Invincible red envelope emperor

Chapter 353 Dongzhou is the Strongest

Chapter 353 Dongzhou is the Strongest

When Qin Shan saw the soldier suddenly appear, he finally recognized who he was.

That's right, it was Qin Shan's wife, Ran Shiyu, where there was the Song family, there was her, this sentence was indeed true.

Song Chuancheng did not expect that a person would suddenly appear and grab his neck, and this person was still wearing the armor of a soldier of the prosperous empire.

"You... who are you?!" Feeling suffocated, Song Chuancheng looked at Ran Shiyu in horror.

"Destroy your Song family!" Ran Shiyu said coldly, a purple mist emerged from his palm.

" are the murderer who killed many of our Song family!?" Song Chuancheng looked at Ran Shiyu in shock.

"That's right, thanks to your good grandsons, your entire Song family paid the price for what they did." Ran Shiyu said with hatred on her face.

"Kill...kill him!" Song Chuancheng shouted to the surrounding soldiers.

Ran Shiyu waved the other hand at those soldiers, and all the surrounding soldiers turned purple with poisoned hair and died.

"It's up to you next!"

Saying that, the purple mist in Ran Shiyu's hand penetrated deep into Song Chuancheng's body.

Song Chuancheng's body trembled all of a sudden.

"Ah..." Song Chuancheng let out a hysterical scream, and his body was festering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Song Chuancheng didn't die right away, he struggled for a long time before he died completely. When he died, his whole body was rotten and riddled with holes.

"My lady, why didn't you tell me here?" Qin Shan came to Ran Shiyu and asked.

"Don't you think I'm using you?" Ran Shiyu asked.

"I was going to catch him and give him to you to deal with, so there is no such thing as whether to use him or not. Now that the Patriarch of the Song family is dead, your great hatred has been avenged. You should stay with me now, right?" Qin Shan hugged Ran Shiyu waist asked.

This time Ran Shiyu did not resist, but leaned on Qin Shan's shoulder and said: "You helped me avenge me, I will never forget this love, and I want to help you, so I will help you collect Heaven's clue, I can't be with you by my side."

"You don't need to be alone to find clues to Mietian..."

"Sister, it's not that I don't want to stay by your side, it's just that I don't want to be a vase-like woman, and I also want to help my husband. What I'm good at is information. Let me do what I'm good at, okay?" Ran Shiyu hugged Qin Shan Said while kissing.

This is the first time that Ran Shiyu has admitted Qin Shan's identity. In fact, Ran Shiyu has already eliminated her hatred for Qin Shan, and even fell in love with Qin Shan. But the more she loves Qin Shan, the more she feels that she should do something for Qin Shan.

Qin Shan held Ran Shiyu's delicate face and said, "My woman can naturally do what she wants to do, so I won't stop her, but she must report to me in the future that she is safe. Also, leave in a few days, is that okay?"

Ran Shiyu winked at Qin Shan, licked her ruddy tongue and said, "Of course, as long as you can bear it."

"Don't worry, it's you who don't want to bear it when the time comes, but it's not that I can't stand it." Qin Shan teased.

Now it is on the battlefield, the war is not over yet, it is not suitable for flirting, then Qin Shan will focus on the battlefield.

The death of Song Chuancheng was a heavy blow to the army of the prosperous empire. They were not the opponents of the Shengtian Dynasty in a head-to-head confrontation. Now that the emperor is dead, their morale is even lower.

"Listen to the army of the prosperous empire, your emperor is dead! If you are sensible, immediately put down your weapons and raise your hands to surrender, or you will be killed without mercy!"

Qin Shan stood on the city wall, held up Song Chuancheng's head and shouted at everyone.

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty has fallen!"

"What shall we do next? Surrender or keep fighting?"

"Surrender, of course it is surrender, the army of the Shengtian Dynasty is too strong, we are no match at all!"

"I surrender, I don't want to die yet!"

As long as one person surrenders, the army will be defeated like a mountain, and one by one they will surrender.

The Prosperous Empire only had 50 troops left at this time, many of them took advantage of the chaos as deserters, and the other part who could not escape surrendered directly.

Qin Shan also ignored those deserters. Now that the Prosperous Age Empire has been completely defeated, those deserters can't cause a big storm.

"We won! We defeated the Heavenly Dynasty!"

"We defeated the Glorious Empire! We became the strongest in East Continent!"

"I really didn't expect that our Shengtian Dynasty would become the strongest in Dongzhou one day. This is all because of our Majesty!"

"Your Majesty is mighty, Your Majesty is domineering!"

The soldiers of the Shengtian Dynasty let out loud shouts to celebrate the victory at this moment.

"Starting today, the Shengtian Dynasty is really a dynasty! Our dynasty journey has just begun!" Qin Shan stood on the high wall, looked at the soldiers below, and shouted with pride, his voice soaring into the sky.

The Shengtian Dynasty did not suffer much damage this time, even in this difficult siege battle, the Shengtian Dynasty only suffered a hundred thousand casualties, which can be described as a complete victory.

After the victory of the war, the army of the Shengtian Dynasty entered all parts of the Shengshi Empire like a tide, and took over the territory of the Shengshi Empire, especially the rich cities around the capital of the Shengshi Empire, which all fell into the hands of the Shengtian Dynasty in the next few days.

It's fine to leave these matters to the subordinates, and Qin Shan went back to the palace to enjoy himself.

The news that the Shengtian Dynasty defeated the Prosperous Empire quickly spread throughout the Dragon Soul Continent.

The countries that had surrendered to the Shengshi Empire before were all scared to withdraw their troops, and then turned to the Shengtian Dynasty to admit their mistakes, for fear that Qin Shan would turn around and wipe them out. However, Qin Shan has no interest in these small countries at all, and he doesn't even bother to pay attention to them.

The other three empires were shocked when they received the news. Qin Shan's defeat of the Shengshi Empire meant that the forces in Dongzhou were completely reshuffled, and the Shengtian Dynasty replaced the Shengshi Empire and became the strongest in Dongzhou.


On the court of the Flame Empire.

"Cai Aiqing! Didn't you say before that the Shengtian Dynasty would definitely lose? Look at the current situation, the Shengtian Dynasty has broken the prosperous empire and become the strongest in Dongzhou. In this way, our Lieyang Empire will not only have no benefits, but will also increase An opponent, you can't do a little thing well, I'm really pissed off!" the Emperor of the Lieyang Empire roared angrily.

"Your Majesty, no one would have thought that Emperor Sheng would be so powerful that he would defeat the Glorious Empire. Moreover, that Emperor Sheng was extremely arrogant. He didn't want to cooperate with us at all before, and we couldn't get any benefit from them at all." Cai Tianguang argued.

"I only look at the results. You can get benefits, but you can't do it. All of this is because of your ineffectiveness! I want to lower your official position by one rank, and cut off half a year's salary. You should reflect on me. Take it!" The Emperor of the Flame Empire directly ordered the punishment.

Cai Tianguang was very helpless, he could only accept the punishment, and hated Qin Shan in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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