace conference is coming soon. Except for Qin Shan, all the monarchs of other countries have arrived, and everyone is waiting for Qin Shan to come.

The emperor of the Shengshi Empire who was seated at the top frowned, and said coldly, "Where is Emperor Sheng now, the peace conference will start soon, why hasn't he come yet?"

The other monarchs were also discussing in low voices below. When it comes to the limelight, the most popular in Dongzhou is Qin Shan, the emperor of the Shengtian Dynasty. It is difficult for the monarchs of other countries not to know.

"Emperor Sheng went out early in the morning, as for why he didn't come, I don't know." The servant of the Ministry of Rites said helplessly.

"The time is coming soon. If this guy hasn't come yet, he really has a lot of style!" The emperor of Shengshi Empire shouted angrily.

Suddenly, a spatial crack appeared in the palace compound, and Qin Shan, Lu Bu and Zhao Zilong walked out from it.

"Haha! Emperor Sheng, the time has not come yet, don't worry, I'm here now!" Qin Shan laughed loudly.

Seeing Qin Shan appear out of thin air, all the guards in the palace tightened their hearts, and quickly picked up their weapons and aimed at Qin Shan.

Sheng Huang raised his hand to stop the guards, and then said displeasedly: "Emperor Sheng's way of appearing on the stage is quite eye-catching, even I don't have such a style, Emperor Sheng deserves to be Emperor Sheng!"

"Shenghuang is too much, you are the king of the empire, so what is the king of this tiny place like me?" Qin Shan said with a smile.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, sit down, the peace conference will start soon!" Sheng Huang said lightly.

Qin Shan didn't sit down immediately, but came to the Empress Shaking Heaven and said with a smile, "Empress, you are so beautiful today, how about we have a few drinks after the peace meeting?"

"Emperor Sheng won the prize. If you have time, it would be nice to have a few drinks." Empress Shaking Heaven did not refuse. She is now Qin Shan's staunch ally, or friend, so naturally there will be no conflicts.

The other kings around were dumbfounded. Qin Shan was too casual. He even flirted with the empress during the peace meeting. This didn't take Shengshi Empire into consideration at all. Qin Shan was the only one who dared to do that.

Sheng Huang's eyes also popped out, and he almost picked Qin Shan up and beat him up, this guy was defiant.

"Emperor Sheng, what are you doing?! Don't sit down for me yet!" Shengshi Empire roared angrily.

"Don't worry, didn't you say it's not time yet? I still want to say hello to other friends!" Qin Shan shrugged at the Glory Empire, and then turned his gaze to the Emperor of the Ice Kingdom, "Hey, Brother Xue, How is Princess Xueyue recently?"

"Thanks to Emperor Sheng, Princess Xueyue is doing very well now. Not only has her cultivation improved rapidly, but her disposition is also much more mature than before. It's just that she is very concerned about Emperor Sheng, and she doesn't think about food or tea." The Emperor of Ice Kingdom nodded and said. .

"I'll refine a teleportation array some other day and bring Princess Xueyue to the Shengtian Dynasty to play for a few days. Brother Xue, do you have any objections?" Qin Shan asked.

"I have no opinion at all, and I agree with it with both hands." The emperor of the Ice Kingdom raised his hands and said.

Qin Shan nodded, and then looked at the Emperor of Fuyun Kingdom, "Brother Tang, how is Lily?"

"Thanks to Emperor Sheng, our family Lily is fine now, and I also miss Emperor Sheng."

"I'll also set up a teleportation array some other day and take Tang Lili over to play."

"no problem."

Seeing Qin Shan casually looking for someone to chat with, the emperor of the Prosperity Empire was so angry that his veins burst out. It was the first time he had seen such a defiant guy like Qin Shan. As the emperor of the Prosperity Empire, he was the strongest existence in Dongzhou. No monarch would dare to do this Be rude to him.

Now Qin Shan regards him as non-existent, which makes him feel great shame.

"Emperor Sheng! Just based on your behavior just now, you are seriously disrespectful to me. I can order you to be arrested now! You'd better be honest with me now, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!" Sheng Huang pointed at Qin Shan angrily drank.

Qin Shan shrugged his shoulders and said disapprovingly: "Shenghuang, don't be so serious, just chat and relax before the peace meeting starts, but now the time is almost up, we can start!"

After speaking, Qin Shan sat down, not in the seat arranged for him, but beside the empress.

The empress just glanced at Qin Shan, but didn't say anything.

Seeing Qin Shan sitting down obediently, the emperor of the Shengshi Empire didn't care about where he was sitting.

Then he started talking.

"First of all, I would like to thank the kings of the Eastern Continent for participating in the Eastern Continent Peace Conference. The three-year peace conference is an important event for our Eastern Continent, because the conference is related to the peace and security of our Eastern Continent, so I hope everyone able to pay attention to…”

Next, Sheng Huang started to say some high-sounding words to show his dominance.

However, what Qin Shan heard was yawning, at this moment, he looked at Empress Shaking Heaven beside him.

After observing for a while, Qin Shan asked: "Empress, I noticed that your breath is a little disordered. It shouldn't be for a while, it must have been for a long time."

The Empress looked at Qin Shan in surprise, nodded her head and said, "Yes, there are indeed some years."

"Stretch out your hand," Qin Shan said.

The empress hesitated for a moment, but still raised her slender hand.

Qin Shan began to check the empress' meridians with his true energy.

Seeing this scene, the kings of several nearby countries immediately envied and hated them, shaking the Heavenly Empress to overwhelm the country, even a man has his own ideas, but in the end he joins hands with Qin Shan, how can others not be jealous.

"Empress, your breath disorder should be caused by internal injuries, but caused by stagnation in your heart. It stands to reason that your cultivation base should be higher in your current situation, but because of stagnation in your heart, your cultivation base has stagnated. If I guessed correctly It should have something to do with your childhood experience!"

(End of this chapter)

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