Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 341 Fighting Five People

Chapter 341
Sheng Huang went crazy, he rushed directly to Song Chuancheng with a sword in his hand.

"Rebel, I'm going to kill you today, go to hell!" Sheng Huang roared crazily.

Just when Shenghuang rushed in front of Song Chuancheng, a figure flashed out, piercing Shenghuang's heart with a knife.

The person who pierced Shenghuang's heart was none other than the Sect Master and Ruifeng of the Shenshen Sect.

Seeing that the person who appeared in front of him was He Ruifeng, Sheng Huang's eyes were full of horror, he grabbed He Ruifeng's arm in pain, and said while spitting blood: " even took refuge in the traitor, what a waste of me! I support you in refining the Shenzong, and even gave up the Temple School for the sake of refining the Shenzong, I never thought... I didn't expect you to rebel!"

"Your Majesty, the so-called one who knows the current affairs is a hero, not to mention that Mietian has given me more generous conditions. If I don't agree, I will be a fool, so you should rest in peace!" He Ruifeng said with a smile on his face, and then directly Push Sheng Huang away.

Sheng Huang fell heavily to the ground, his chest was bleeding profusely, and soon Sheng Huang completely lost his vitality, but he did not rest in peace until he died.

After killing Sheng Huang, the only person Song Chuancheng had to deal with was Qin Shan.

He squinted his eyes at Qin Shan, and asked coldly: "Qin Shan, you killed my grandson, I will finish with you here today!"

"To be honest, your Song family should have been killed a long time ago because of their consciencelessness. I killed your grandson for the sake of the people. You should thank me." Qin Shan said disapprovingly.

Song Chuancheng became angry immediately, clenched his fists and shouted: "Qin Shan, you are going to die!"

As soon as the words fell, dozens of masters around rushed towards Qin Shan.

Lu Bu and Zhao Zilong attacked in an instant, killing these masters in the blink of an eye.

At this time, Qin Shan snapped his fingers, a space crack appeared beside him, and Ling Yin appeared beside him.

"Lingyin, send them out now." Qin Shan pointed to the people from Frost Country, Floating Cloud Country, and Fengyue Country.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The emperors of Ice Kingdom and Floating Cloud Kingdom knew the urgency of the matter, so of course they would not hold back. Before leaving, they said: "Emperor Sheng, be careful, we are waiting for you outside!"

"Empress, you go too!"

"I'll stay and help you, don't worry, I won't hold you back." Empress Shaking Heaven said lightly.

"Okay, you can stay if you want." Qin Shan spread his hands.

Seeing that Qin Shan didn't leave, Song Chuancheng narrowed his eyes immediately, and said with great interest, "Qin Shan, it seems that you are very confident in yourself, and you actually took the initiative to stay."

"Of course, if today's matter is not resolved, I can't even eat, and Ruifeng hurt Ye Zongzhu, I must avenge this hatred! Also, there is a grudge between me and the tree god, and I have to resolve it today! "

"Qin Shan, last time you slipped away by luck, but today you didn't have such good luck." The tree god said with interest, he still thought that Qin Shan's strength was still the same as last time, and it was impossible to make a big breakthrough in such a short time .

But in fact, Qin Shan now has a big breakthrough from last time. Now Qin Shan has reached the first rank of Emperor Wu, and his real combat power can reach the fourth rank of Emperor Wu. Ye Zhengdao was injured in the duel and his strength was greatly damaged.

"Don't worry, all of you will kneel down this time!" Qin Shan said disapprovingly.

"It's really shameless, a mere elder of the Temple Sect dares to be so arrogant, even if your disbanded suzerain is not the opponent of this seat, what right do you have to be arrogant in front of this seat!" At this time, He Ruifeng said disdainfully .

"You are just the defeated general of Ye Zongzhu, and you still have the face to jump out. Your face is thicker than the city wall. No, it should be said that you have no face! Today, if I don't beat you all over the place, I won't believe in Qin Qin!" Qin Shan Said contemptuously.

"Stinky boy, you are still stubborn when you are about to die, let me die!"

He Ruifeng was furious, and with a wave of his arm, countless wind blades shot at Qin Shan.

Qin Shan didn't even dodge, bang bang bang... The wind blade was absorbed by Qin Shan's anti-injury blade armor, and it didn't hurt him at all.

Qin Shan patted his clothes and said disdainfully, "Is that all you have? It's not enough for me to stuff my teeth!"

"It's unreasonable, since you are anxious to die, I will fulfill you!"

He Ruifeng grasped the big knife tightly and flashed towards Qin Shan, and slashed towards Qin Shan with force.

Boom!There was a loud noise, and a gully tens of meters long appeared on the ground, but Qin Shan easily escaped the attack.

Seeing this, He Ruifeng flashed again and cut Qin Shan across with his sword.

With a crisp sound, Qin Shan blocked and Ruifeng's attack, and their bodies separated instantly.

After stabilizing his body, He Ruifeng looked at Qin Shan in disbelief: "You are quite capable, you can block my attack!"

"This kid is evil, you can't use common sense to deduce it. He Suzerain is injured now, and his strength is greatly damaged. There is no need to fight him alone. Let's go together and get rid of this kid as soon as possible, so as not to have long nights and dreams!" The tree god came to He Ruifeng Said.

"What you said makes sense, then let's go together and kill that bastard!" He Ruifeng is not a good person, otherwise he would not have done something to attack Ye Zhengdao.

"Then let's go together!" The tree god shouted.

In an instant, Shushen, Tianyan, Ruifeng and the surrounding subordinates all started together.

Empress Shaking Heaven didn't say a word, quickly pinched the magic formula with both hands, and in an instant, a water wave more than ten meters high rushed towards her opponent.

At the same time, Lu Bu and Zhao Zilong also went up to kill with weapons.

Qin Shan naturally did not slack off, and the Golden Dragon Excalibur shot out instantly, beheading more than a dozen people around him.

At this time, Shushen, Tianyan, and Ruifeng surrounded Qin Shan, and each used their big moves to attack Qin Shan.

Vines, soil thorns and wind blades flooded towards Qin Shan.

"Golden Dragon Storm!"


With a loud noise, the four forces collided fiercely, and a nearby palace collapsed immediately, while the entire palace was shaking.

"I haven't seen you for a few days. This kid's strength has increased dramatically again. The speed of improvement is too fast! Last time he had difficulty dealing with the two of us, but now he can single-handedly resist the three of us. How did she do it?" Shu God looked at Qin Shan in shock.

He Ruifeng frowned and said: "This kid's strength is probably close to that of me who was not injured. No wonder he has the confidence to stand here."

At this time, Song Chuancheng said: "No matter how strong he is, he will be alone. The three of you working together will definitely tear him apart."

"Prime Minister Song is right. Although this kid has improved, he has no chance of winning in the face of the three of us joining forces. Next, we will not have his share when we get serious. Let's go!" Tree God nodded.

As soon as the words fell, the tree god made the first move, creating a dozen huge tree men in an instant to besiege Qin Shan.

Qin Shan curled his lips and said disdainfully: "It's this trick again, today I will show you my new skill, the spark is burning!"

(End of this chapter)

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