Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 342 The dragon swings its tail

Chapter 342 The dragon swings its tail
Pong sound.

Hot flames suddenly rose around Qinshan, and the flames burned to a height of several meters.

A dozen huge treants around were instantly ignited, Qin Shan's flames even burned to ashes even the masters of the Martial Emperor Realm, let alone these flammable treants.

The ignited treant turned into dozens of flames, and his body quickly turned into fly ash, disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Seeing this scene, the tree god's face changed greatly, and he said in surprise: "This kid has mastered a new ability, and has such a powerful fire attack, which completely restrains my ability!"

But the Tree God didn't give up. With a shake of his arm, countless vines drew towards Qin Shan.

With a bang, the flame rose instantly, and all the surrounding vines were reduced to ashes.

"Let me assist this time, you can assist by the side!" Tianyan said lightly, and then pressed his palms on the ground.

Bang bang bang!
In an instant, countless cracks appeared on the ground, and the rocks below quickly smashed towards Qin Shan.

Sacrifice the earth spirit beads, and also use the earth attribute ability to resist the attack.

But at this moment, He Ruifeng flashed in front of Qin Shan in an instant, and chopped down with the big knife in his hand.

Qin Shan could only block with the Golden Dragon Excalibur.

With a bang, Qin Shan was sent flying by He Ruifeng's huge force, and he flew tens of meters before stopping.

As soon as he stopped, the soil under his feet instantly clung to Qin Shan's body, firmly imprisoning Qin Shan's body.

"Blade Wind Slash!"

Without the slightest hesitation, He Ruifeng aimed at Qin Shan with a knife, and the knife energy burst out instantly, and it was also mixed with strong wind attribute power. If he was hit by this blow, even Qin Shan would not be able to survive.

"Momentary movement." Qin Shan quickly activated the active skill of Gale Boots, and his body flashed more than ten meters away in an instant.

He Ruifeng's attack flew past Qin Shan's position just now, and then hit a palace behind.

With a loud bang, the huge palace was split into two halves, and the upper part quickly slid down, which looked quite terrifying.

"It was escaped by you kid, but you will not be so lucky next time, Blade Storm!"

He Ruifeng shouted loudly, and an afterimage suddenly appeared on his body.

A huge tornado entangled Qin Shan, and the sword energy mixed with majestic and sharp wind energy swept Qin Shan. Before hitting Qin Shan, a large pit with a width of tens of meters was created on the ground, and people hundreds of meters away could It feels like the skin is being cut by a knife.

The kings of other countries were all shocked when they saw this scene.

"As expected of the Sect Master of the Refining God Sect, even if he is injured and his strength is greatly damaged, he should not be underestimated. This level of strength is probably rare in this life!"

"This wave of attack can destroy even the palace in an instant, no matter how strong Qin Shan is, it is impossible to resist it."

"Our choice is wise, otherwise it will be as miserable as Qin Shan's ending!"


These kings who took refuge in Song Chuancheng were very lucky at this time, especially after seeing He Ruifeng's strength, they felt that they were very wise.

But then again, He Ruifeng is indeed quite powerful, even if he is injured, he has terrifying strength.

However, Qin Shan was not timid in the face of this berserk force, but was full of fighting spirit.

Holding the Golden Dragon Excalibur, Qin Shan murmured excitedly: "It's been a long time since I met such a tyrannical opponent, let's have a good fight today!"

After finishing speaking, Qin Shan condensed the true energy of his whole body into the Golden Dragon Excalibur, and the Golden Dragon Excalibur suddenly trembled violently, as if feeling Qin Shan's excited emotion.

At this time, Qin Shan took a deep breath, and kept thinking about the god-level swordsmanship in his mind.

At this time, Qin Shan's body still trembled slightly, but this slight tremor was quite fast, almost creating phantoms on the spot, even mixed with the sound of breaking through the air, but the trembling sound was drowned out by the surrounding tornado attacks.

Suddenly, Qin Shan took a step back with his right foot, and the phantom created by his body became more obvious, as if there were countless Qin Shan shaking.

"The dragon swings its tail!"

Qin Shan spat out four words, his body jumped up suddenly, and the Golden Dragon Excalibur erupted with a violent golden glow, and then Qin Shan leaped up holding the Excalibur, like a dragon blasting towards He Ruifeng's position.

At this time, everyone's eyes were in a trance, as if they saw a golden dragon flying around, and they were quite shocked.

When Qin Shan hit and Ruifeng attacked, there was a thunderous roar, and the whole earth shook.

Seeing this scene, He Ruifeng curled his lips in disdain and said, "It's too much for you to try to forcibly resist this seat's attack, Qin Shan, this seat announces that your boy is dead, and there is still no body left! "

In He Ruifeng's view, Qin Shan will definitely die if he resists one move. This move not only has abundant true energy, but also has invincible wind attribute energy, which has super damage. Even people in the realm of Emperor Wu can't block it. live.


Suddenly, a louder explosion sounded, and the tornado attack was wiped out in an instant. The aftermath of the explosion caused everyone a hundred meters away to retreat.

At this time, the phantom of a golden dragon rushed towards He Ruifeng.

He Ruifeng looked at the scene in front of him in shock, he felt that he saw a real golden dragon, with majestic and terrifying eyes, as if it wanted to swallow everything in the world.

"Actually... unexpectedly forcibly broke through my attack, how is this possible! How strong are you, kid!" He Ruifeng shouted in disbelief.

However, his cry had no effect, and Qin Shan's attacks still came overwhelmingly.

Tianyan flashed in front of He Ruifeng, and slammed his palm to the ground. In an instant, countless walls rose in front of him, trying to block Qin Shan.

Rumbling... However, these rock walls made by Tianyan are like paper, completely unable to block attacks.

"'s useless!" Tianyan was terrified, and was about to escape from here, but it was too late.

Boom!Jinlong swallowed Tianyan and He Ruifeng in an instant, and then a violent explosion occurred.

The ground with a radius of [-] meters sank suddenly, and then countless gullies appeared, and many palaces in the palace collapsed directly.

The aftermath of the explosion set off a hurricane, blowing so that everyone present couldn't open their eyes, and even the tree god had to step back and create a wooden shield to block the aftermath.

It took a while for the hurricane to stop. When they saw the situation in the central position, everyone was dumbfounded.

At this time, Tianyan had become a dead body with limbs and arms, while He Ruifeng was covered in blood and only his breath was left.

And Qin Shan stood beside the pothole, panting continuously, the move just now exhausted him completely.

The Tree God looked at Qin Shan in disbelief, and said in shock: "I haven't seen you for a few days, and your strength has improved so much, it's shocking!"

"I'm glad to surprise you, it's you next!" A ball of flame appeared on Qin Shan's finger, and he waved it towards the tree god.

(End of this chapter)

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