Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 340 Song Chuancheng's Rebellion

Chapter 340 Song Chuancheng's Rebellion

Killing people at the Dongzhou Security Conference, and killing the monarch of a country, was something no one expected. Even the empress who was familiar with Qin Shan was shocked. I am afraid that Qin Shan is the No. 1 in all ages.

"Emperor Sheng... actually killed the king of Dayang Kingdom directly. He didn't pay attention to the security meeting at all!"

"This guy is so arrogant that there is no limit. Killing people at the Dongzhou Security Conference is slapping Shenghuang in the face. Shenghuang will definitely make him pay a heavy price!"

"I guess Emperor Sheng can't live for half an hour!"


The monarchs of other countries saw this scene and moved away from Qin Shan one after another, for fear that Qin Shan would go crazy and kill again.

Sheng Huang was completely angry, pointed at Qin Shan and shouted: "Come here, arrest this bastard who ignores the rules, and I will cut him into pieces!"

Qin Shan said disapprovingly: "Sheng Huang, I would like to advise you that the person you should deal with is not me, but an organization called 'Mie Tian'. If you don't listen to the persuasion, your Shengshi Empire might be given by Mie Tian. Nibble!"

"Hahaha! Qin Shan, why don't you make a fool of yourself and destroy the sky? Why don't you fly to the sky? A mere organization wants to be an enemy of our prosperous empire. Want to excuse yourself! I tell you, there is no way! I want you to die today!"

As he said that, Sheng Huang's arm shook, and hundreds of guards around rushed to Qin Shan's side, with their weapons aimed at Qin Shan, ready to attack at any time.

"Immediately arrest with nothing, you have no escape route!" Sheng Huang said coldly.

"Shenghuang, what Emperor Sheng said about Mietian is very true. The Ice Emperor belongs to them, and their goal is to overthrow all countries. Shenghuang should not target Shengdi, but should focus on Mietian! "The emperor of the Ice Kingdom stood up and said with a serious face.

"This king also agrees that the puppet emperor who overthrew our Fuyun Kingdom is also a member of it. They are powerful and pervasive. There may be someone on the scene who belongs to them. The Dongping Security Conference should discuss how to deal with Mietian!" The king of Fuyun Kingdom also Then echoed.

"Although this emperor doesn't understand Mietian, I support Emperor Sheng, Emperor Sheng, end the internal strife, and focus on foreign enemies!" Empress Shaking Heaven also stood up to support Qin Shan.

However, Emperor Sheng didn't take them seriously at all. He said disdainfully: "Don't meddle in this matter. It has nothing to do with you. Qin Shan killed the Emperor of Dayang Kingdom at the security meeting. This matter is related to the peace of Dongzhou. As the emperor of the only empire in Dongzhou, I must shoulder the burden of maintaining peace, and Qin Shan must be eliminated, otherwise the peace of Dongzhou will be seriously affected!"

"Get it for me!"

Sheng Huang gave an order, and the surrounding guards immediately moved.

However, at this moment, countless earth thorns appeared from the ground, stabbing all the guards around Shenghuang to death in an instant.

Qin Shan was also within the attack range, but these earth thorns did not hurt him, and he dodged the attack with a flash.

Boom boom boom!
When all the guards around the emperor were killed, thick rock walls rose around the palace, isolating the palace from the outside world.

Immediately afterwards, countless tentacle-like vines appeared around, trapping everyone inside like a cage.Immediately afterwards, many masters above the Martial Emperor Realm appeared around, blocking their way,
Everyone was confused by this scene, even Qin Shan was very surprised. He was already ready to fight. Judging from the current situation, there should be a third party appearing, and this third party is familiar to Qin Shan. People are tree gods and earth attribute mage Tianyan.

"What's the situation? Guards with knives, come out quickly!" Sheng Huang's face changed drastically, he was very panicked at the situation, obviously he knew very well that he was attacked.

"It's impossible for the shadow guards to come out, and it's impossible for them to come out in this life! Because I have already killed them secretly, so let's die!" At this time, Song Chuancheng, the Patriarch of the Song family, appeared.

"Prime Minister Song! What do you mean?" Sheng Huang asked angrily.

"Don't you know what this means? Your Majesty, now most of the ministers of the entire prosperous empire are under my control, most of the generals have surrendered to me, and the largest business alliance in the empire is also in my hands In other words, the Prosperous Empire is now my world!" Song Chuancheng said with narrowed eyes.

Sheng Huang was so angry that he vomited blood, and roared with red eyes: "Song Chuancheng, it turns out that you have been planning a rebellion, you traitor!"

Song Chuancheng shook his head and said: "Your Majesty, you are wrong. I am not a traitor, but to make the prosperous empire stronger!"

"You bastard, you thief, you will be punished by heaven!" Sheng Huang roared angrily.

"You are wrong again, this sky will be destroyed by Mietian after all, and this world will be destroyed by Mietian sooner or later. I just contribute to it and win more chips at the same time. Your era is over. Next is a new era!" Song Chuancheng said with great interest.

Sheng Huang's face changed suddenly, and he looked at Song Chuancheng in disbelief.

" are the one who destroys the sky?" Sheng Huang asked in shock.

"That's right, I joined Mietian a few years ago, and it's really late for you to know now." Song Chuancheng said proudly.

Sheng Huang gasped, then looked at Qin Shan, it turned out that what Qin Shan said was true.

"Shenghuang, I just said that Mietian will overthrow your prosperous empire one day. I didn't expect this day to come so early. You just don't believe it. You have been slapped in the face now." Qin Shan who was beside him looked at Shengshi with interest. Huang sarcastically said.

"Emperor Sheng, I need your help. If you can resist that guy Song Chuancheng's attack this time, I will give you benefits!" Sheng Huang had no choice but to ask Qin Shan for help.

"I'm sorry, you just yelled at me to kill me, I'm not interested in helping you, so please ask yourself." Qin Shan said with a curled lip.

"Even if you don't help me, you're still deeply involved, and they won't let you go." Sheng Huang said through gritted teeth.

"You don't need to worry about this, I have already prepared for it." Qin Shan said disapprovingly.

"Bastard!" Sheng Huang was completely speechless.

"Let's end it now! Except for Emperor Sheng and Emperor Sheng, if other people surrender to me, I will not kill you today!" Song Chuancheng said, looking at the kings of the countries present.

"I am willing to surrender!"

"Me too!"


Except for the Ice Country, the Floating Cloud Country, and the Fengyue Country, the monarchs of other countries were too frightened to resist, and turned to Song Chuancheng for refuge.

"Next, Emperor Sheng and Emperor Sheng, accept the judgment of fate!" Song Chuancheng stared at Qin Shan and Sheng Huang with a cold face.

(End of this chapter)

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