Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 352 The Brave Wins

Chapter 352 The Brave Wins
"What?! How is this possible! The defensive array was opened, what... what is going on?" Song Chuancheng was stunned when he saw the defensive array suddenly disappear in front of him, completely unaware of what happened.

"Brothers, go!!!" Qin Shan ordered the army to attack without any nonsense.

As for Qin Shan himself, he jumped up and killed Song Chuancheng with the Golden Dragon Sword in hand.

Pom Pom!

When Qin Shan flew up, the archer of Emperor Wu's realm kept shooting at Qin Shan, but his speed couldn't keep up with Qin Shan, so Qin Shan dodged all the attacks.

Just as Qin Shan was flying over the city wall, two figures suddenly appeared to block Qin Shan's path, and the swords and swords in their hands slashed towards Qin Shan.

Beep!Two sharp winds shot out and passed Qin Shan.

Qin Shan paused and took a closer look. They were two masters of the third rank of Emperor Wu, one level higher than Qin Shan, but Qin Shan was not afraid. With the Golden Dragon Excalibur, Qin Shan could kill enemies five levels higher than himself.

Qin Shan, the mere third-rank enemy of Emperor Wudi, was simply ignored, but it was impossible for Qin Shan to kill the three masters of Emperor Wudi realm in an instant.

"The Prosperous Empire is really full of masters, and when it comes out, it's the masters of the three Martial Emperors." Qin Shan said with great interest.

"Hmph! The Prosperous Empire has a vast land and rich resources, and there are so many masters. Even if you break through the defensive formation today, it's still impossible to be their opponent in the end. Hurry up and capture it!" Song Chuancheng said disdainfully.

Qin Shan immediately curled his lips and said disdainfully: "Don't be too confident, these few are just a little more powerful stumbling blocks in my eyes."

"Hehe, you're really arrogant, then today I want to see how you overcome the stumbling block in front of you!" Song Chuancheng said disdainfully.


Song Chuancheng gave an order, and three masters of Emperor Wu's realm attacked Qin Shan at the same time.

Qin Shan disappeared from the sight of the three in a flash.

Although Qin Shan's current cultivation base is only the second rank of Emperor Wu, his speed can be increased several times with the improvement of the Gale Boots, even if the three of them didn't catch Qin Shan's trace for a while.

"Up there!" The archer suddenly looked up at the sky, aiming the bow and arrow in his hand at Qin Shan.

Whoosh whoosh!
Several howling winds sounded, and the archers launched several consecutive attacks on Qin Shan. Qin Shan in the air easily dodged.

At this moment, the other two charged into the air with one sword and one knife, and instantly joined Qin Shan.

Ding Ding Ding... With a series of clear and crisp sounds, Qin Shan and the two fought together in the air. The berserk force shot out, shaking the area hundreds of meters away.

When Qin Shan was dealing with the three masters, the soldiers of the Shengtian Dynasty had already fought with the army of the Shengshi Empire.

Xiao Hei's huge body kept hitting the city wall, and the dragon's breath spewed out everywhere. Each attack could take away hundreds of lives. At the same time, it also transported the soldiers of the Shengtian Dynasty to the city wall.

Xiao Hei's position is the biggest breakthrough, and the soldiers of the Shengtian Dynasty used Xiao Hei's breakthrough to continuously rush up the city wall.

Although the army of the prosperous empire kept attacking Xiao Hei, Xiao Hei had a rough skin and thick flesh, so he didn't care about the attacks of these people at all.

"Hohohoho! Crunchy and crunchy, smells like human flesh!" Xiao Hei yelled happily while attacking, causing the Glorious Empire to suffer.

Of course, there are many masters of the Martial Emperor Realm in the Prosperous Empire, but with such tyrannical existences as Lu Bu, Zhao Zilong, and Tsunade, those masters of the Martial Emperor Realm are simply scumbags.


Xiao Hei rushed forward and finally knocked out a hole in the huge city wall.

"Brothers, the city wall has been destroyed, come with me!" Ren Zhongjun was ecstatic when he saw this scene, and immediately led the army to rush in.

So far, the advantage of the prosperous empire's defense has completely disappeared, and the two armies have officially met head-to-head.

"Your Majesty, something is wrong. Our city wall has been breached, and the army of the Shengtian Dynasty has rushed in. What should we do next?!"

"The soldiers of our Prosperous Empire are the best in the entire Eastern Continent. The soldiers of the Shengtian Dynasty are insignificant in front of us. Let me kill them all!" Song Chuancheng roared angrily.

Shocking shouts of killing resounded through the sky.

The soldiers of the Shengshi Empire originally thought that facing the Shengtian Dynasty would have a great advantage, but they realized that they were wrong when they were really head-to-head, and it was a big mistake.

The fighters of the Shengtian Dynasty are all masters, and they are extremely ferocious. They are not as insignificant as Song Chuancheng said.

"Your Majesty, the soldiers of the Shengtian Dynasty are so strong, unbelievably strong!" the general of the Shengshi Empire said helplessly to Song Chuancheng.

"How is this possible?! Our Prosperous Empire is powerful, and we spend much more resources on soldiers than other countries. How can it be possible that even the soldiers of the Shengtian Dynasty are no match for us? This is impossible!" Song Chuancheng looked disbelieving.

"Your Majesty, look for yourself, our soldiers are at a serious disadvantage and can't stop the enemy's attack at all. They are so strong!"

Song Chuancheng looked at the battle position. Sure enough, the Shengshi Empire was still at a disadvantage even though the number was superior, which made him horrified.

Song Chuancheng thought that the last failure was caused by underestimating the enemy. Now that he is serious about fighting, he will definitely win the Shengtian Dynasty, but the current situation is beyond his imagination. The Shengtian Dynasty is not weak at all, even stronger than the soldiers of the prosperous empire. tyrannical.

Boom!Just when Song Chuancheng was shocked, suddenly a person fell from the sky and hit him heavily, causing a big hole in the city wall.

The person who fell down was none other than one of the people who fought Qin Shan.

"Song Chuancheng, do you feel incredible now? It's too late." Qin Shan in the air said with great interest.

While Qin Shan was speaking, another sword-wielding master attacked Qin Shan from behind.

A cold light flashed in Qin Shan's eyes, his body turned around abruptly, and the Golden Dragon Excalibur in his hand instantly stabbed at the person behind him.

Peng!With a muffled sound, Qin Shan's Golden Dragon Excalibur directly pierced the man's heart.

After killing this person, Qin Shan appeared next to the archer in a flash, and the Golden Dragon Excalibur turned into a golden light and flashed across the archer's neck.

Then the archer covered his throat with both hands in pain, Qin Shan's move directly killed him.

Seeing that all three people were killed, Song Chuancheng's face changed drastically, and his eyes were full of horror.

Seeing Qin Shan's horror, Song Chuancheng was taken aback for a moment, then turned around and ran away.

Qin Shan was about to go after him, but hundreds of soldiers surrounded Qin Shan, blocking Qin Shan's footsteps.

Qin Shan killed the surrounding soldiers with a sword, and Song Chuancheng had already used some kind of magic weapon to escape far.

Just when Qin Shan was about to pursue, a soldier rushed out and pinched Song Chuancheng's throat instantly.

Qin Shan was surprised when he saw a person suddenly killed on the way.

(End of this chapter)

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